Gross Moments in Parenting #37

I’ve started seeing a chiropractor in the hopes she can help turn this baby using the Webster technique. However, this means making frequent visits, when I don’t always have a babysitter. “No problem, bring your daughter!” the office told me.

I was nervous about this, but did it anyway today. The office is very child-friendly, with a large basket full of toys, and a cute painted wooden table, with small cubby-holes built in the top of the table to hold crayons. There was a chance Cordy wouldn’t realize it was a doctor’s office and freak out.

We walked in, and she saw the toys right away. I let her wander over to the table as I signed in and spoke with the receptionist.

“Wook! Crayons!”

“Yes, Cordy, I see. There are crayons.”

“And fishies!”

(not paying full attention) “And fishies. That’s nice.”

*crunch, crunch, crunch* Uh-oh.

I snapped my head around to see what she was doing. “Cordy, what did you just eat?” I can only imagine how bug-eyed I looked. How did she find something to eat?

Cordy gave a big smile and exclaimed, “A fishie!” She then reached back into the crayon cubby-hole in the table, looking for another treat.

I could feel my stomach churning. “Oh, sweetie, we don’t eat food we find laying around. Yuck!”

The receptionist gave me a sympathetic smile. “It’s OK. I think the Goldfish has only been there since this morning.”

Gee, thanks. That’s so comforting.

The ninja toddler strikes again, this time spotting the one shred of food in a waiting room and getting it into her mouth before I could notice. Ick.

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  1. Well… at least it was FOOD. Comforting, I know.

    My daughter was walking around my son’s class during a PT conference last night with a straw from a juice box in her mouth…Not OUR juice box. Ewwww…

  2. They’re very discerning, aren’t they?

  3. T with Honey says

    My chiropractor has crayons and a fish tank in his office. So when I read about Cordy eating “a fishie” my first thought was… well, not the kind made by Pepperidge Farms. Phew!

  4. Julie Pippert says

    Oh I think we’ve all BTDT. LOL

    Leftover food on the playground is particularly awesome, especially when mixed with mulch!

    I try to shrug off the skeevies by saying, “Building up the immune system!”

  5. Isn’t this something that the pregnant mother is supposed to be doing?

  6. I once found my son walking around the house gnawing on a chicken nugget. I couldn’t remember the last time I made them. I asked him where he found it. He walked over to a chair and pushed up the cushion.
    Hey, I was happy he was getting a little protien.