I was caught totally unaware that it was De-lurking Week. This is the week for all of you who read this, but don’t normally chime in to say hi and let me know you exist. If I had as many comments as I do visitors, I’d have over a hundred comments a day.
I’m not asking for anything too crazy – if you’re shy, a simple hello works fine. If you want to tell me a little more about yourself, go for it. And if you want to tell me what you’d like to see me write about, I’d be happy for the suggestions. See? All friendly and happy and non-threatening.
Tomorrow I’m going out of town for the weekend. Without Cordelia. I can’t decide if I want to cheer or cry. It’s a long weekend of sleeping in, going to the bathroom without an audience, eating meals without sharing, and shopping leisurely. But it’s also a weekend without that smiling face, those playful curls, that warm little body sitting on my lap, and the constant exclamations of “Hi, mommy!” She would come with me, but we all remember how traveling to Chicago went last year.
So I will be leaving her at home, and hoping that she will manage without me and won’t miss me too much. And while I will revel in sleeping past 6:30am each morning, I will still be calling at least twice a day to talk to her on the phone.

I don’t comment often, but I’m here reading. So hi… and have a wonderful trip.
I am Suebob. I met you in a bar. Or don’t you remember?
Tammy here.
Hi Jamie here, I enjoy reading your blog and we are due about a month apart.
I must admit, I read often but rarely comment.
Have a great weekend (or at least try) 😉
Have a wonderful trip. I do understand the push-pull of being grateful to sleep in and yet missing the little one too.
Not that having a dog is similar to having a child, but I’ll be taking a mini-vacation this weekend away from my dog. Ahh, I don’t have to wake up early to take her out, or think about how many hours I’ll be away from the house without supervision for her. No barking when a truck rolls by.
But then again, no “wwwwweeeeeee mommy’s home” excitement at the door to the guest house where I’ll be staying. No cuddles in bed, except from my boyfriend but he doesn’t have that puppy smell.
Have a good time though!
gah..you get a weekend away from your child!?
I have never been away.
I wish..I need it after 4.5 years of no sleep or peace.
gah..you get a weekend away from your child!?
I have never been away.
I wish..I need it after 4.5 years of no sleep or peace.
Hi there, I comment once in awhile when i feel Ihave something interesting to say!
Love your blog! Cordelia is SO cute, and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of #2 (so i can laugh maniacally at you when you go through the hardships I am just now conquering …. JUST KIDDING!).
Keep writing !!
Hi. I come by often, as my life’s adventures are similar to yours…I have a 3 and a half year old, and #2 is now a month old. My blog is not quite a diary persay, but a log of daily adventures with two girls. Come visit some time! http://ashleighdelene.blogspot.com Keep up these fun posts! Love ’em!
Dangit, something’s funky since I switched to the new version of Blogger. Keeps throwing off my comments when I try to leave them on other blogs.
ANYWAY, you know I’m always here – I comment nearly every time I come over and read!
Where did you get that hilarious banner? I think I have a lot more readers than commentors because I often have personal friends tell me, “I read your blog every day, I should comment sometime…” but I often forget they’re out there because they don’t comment, and some days I feel rather alone!
Hi! I exist! I read your blog everyday. I’ll try to comment more. Love your blog.
Hi. My name is Sarah and I am a regular around these parts, and much like SueBob I met you in a bar, or really, just outside of a closed bar. (Those jerks sucked.)
Gimme the usual. (That means beer.)
I’ve been following you for a while now. I have an almost 3 year old and our babies are due around the same time.
I’ve been to your house so I don’t count as a lurker. HA!
I’m a sometimes commenter, more often lurker. Hi.
Are all your lurkers commenting in honor of delurking week? I am still finding that lots of people aren’t…Then again, who wants to be told what to do…?
Am I too late for the comment party? Hi. *waving* I brought the jello.
I hope you have a fantastic time this weekend! Enjoy peeing all by yourself.
Hi! I rarely comment, but you’re on my bloglines.
Hey, I have delurked before, but since I have hardly the time to write my own blog I haven’t been commenting much elsewhere lately. I also have moved from blogger so if you want to check out my blog it is http://leftcoastmama.net . Maybe a few people will delurk for me as well. Hope you have a better time of it than last year in Chicago. I remember your letter and laughing my ass off. Keep it up, though I will understand if the posts dry up for a few months in a while.
