Yesterday was a double-dose of pregnancy news. My regular doctor’s visit was first, followed by an evening visit for another ultrasound to confirm the gender.
I went to the doctor expecting to see a weight gain this month. I was sick at the beginning of the month, but since then my hunger has quadrupled and I find myself eating non-stop all day long. I have become the stereotype of the pregnant woman stuffing her face anytime she can. If there is food near me, chances are I’m eating it, unless it specifically belongs to someone else.
But when I stepped on the scale, I was greeted by a smaller number. I’m down a half pound from last month, for a total loss of three and a half pounds since my starting weight. My doctor and I discussed it, and she’s not worried, since the baby is still right on track for growth. I started this pregnancy 20 pounds heavier than when I started my pregnancy with Cordy, so I’ve got plenty of extra to feed the baby with. However, the doctor joked that I am one of the few who can help herself to seconds and have no guilt over food, as long as I’m not filling all of those extra calories with Krispy Kremes. (Well, there goes THAT plan.)
Then, we had the ultrasound in the evening. The place we went to is Ultrasona Columbus, a private ultrasound provider. We had one of these done with Cordy, too, just to double check the gender, since she didn’t cooperate during the doctor’s ultrasound. My doctor saw nothing wrong with it, and since Aaron had to miss the big ultrasound last month, this gave him a chance to see his second child. This provider also does a limited diagnostic review, too, and I wanted to check to see if my placenta had moved up from the previous low-lying position.
We brought Cordy along as well, although we worried she might freak out like she did at the last ultrasound. She hates any place that looks like a doctor’s office. But this place was wonderful. The waiting room looked like a living room, with sofas and plush carpet, and it was filled with toys. The ultrasound room also had a home-like feel to it: a large sofa, dim lights and pretty decor, and the “table” was actually a twin bed, with the sonography machine in the corner. There was a large plasma TV on the wall so everyone in the room could watch. Cordy didn’t get upset at all, and actually had a good time running around the room and playing with the toys.
The result was that we can now say for certain that baby #2 is a girl, as she wasn’t shy at all this time. She didn’t seem to mind the attention, and gave us some very cute pictures. She currently is folded in half, with her legs stretched out and her feet up by her face. With the “4D” ultrasound, you can see movement in 3D, and we were able to watch her yawn, play with her feet, and kick me. It’s amazing how far ultrasound technology has come in two years – the level of detail this time was simply stunning. I also now know my placenta has moved up, so it’s looking like I can still try for a VBAC.
Here are a few of the pictures from the session. If I knew how to capture video from a DVD, I’d show you the clip of her yawning, but that is currently beyond my technological knowledge. If you are lousy at seeing anything in an ultrasound picture, know that you’re looking at her face straight on, with her arm visible in the second picture, and her arm across her face with her index finger extended in the third.
Now we just need a name for our new baby girl.

congrats christina!
our girl names that we didn’t get to use:
darcy, gwendolyn, and margot
That is just amazing. I never had a 4D ultrasound with either of my kids.
I can’t wait to hear what name you end up choosing, since Cordelia is such a great one.
Wow. That is just wild.
Well, I suppose Regan and Goneril are out of the question.
Oh Wow!! She is beautiful!! Congrats!
We posted pictures today too!
I love the name Veronica … and Kimberly …
Glad all is well and that you can still work towards the VBAC!
that is so awesome!! Congrats to you guys she is beautiful!! We also are having a second girl in June and can’t wait till we have our 4 D ultra sound, they are so great!!
Congrats again!!
Those are GREAT pictures!! How cool. I wish we had been able to do a 4d or 3d or whatever ultrasound. Lucky dog…
Good luck on the girl name. Cordelia is quite unusual. How did you decide upon it? And are you looking for another name that “fits” with it or just going from scratch? Good LUCK. I know how hard naming is.
Jenna is a good name! 😉
The detail is fantastic. WOW.
And congrats on opting for a VBAC. I’m sitting envious over here!
Congrats!! I could never decide on a girl name, so it was good that I ended up having 2 boys…
I’m sure you will come up with something very nice and lyrical since Cordelia is so pretty.
Oh my gosh! How exciting! I just love the 3D ultrasounds. When I was pregnant, I was against having one because I wanted to be surprised with her looks when she was born. But when we do it again, I’m going for the 3D. They are so cool!
Coredlia’s name came about because of the fact that Daddy is an actor and mommy is a historian. We wanted something that wasn’t super-common, but not completely off-the-wall either. So, we looked at Shakespeare.
Cordelia is the good daughter in King Lear. She’s also strong-willed, fiercely independant and fiercely loyal. All of these seemed like good traits to try to encourage, so Cordelia it was. (Although at times we wonder if the strong-willed and independence were such a good idea)
Oh my goodness! Those are the most amazing ultrasound shots I’ve ever seen. …amazing! How cool that you could see her move. And congrats on a baby girl!
Awww, you’re having a sweet baby girl! When I was pregnant with my little girl, my husband and I considered traditional names like Audrey, Megan, Reagan, and Katharine but also more modern names like Margot, Dagney, and Riley. However, we finally settled on family names for both her first and middle names.
Another girl! I always wanted two girls! Those pix are amazing.
Those pictures are fantastic! The last one looks as though she’s saying “Damned paparazzi! Get those cameras out of my face.”
Girl names that we didn’t use:
Ava (super popular)
Eleanor (I have an Eleanor of Aquitaine fixation)
Anne (Boleyn)
Jane (Grey)
Elizabeth (I)
Congratulations on another girl.what’s the secret???lol
well we’re very partial to McKenna but to go with Cordelia,something like Amelia,Bronwen(yn),.I have always loved Erin,Meredith.good luck deciding..