Snow Day

Remember when I was lamenting winter’s absence earlier this year?

I take it all back.

There is a sidewalk and a few rocks under there somewhere.

I think that’s my car under the snow drift.

First was the snow, and now we have nothing but freezing rain and ice falling, which will turn back to snow tonight. The entire city – schools, libraries, city government, universities (even Ohio State!), major businesses – has been shut down.

Well, the entire city is shut down, except for the State of Ohio offices, even though the State’s legislative government already called off for the day. So my husband is still stuck out in this, while everyone else has been sent home.

And I’m snowed/iced in with a cranky, semi-sick toddler who won’t nap and only wants to watch Dora all day. Whee! Expect to see me commenting on every blog today. Even archived posts.

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  1. Holy! We’re expecting our this afternoon.

    Do you have a sled? Is she well enough to get out?

  2. Ah yes. We are covered, too. And we are SHUT DOWN. Patrick is driving home at about 20 mph and HAS to get milk and bread cuz I am NOT going out.

  3. Eeeewww…that looks bad. At least you guys would have been stuck inside anyway due to illness. Looks like the right kind of day for endless tv.

  4. Sorry about the snow, but thanks for commenting. Hug.

  5. Snow is such an equalizer: that could easily be my neighborhood! My hubby is stuck at the airport which has been canceling flights all day. Thank god for Dora, eh?!

  6. Snow I can handle. It’s the ice. Also looks like you got more than we did. I feel like I got jipped.

  7. Yikes. I hope that your day is not too bad.

  8. Ahhh! I’m stuck here in Rye, NY thanks to this snow storm! I hear Columbus is totally snowed in. My flight today was cancelled. Hope my new one tomorrow morning won’t be since I miss my boys!!!

  9. I just talked to my sister who lives in the Hocking Hills, she is getting a bit stir crazy. Amazing that they closed OSU, pretty much like closing a city!

  10. oh dear that’s not good inside with a toddler!!hope the days get better…