Did you ever have something you really wanted to tell all your friends, but you were sworn to secrecy even though you’re horrible at keeping secrets? That is exactly what I have been going through the past three months. But I can finally let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans, and unzip my lips as of today!
I’ve been cheating on this blog with another blog. The other blog is fancier with a big corporate backing to it, with a lot of flash and pizazz, so it’s easy to see how I was lured in. It all started with an e-mail out of the blue, asking me to submit writing samples to join the team. Soon I was signing non-disclosure forms and submitting all sorts of paperwork to a fax number in California, wondering if this was legit or if I was falling prey to some very elaborate Nigerian blog scam. Thankfully, it was legit.
And finally, later this week, you’ll be able to see the end results when the new website goes live on March 15. I’m one of the bloggers with the new Family.com. You know, that little website owned and run by The Mouse. I now work for The Mouse, and it is pretty friggin’ cool. You can see a preview of what the site will be like in this news article.
The site is very different for Disney. They generally have a lot of control over everything they publish, and with Family.com, they’re giving a lot more control to the community. Community members will have an active role in shaping the site: bloggers are writing their own takes on a variety of subjects, and the average visitor will be able to comment and rank articles and submit their own articles for the site as well. Right now, only the contributors have access to the site, but it’s already starting to feel comfy and cozy there.
It’s probably no surprise that I’m blogging in the Parenting section of the site. My new blog is called Cirque du Mommy. And before you get the chance to see the site, I’d just like to add: no, I didn’t pick my silly username, and please have some forgiveness on the picture. I’m pretty sure somewhere in my contract is the promise that I get to submit a new headshot once I’m no longer pregnant and puffy. But other than those two things, the site looks really spiffy.
And have no fears that I will be abandoning this little blog. My Disney blog is just one more piece of myself, and there is plenty of room in my heart for multiple blogs. Besides, since it is a family site, no swearing is allowed, and there are some topics I probably shouldn’t discuss over at the other site. I doubt my editors would enjoy reading about my killer hemorrhoid or my 90’s bangs. OK, they might enjoy reading those, but it’s probably not the content they’re really looking for.
So go check it out on March 15, when the beta site goes live to the public, and let me know what you think. Maybe even leave me a comment on my new blog, or check out some of the other bloggers there as well. Many of them are seasoned bloggers, and some you may have seen around the mommy/daddy blog circuit.

Congrats! May this new project bring you lots of happiness!
Congrats, Christina! That is fantastic! I can’t wait to see it!
Congrats! I’ll check it out on the 15th.
Yay! I’m thrilled for you! Congratulations!!
i’m not at all surprised that they wanted you. big, big congrats 🙂
whaaahoo! I hope they are paying you. Mama need hemmoroid cream!
Yea! congratulations! I went to see it, but it’s not up just yet- will check again soon!
CONGRATULATIONS! That’s amazing news!
I meant to email you back to say, Huh? Disney? Well you just answered my question! Wow, you’er becoming quite the blogging powerhouse. Good luck!
Out here Disney has a little saying for their employees – “If you can’t come to work on Saturday, don’t bother coming in on Sunday.”
Hopefully they won’t work ya too hard 🙂
Good luck with your new project! I do “corporate” blogging too, but you’ll figure out how to ‘save a little’ for this blog too. It just takes some practice.
Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!
Hmm. It forgot my link!
Go Bucks!
Coming out of lurking to say: CONGRATS!!!
Is it supposed to be up? It’s not yet, and it’s 1.30 on Thursday.
How exciting! Congratulations! Going to check links now.
Way Cool!!!
Veerrrry cool! Will check it out!
How do you have time to do both of them? I can’t seem to keep up with the one I have!
Hooray!!!! This is great news. So well deserved. I just checked out your new blog and am totally impressed (and embraassed that I am so out of the loop!) Congrats!
Oh goah, this has me cracking up! I kept thinking the SAME things each time I answered and email or faxed a form; when will they say “Gotcha!”?
Luckily it’s all real :O)
Congrats to you!