This morning I had it confirmed that my second daughter is following in her big sister’s footsteps by being turned the wrong way. I think I can say for certain that we won’t be having a third child, simply because I see a tradition starting, and it’s one that I don’t want to continue.
The ultrasound tech found her head right away, well above my belly button, and like her earlier ultrasound months ago, she still has her feet up by her face most of the time. She flexed one leg a few times during the ultrasound, just to give me a kick, but then brought it right back to her head, demonstrating her Cirque du Soleil worthy flexibility.
We also know from this ultrasound that she’s likely to be a big kid. She’s estimated to be 5.5 pounds and 19.8″ long already, and I still have 7 weeks left. The tech asked if there was any way my due date could be off – no, I remember that cycle pretty clearly, and it was a perfect 28 day cycle. Of course, these kinds of estimates can be off by a lot, so I’m not putting a lot of faith in those numbers.
It was noted, however, that there is still plenty of space in there to give this baby a chance to turn. And the tech recommended a chiropractor she had heard of that has amazing success in convincing breech babies to turn head down using something known as the Webster technique. She said she has sent several of her clients to this doctor, and most have had success. That’s a good enough recommendation for me at this point.
I was relieved to get a glimpse at this baby and see that she is healthy and growing well. And that was what I tried to focus on when leaving the ultrasound office, because knowing she’s breech was really disappointing. I had wanted and planned for a natural birth with my first, but for her safety had to choose the c-section route. And now baby #2 is also breech and putting a damper on my hopes for a VBAC. Seriously, a 3% or less chance each time – with my ability to beat the odds, I can’t decide if that means I should try my luck in Vegas or not.
I feel like my body is faulty and I’m unable to carry a baby in the proper position. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution perfected how our babies are carried in our bodies and born, and somehow my body is the throwback. Sure, I probably shouldn’t blame my body, but it’s no less crazy than blaming the baby for not following the plan, or blaming my husband for bad genetics, since he was breech also.
There’s still time, and I’m planning on trying any safe measure to get her turned. At this point I think I’ll start offering her a car when she’s 16, or maybe a pony, if she’d just turn around.
Here are two pictures from the ultrasound today. The uneven area near her mouth on the left is the umbilical cord floating in front of her face.

Ok, she can still turn, she can still turn…
And that is such a sweet face!! I love the little hand over her eyes. Those 4D pics are so cool.
Oh, look at her! She’s beautiful!
C’mon, baby, turn around, be a good girl for your mama.
Wow. those pictures are incredible! Good luck with the chiro — my fingers crossed are crossed for you.
What beautiful pictures!
Let’s hope for the best! There’s still time.
Oh, and she’s not rubbing her eyes, she’s saying, “Turn that light off, man!”
She’s so cute! What cool ultrasounds.
Plus, she’s got great hair.
Wow, ultrasounds have really come a long way! Those pictures are amazing!
And you never know…she may just turn for you yet.
She’s beautiful. Here’s hoping she turns for you.
aww, she’s beautiful.
and hey, if you’re having a 12.5 lb baby, you’ll want that c-section.
I was aiming to try for VBAC too however I was seeing a team of doctors. Some of them cautioned me that I was not the best candidate so both my girls were delivered by C-Section. They make their entrance one way or another.
I love the 3D images of your girl. She is precious!
Wow..amazing pictures…and so you have kids who don’t like being upside down… I don’t blame them!
This is probably an old wives’ tale, however I read that if you put earphones and play music in the lower part of your belly, it might help move the baby in the right direction. I am hoping that your baby will turn! Take care.
I love seeing the pictures! I hope she turns for you, but at least, like you say, she is growing well and all that good stuff. Looks like she’s already got a head of hair!
those ultrasound pics are simply amazing. What will our grandchildren’s ultrasounds be like?
When I was on bedrest, Joe’s Grandpa was visiting me in the hospital one day, when he heard the duo’s heartbeats. He couldn’t believe we could do that! He was the father of 5 kids, grandfather to 9 and never heard a heartbeat until 2004. Think how far technology has come in the last 50 years.
This is Angela. I’m posting under my husband’s account. He told me you were experiencing something I did, too.
I, too, was hoping for a VBAC and our baby also turned breech at the very end. However ours was estimated to be at or close to 9 lbs. at that stage.
Here’s the post I made to my blog when we discovered he was breech:
And, here’s the post I made telling how I helped him turn:
I know how disappointed you are. But, your baby isn’t huge (yet) and she has plenty of time to turn. Chances are she’d turn even without your help. Most babies do in the end. But, it can’t hurt to give her a nudge, if only to help your peace of mind. You (and she) can do it! 🙂
Angela Hoy
Author of DON’T CUT ME AGAIN! True Stories About Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
gawd, those new u/s are freaking AMAZING. I just missed the wave with Declan.
Wow! These are amazing. I only got the old -fashioned kind of ultrasounds. These are sooo much cooler!!!
I’m wishing you the very best of luck in turning your baby. I’ll be trying for a VBAC in August as well. Please don’t beat up on yourself so much – these babies do what they want when it is time to come and it has little to do with our bodies/our failures/etc. I’m saying there is nothing wrong with you for having 2 girls go breech. I’m crossing my fingers for you and be sure to share tips that you think work.
I read some of those tips and I have to say that I can’t imagine doing handstands in a swimming pool at 9 months pregnant. I think I’d need a spotter.
Super cute, love the last picture! 🙂
I did a search on the internet today in the hopes that someone is or has gone through the same thing I am going through right now. Reading this post is like reading my thoughts. I too had my first c-section due to a breech little girl. I am hoping for a VBAC in the beginning of July and just found out today at my 32 week appointment that baby is breech again. I know there is still time, but like you, I feel like there is something wrong with me. Thank you for voicing your feelings because now I don’t feel alone.