Where’d She Go?

Forgive me, readers, for I have sinned. It’s been a week since my last confession post.

What have I been up to? Well, last week was a busy week for me work-wise, and ended with Aaron leaving on Thursday morning for a trip to a stage combat workshop in Virginia Beach. He didn’t get back until very late last night. Four days, one hyperactive toddler, and one eight-months-pregnant mom who was parenting solo.

You can understand why blogging was not high on my priority list. Most nights I was too exhausted to even fix myself dinner. Single parents – you deserve a medal. While Cordy was thankfully well-behaved most of the weekend, the experience left me begging for Aaron to come home as soon as possible. I learned I’m officially not cut out for parenting solo.

Friday I also went to look at the one daycare in town that supposedly had an opening right away. Turns out, they didn’t – they had one day a week available, not two. But after looking at the place, I decided it wasn’t for us, anyway. They wanted to charge $485 a month for two days a week, and they didn’t even provide meals. You had to pack your own breakfasts and lunches. Plus, if the weather is bad, there is no indoor playroom, and the kids are confined to their classrooms. I also asked about naptime, and they told me if a child doesn’t nap, she has to sit on her cot quietly during nap time. I tried not to laugh at them, but I couldn’t hold back. You want my daughter to sit quietly for an hour and a half? Yeah, right.

Today was my regular OB appointment. Even though I’ve eaten my weight in doughnuts this week, I somehow lost two pounds. So I’m back to my starting weight. I had plenty of reserves to begin with, so my doctor isn’t concerned at all.

However, there was one downside to the appointment today. Somehow, in the past week, this baby has managed to do the one and only thing I didn’t want her to do:

She’s now breech.

Yes, Cordy was breech, which is why I had my c-section. The chances of two breech babies? Well, had I bet on another breech, I’d be rich.

Why must I be cursed with stubborn daughters? This one wasn’t breech last week, because I could feel the kicks up high. But today the hard lump of a head is now up high, while small feet are Irish dancing on my cervix.

I’m 33 weeks today, so there is still time and room for her to turn back. And unlike last time, I refuse to sit by and just hope she’ll turn. I’m breaking out every trick in the book. I will prop my butt up on the couch with my head on the floor twice a day. I will put frozen peas on the top of my stomach and a heating pad on the lower area to convince her my cervix is a better place for her head. If needed, I have found an acupuncture office who performs moxibustion, and I’m looking into chiropractors who are skilled in the Webster technique. I’m determined to get this kid head down, even if it means chanting some silly phrase while wearing a hula skirt and moose antlers.

So, forgive me for my absence here. It was a much needed leave of absence so that I could focus on all the things stressing me out. As penance, I’ll let you in on a secret: click here to go see the current top two baby names we have sort-of agreed on thus far. And next up I’ll be answering a series of interview questions given to me by Mrs. Chicky.

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  1. Are all daycares that pricey in your area? That is very steep.

    Good luck turning your girl around. Those are nifty ideas, especially your creative chanting!

    Your names are beautiful. We had a terrible time deciding on our second daughter’s name too.

    Can’t wait to read your interview!

  2. Love the new look!

  3. Glad to have you back! And love the new look!

    Crossing my fingers this baby finds her way head first.

  4. I love the new blog design! Looks fantastic!

    And I think the name Miranda is wonderful. Cordelia and Miranda. It seems to fit perfectly. But then again Amira is nice, too! Good luck!

    I tried to comment at your other post, but I have to join and I just didn’t have time. Soon enough! 🙂

  5. 3carnations says

    At my son’s daycare the kids have to sit quietly on their cot if they don’t nap also. Sometimes he doesn’t nap, and he does indeed sit quietly. He’s two years old. They really couldn’t have it any other way, because if the kids who weren’t sleeping weren’t quiet, no one would be able to sleep. I used to work in daycares, and believe me, that is the norm. You’d be surprised at what the kids will/can do when everyone else is doing it. 🙂

  6. ARGH! Turn, baby, TURN!

    That’s funny – your “trick” link is to the website for the midwife from whom we rented a birthing tub the first time around.

    Wowzers, you got through a lot without Aaron home – I know what you mean about REALLY not wanting to be a single parent. Even though Slipshod is at work a LOT, knowing that he’s coming home at some point, and just having him in the house, is so much better than being here alone with the kids for days on end.

    Going to check your baby name links! Welcome back and nice new design!

  7. Oh yeah – we also had a difficult time coming up with a second girls’ name. The Bug did not have a name until she was 3 days old.

  8. Mrs. Chicky says

    I really like the name Miranda (and I love the nickname you came up with) so my votes on that one. Like I have a say in the matter. 🙂

    And I’m loving your new look!

  9. Love the new look!
    I don’t know how you survived those 4 days. Please tell me you had some well-deserved time off after that.

    Here’s hoping that baby heads south.

  10. 1. Love the new design!

    2. Sorry to hear the kiddo’s breach, but you do have time to get her turned around. Squeaks was footling breach and the doctor told me that there was no way she was turning — but then she did! Of course, I had to have a C-section anyway because of an emergency, but I just want you to know that anything’s possible!

  11. aimee / greeblemonkey says

    Hey, I was born breech, so it *is* possible! 🙂 I must be stubborn too.

  12. Nordette Adams says

    Thanks for commenting on the blog about pregnancy weight gain at Blogher. Oh, the baby and breech, as others have said, at 33 weeks there’s time for a turn.

    No need to apologize for taking time off from a blog (I say this but I also apologize when I go missing). 🙂 I’m sure it was, as you said, “a much deserved break.”

    Many blessings to you for a healthy delivery.


  13. That daycare obviously isn’t all about the kids. I couldn’t imagine ever putting a child there – they sound totally unreasonable. I’d like to know if they have kids themselves!
    I am thinking turning thoughts for you – try standing on your head! lol that was a joke 🙂

  14. Julie Pippert says

    I like the new look and banner!

    Sorry about having to go it solo, bummer about the daycare, and the breech.

    GL with all the techniques to turn. I REALLY hope they work for you!