A Haiku for Tonight

Stomach bug no fun
Be back when it’s all over
I must go to bed
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  1. The virus must be stopped
    die bug die bug
    feel much better soon

  2. Sickness really sucks
    I’m sorry for your ailment
    Rest much and drink more

  3. Can’t think of anything cretive to write…
    Just hope you’re feeling better soon! And hope Cordy lets you rest…

  4. I feel ya. It’s been around and around my house. It’s evil and I hope you banish it soon.

    Haikus are fun, though.

  5. Mommy off the Record says

    Omg. Say it ain’t so!! Ugh. So sorry. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Cristina,
    Oh I hear you. I have been a bit under the weather myself.
    Stomach bugs suck. I am sending my good wishes that you are feeling better very soon.

  7. I had it last week…. thought I was going to have to go to the ER for dehydration! Take good care of yourself! Thus far my kids have escaped it, I am keeping my fingers crossed and knocking on wood!!

  8. I had that bug, too
    On our trip to Monterey
    Damn the air on planes

    Hope you’re better!