Here and past commenter!
I’m so jealous that (a) you have a weekend away and (b) you’re going to Chicago! We’re going in the summer, but we’re taking the girls with us. Have a great time and I hope to comment more in the future!
I can’t be considered a lurker, but I’m commenting anyway!
Enjoy your trip. I know you’ll miss Cordy, but it will be a much-needed break for you and it will make you appreciate her more when you’re back!
Delurking! Cordelia is my absolute all-time favorite girl name. Alas, I’m now pregnant with our 2nd and last child and this one is a boy like his big brother. I’ve wanted to name a girl baby Cordelia for years. Anyway, when I discovered your blog and your Cordelia, I just had to start reading regularly. Happy delurking week!
A weekend away is a good thing. Enjoy!
Oopsie, sorry about the question I didn’t need to ask… I clicked on the funny delurking button and now I have my answer. Tee hee!
I’ve never commented before but started reading regularly last summer. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy yourself!
Another one de-lurking here. I’ve been reading your blog for the best patr of a year, but I don’t think I’ve ever commented before.
I dream of having a weekend away from the munchkin…..hate the idea being away from her too though….hope you have a good time.
Delurking to wish you a lovely weekend away!
Oh, I comment from time-to-time, but I certainly don’t want the terrorists to win, so “HI.” 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Well, I always comment, so all I have to say on this one is “Thanks for helping me with my blog!”
HI. I read everyday. I rarely comment. I”m sorry. I will fix that.
Starting tomorrow, or when you post next.
Well I certainly don’t want to let the terrorists win.
Take THAT Al Queda!
Just started blogging and just came across your blog. I’ll probably comment now and then and I’m sure I’ll read. Mama is a hard role to play and I believe we need all the support we can get!
I don’t comment that often, but I do try to read your blog often.
Hello! I read what you write as often as I can, because I am the mother of a little girl and planning to have another baby… so your experience is very useful to me… Nice blog, keep writing!
PLEASE!!!!!!!! TAKE ME WITH YOU!! I need to get away from Dawson, too. I really, really do!
I am a long time blog lurker (newbie blogger), and I never leave comments. I also hate leaving messages on answering machines. There is a pattern I suppose. 🙂 Hope you have a great trip. I’ll be going away next weekend for a girls weekend away…I too am a little nervous.
I’ve been lurking for a little while. My daughter is 3 months old and reading blogs of other parents can sometimes help me save me sanity.
just saying hello to let you know I’m reading you. You write really well.
Since I am here let me advertise a bit my blog.
We have just had a baby and are naturally concerned about everything related to babies and kids, like environmentally damaging nappies, toxic toys, caretakers, education ecc. We have started a blog posting everything we find useful and hoping it will be a place to discuss solutions to issues that may arise and a place to share parenting experience. It is about a month we started the blog and it is going very well. We think that it is time to giv e it a bit more publicity. Help and comments from anyone with kids are very welcome.
The address is:
cheers and thanks for your blog
I have now delurked! 🙂
I’ve been a lame commenter lately. Although it shouldn’t take a cute button to bring me out – just a lighter workload.
So…hi! How ya doing?
Hello there! Please visit my site as well :).
I didn’t know there was such a thing as delurking week!
I rarely lurk … I love commenting on your posts. But the last few weeks I’ve been laid up so the best I could do was lurk via bloglines.
Hope you had fun on your weekend!
hello. 🙂
very painless. not really a lurker..but i don’t comment all the time either…
BUSTED! I’m a lurker. 😉 Just wanted to say hi, I enjoy your bloggings.
I was in Chicagoland myself last weekend, I hope you got out before all the snow moved in (as we did)!
Hope your trip was grand….wait until Cordy is a little older, you’ll be JONESING to get away childless, ANYWHERE. 😀
Better late than never, right? I’ve missed you! We were away over Christmas and I’m STILL catching up on blogs! 🙂
You look great!
I keep ending up at your site after clicking on an interesting titles in the BlogHer ad network sidebars (you write good titles).
Also, I live an hour north of Columbus.
For these two reasons, I’m adding you to my bloglines subscription now …