Global Warming A Myth?

Today is January 5, 2007. Here in Ohio, the normal high for today is 36 degrees F, and the normal low is 21 degrees F. Snow or ice is common at this time of year.

Today’s high? 61 degrees. The low? 52 degrees.

And it’s been like this for weeks. Two days before the New Year, I was driving around without a coat, with the windows down, basking in the sunshine. One day, the local news reported that the high for the day was higher than the daily high for Arizona.

The grass is greening again. The robins are either still here or back from the south, some plants are beginning to bud, and nature herself can’t figure out what season it is.

I have to keep rotating the same outfits in Cordy’s wardrobe because it’s too damn warm for her winter clothes. Had I know we were skipping winter entirely and going straight to spring, I might have bought her less sweaters and fleece pants and more light cottons.

I’m not saying I want a Colorado blizzard or anything, but how about something a little more, well, winter-like? I enjoy a little snow now and then (especially on days when I don’t have to drive in it), and wearing warm sweaters, wrapping up in blankets by the fire and drinking hot chocolate are all part of January to me. I grew up in this area, and this is the warmest year I can remember.

So for those who say there is no such thing as global warming, I say stuff it. I want my winter back.

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  1. Nonononono! Don’t say that! I love this weather we are getting in Ohio. It is very unusual, but great.

  2. This summer is apparently going to break all records in terms of temp highs. Sigh.

  3. It doesn’t even feel like winter at all here in FL. It’s weird!

  4. Yes, it doesn’t feel much like winter here either (in Mo). It IS wierd.

    I’ve heard the warm weather keeps all of those colds and stomach viruses alive, as its not cold enough to kill them off. That alone right there makes me say, “Bring on the winter temps, baby!”

    Sorry to hear about your stomach virus. YUCK. Hope you are better now. And congrats on your pregnancy too!

  5. It is not global warming, sorry. We are in a El Nino year. That mean things are a bit wacky this year but things will get back to normal after the spring.

  6. Actually, watching the Nightly News tonight, this isn’t a case of Global Warming, it’s a case of an El Nino weather pattern.

    That said, I want my freaking snow, thanks.

  7. I’ve read that while it is an El Nino year, which is what is bringing us the extremes as far as wet weather this past summer and warm weather this winter, there is also a school of thought that believes that the average temperature has increased permanently due to global warming. Granted, by next winter we may only see this as a degree or two, but warmer weather like this is likely to become a trend if we don’t do something about global warming.

    And I’m with you, Christina. It just doesn’t feel like winter. My boys are desperate for a good snow storm. Today it’s in the 60’s in the Northeast and it’s been raining off and on since yesterday. Without this strange weather pattern we’d be bundling up to go build a snowman. Instead it’s umbrellas. Yuck!

  8. reddragonsangel says

    I too reside inthe buckeye state and I have to say that the rain and the warmth are ok- but I am hating the damn virus’ and colds that everyone is passing around- my 2 kids have been sick since the middle of November- we need a cold snap- and all I can think of is- it’s coming and I will be so mad if, come March and April we are totally covered in snow! I agree what the heck is going on!

  9. I lived through a winter in Ohio (Cleveland) so I know all about those winters up there. I don’t remember a time in my life when we didn’t have snow all winter.Although, I must admit, i am not missing the cold weather at all!
    But, this is my first year living in the South, so I am not sure what is “normal” around here. All I know is today is January 6th and my kids are running around outside in short sleeved shirts. It’s 75 degrees. Hard to believe.

    BTW, I hope you are feeling better after that nasty stomach virus!

  10. Yup, I’m with ya…

    I live in CT and the high today? 66 degrees. The weather man said we may have the warmest Jenuary day. on. record. ever.

    My husband snow plows…. at $50 an hour. This is supposed to be money season for us…. I have yet to see any green, or white!

  11. I know what you mean. It was 70 degrees here (in Massachusetts) today. It’s going to be a shock when winter finally does show up, and I am soo ready for winter to arrive. But I have to admit I really enjoyed taking my dogs for a walk today and not needing a coat.

  12. The weather is pretty much the same on the other side of the world. Here in Estonia (northern Europe) we should have 5 degrees (I hope I calculated it right from -15`C). It means woollen hats, frozen cars, snow, terribly high heating bills and still not warm enough. Anywhere. We have 37 degrees, so all the birds sing, there´s no snow, the not-sleepy moles are digging up our front yard (sniff!) and all the farmers worry about nature going crazy. On the positive side, the heating bills are low and the roads are not slippery (the maintenance is worse than bad). We had the warmest December in decades and it looks like January will be from the same sort.
    I just found your blog a week ago. Since then I´ve gone through all your posts and I just love your writing style. Thank you for sharing so much. Very belated congratulations on your pregnancy, too. I hope Cordy – adorable as she is – will love her new sibling.
    I´m really sorry for my bad English, it is not my first, second or third language…

  13. Have you seen “An Inconvenient Truth”? Al Gore talks about the global warning issues and what we can do to help prevent it. I watched it last night and it actually scared me. I wish we had a white Christmas…

  14. I agree with you! It’s about the same temperature here in Oklahoma. I guess it’s more normal for this part of the country, but it’s still warmer than I like it to be in January.

    I’ll be wishing you some cooler weather!

  15. Mrs. Chicken says

    yes, yes and yes. I’ve been wearing the same shirt for the last two months and my sweaters are langishing in my closet. Please, just one small snowstorm!

    It was 55 degrees in Chicago this weekend … sorry to hear I missed you! Poop.

  16. This is so ironic you posted about this. I haven’t had a chance to post all weekend since my mom’s been in town, but I wanted to post about the same thing. Is it freakin’ hot or what???

    I’ve always believed that global warming (or climate change), is definitely happening. That’s why people with mega-SUVs piss me off because it’s things like that that are contributing to winters like this.

  17. It is so hot in NYC that people were in shorts and t-shirts in Saturday. I am with you … give me a nice cold winter … even a snowstorm or two! I used to love a January thaw day in NY, but this year there is nothing to thaw. I can’t enjoy the weather if I am feeling guilty about how we’ve allowed our planet to be so abused.

  18. Mmm, in the U.K we’ve just had the warmest year on record. I don’t mind it being hot in the summer, but I want the seasons to be like how they used to be, and for it to snow it winter, instead of just light drizzle!

  19. Huh, so the rest of you aren’t getting seasons either? We only had two to begin with, and we’ve actually had some colder-than-usual weeks this winter, but I just went outside and felt like I could stay there without so much as a sweater over my long-sleeved shirt.

  20. From what I saw, it looks like you may get your wish after this weekend.

  21. I live in VA and we have been hitting record highs in the mid 70s for this time of year. We hardly get snow and when we do, its not “real” – just some light flurry like dusting. We are finally getting some chilly weather next week, so maybe we can put our shorts away.

  22. Hi,

    Yesterday, January 12th, they played a chess match England-Russia. There were two huge chess boards one in Moscow and one in London (in Trafalgar square, the same square you were beaten by the police). The chess figures were sculptured in ice and were bigger than a man. The match had to be cancelled in less than one our because the figures melted. It was 12C in London and 8C in Moscow!!!. Global warming a myth?!!!

    we better do something fast!.
