Nothing like a stomach bug to start off the new year right. After 12 hours of vomiting, and 36 hours of gently convincing my stomach to keep food down and gradually climbing out of bed, the worst is over. I’m down 8 pounds after the whole ordeal (my maternity pants are suddenly falling off of me), which combined with the 3 pounds I’ve lost overall since becoming pregnant means I might be heading for a stern talking to by my OB this month.
Naturally, I hoped to wake up this morning feeling better, and I did, at least as far as my stomach is concerned. But I now seem to have developed a massive head cold overnight. So. not. fair.
Baby #2 seems to have weathered it all OK. I was a bit worried at first – I didn’t really feel any movement at all yesterday or the evening before, but today I felt a few twitches to let me know she’s still OK.
Any real thoughts on resolutions for the new year were pushed out of the way by ponderings of what I did to piss off the gods of health. If I were to come up with any resolutions, they would be to perform more random acts of kindness this year, and be a more upbeat person, all in an effort to refill my karma meter, which has clearly strayed into the red zone judging by what I’ve been dealing with lately.
In the meantime, I must work on breaking my dear, sweet toddler of her newest habit. She’s somehow picked up the word “help” and now, whenever we do something she doesn’t like (such as tell her “no”), she will cry out, “Help! Help!”
While harmlessly annoying at home, this new game is no fun at all when out in public. Like when we’re out shopping, and we walk past the toys without stopping to let her grab them, and she yells “Help! Help!” to everyone passing by.
Or imagine trying to order food at a drive-thru, while your toddler is drowning you out in the backseat, yelling, “Help! Help!” as if she’s being kidnapping. Yeah, that happened today. As I was driving home, I wondered if the drive-thru attendant was copying down my license plate to call the police on me. So if I disappear for a few days, know it was all Cordy’s fault for crying wolf.

Dude, that sucks. I’m sorry you’ve been so sick, but glad to hear you’re on the mend. Funny but scary what Cordy is doing… hee hee, yikes! At least she’s not screaming, “child abuse! Child abuse!” A friend I met in college said her two older siblings used to do that to their mom in the store when they were young. Yeesh.
I’m glad you are on the mend.
Here it the UK it’s 11:10pm and I was ready to go to bed until I just about busted my gut laughing. So now I’m awake and ready to go. LOL.
Too funny.
I got the cold first and stomach bug second….but yeah I’ve been there done that.
As for my toddler… well everytime I tell her “no” about anything he response “Stop it! Mommy you scaring me!”
Yeah that’s a great thing to be saying out in public, people must think I terrorize the child at home so bad she is scared to death at a “no you can’t stand in the shopping cart honey”.
Toddlers…ain’t they grand?
Wow1 This is like the fourth stomach virus post I’ve read today. Blogs are now contagious!!!!
But I’m glad you’re on the mend and that baby is fine 🙂
Oh no, feel better! It sucks so bad being sick when pregnant. If only you could take some damn drugs…
I got food poisoning from Taco Bell when I was pregnant. I was making a run for it. I cringe just remembering the horrid experience. I hope you are feeling better!
Cordy is making me laugh with her no laughing matter. She’s smart with the manipulation.
I’m so sorry you’ve been sick. Feel better soon. In the meantime, I’ll see if I can come up with a way to break young Cordy of her “help!” habit.
Hope you’re feeling better and getting your strength back!
I just got over the stomach flu this week too and have actually had these random re-visits since then.. no fun! I’m pregnant too (15 weeks) and am now officially back to the weight I started at. Even my pre-preg pants are falling off me! And I didn’t have it as bad as you, it sounds like! Glad you’re feeling better and I’m glad you’re back to feeling some movement! I know I get worried about that and am glad I was able to borrow a doppler and can use it whenever I feel nervous! Good luck!
Whenever I tell Aveline “NO!” she runs frantically around the room waving her tiny arms in the air yelling “Help! Help!”
My theory is that she has watched too much Diego.
I hope you feel better soon.