More Proof She’s An Amazon

While talking with a workshop participant last weekend about our kids.

Him: So Cordy will have to get used to not being carried as much when the new baby gets here.

Me: Well, Cordy’s big for her age. She’s getting tough for me to carry already.

Him: Really? How big is she?

Me: I’m not exactly sure at the moment, but she’s not yet two and a half, and she’s over 36″ tall and weighs at least 34 pounds.

Him: Wow! She is a big girl! My eight year old only weighs 45 pounds.

Me: Yeah, well, give her a few more years and she’ll be a real contender for the NFL draft. We’re thinking linebacker.

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  1. Wow! Mine are huge and they are only 34″ tall.

    Maybe we could hook Cordy and Ian up and develop a race of giants who could take over the world.

  2. That is a big baby! Does she still fit in her regular car seat?

  3. I think mine is headed in that direction! She doesn’t have the head that I’ve heard you talk about, but she’s a lurch for her age. Everytime we’ve gone to the doctor, she’s been off the charts for her height! I’ve had to special make some of her clothes because if they’re long enough in the legs, they’re too big in the waist! She’s more quarterback material, but they should definitely play for the same team!

  4. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    My 10 year old only weighs 65. heehee. But she’s stick thin!! And then there’s theBeast who is very tiny…finally up to 18.12 at 13 months old…still can’t turn her forward in the carseat!!! So, my children are the complete opposite of your little Cordy 🙂 But big or small, people with average size kids always have something to say about other kids. I hear constantly how small theBeast is, like I don’t realize it or something.

  5. Cakes is 20 months and is 33″ tall and 30 pounds! Another amazon. She’s tough too!

  6. A "Mother of Two" says

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