…you take them both and there you have The Facts of Life.
Sometimes life gives you lemons, and you make lemonade. But sometimes you run out of sugar, so you get just a tiny taste of the sweet, and then a lot of sour.
The good news: remember when our house was broken into back in July? There were no fingerprints, and it looked like the criminal might get away with it, except I noticed a very tiny drop of blood on the curtain that covered the window that was smashed in.
Well, we got a call from the detective on our case yesterday to let us know that curtain proved to be the key. They were able to extract DNA from that tiny blood spot, and they know who did it. They have a name (meaning the guy is a repeat offender, since the prison system already had a record of his DNA), and that person lived nearby at the time of the break-in. So now a warrant is being issued for his arrest, and they are working to track down his current location. We’ll probably never see any of our stuff again, but seeing this guy caught and locked up would at least be justice.
And now the bad: First, money has been tight this month. Very tight, as in pray-the-account-doesn’t-bounce until the next paycheck. However, this was just due to bad timing with some bills, and we figured we’d be back in a better position by the end of the month. But this is not as bad as many – all of our bills are paid every month, and we’ve been making good progress at getting rid of credit card debt, which when finished will make life much more comfortable. As I said over the summer, we’re not drowning financially by any means. More like treading water at the top, hoping for no big waves to pull us under.
And then yesterday morning a financial tsunami wave hit us. Aaron’s car left this world for its next life yesterday morning. He had the oil changed at a quickie oil-change place two weeks ago, and then two days ago the oil light came on and we noticed the car was leaking oil. Figuring they screwed up, Aaron was on his way back to the quickie place to make them fix it, when the engine gave up the ghost and stopped.
We took it to the dealer to have the problem diagnosed. They only know the problem is something wrong with the timing belt (probably due to the engine seizing), and it would cost at least $500 to take apart the engine to find out the exact problem. On the list of possible problems, few are anything but catastrophic for the car, and the cheapest possible problem would be $1300 minimum. If you saw this car, you’d know the car isn’t even worth $1300 at this point (1996 Plymouth Breeze), and any expensive fix would only be a band-aid against future problems.
So now we need a new car, and don’t even have a car that is running to trade in. Plus we have no room in the budget for a car payment. We had planned on the car not making it through 2007, and we were trying to pay off our credit card debt to free up money for a new car. But it died about 6 months too early for our liking. We also can’t simply survive on one car, because we work opposite schedules (overlapping, really) and work in different parts of town, and we don’t live near a bus route. Life is feeling rather like this at the moment.
Forgive me if you don’t hear from me for a few days. We’ve got to spend some time thinking up creative solutions out of this predicament, and go car shopping. And while this is very upsetting at the moment, I know we’ll figure out something – we’re good at being creative, and I’ve been known to squeeze blood from stones. After all, between when I left grad school and got a job, I paid for my rent and bills that month by selling Beanie Babies on eBay. (seriously!)
And in this holiday season, I also remember that there are those far worse off than us. We still have our house and heat, we still have food to eat, and we’re all in good health. In the grand scheme of things, this sucks, but it will get better eventually. We’re very lucky to have as much as we do.
But still. Damn.

Oh no, Christina! I’m so sorry to hear that. I can’t help but be reminded about when I crashed our car 3 years ago and we had to drive around with the front end all smashed in because we couldn’t afford to get it fixed. We drove around like that for like a year. It was mortifying.
Our town needs to vamp up their mass transportation. I’m sure your resourceful mind will find a solution. Hang in there!
now you’ve got me singing the facts of life theme song in my head. i hope i don’t start singing out loud. could be embarrassing at the office…
Hey, that’s great about the police knowing who broke into your house – rock on for finding the little blood spot! I’m glad that he (I assume) won’t get away with it.
And, what a sucky situation about the car. That so totally bites. I am sorry, and I hope that a creative solution is quick and easy to find.
I’m so glad you found the blood.
The car — that sucks — but hopefully a good new one and no more fixes for A LOOOONG TIME!
Dam woman, that sucks. I hope it all works itself out. These things tend too.
That sucks, Christina. There’s never a good time for things like that but right before the holidays makes it particularly crappy.
Hugs to you, hon.
I am so sorry that this is happening to you right now! It sucks that stuff seems to pile on you at the worst time.
As I said in the car…
Man, Murphy always throws his laws right in your face around the holidays, doesn’t he?? It always seems like right before Christmas, people lose their jobs or fall into some sort of financial difficulty. Huge bummer, but you’ll make it through!
It does suck, but you’ll figure it out. I’ve been in similar predicaments, especially financially, and it seems like when all hope is lost – that’s when the solution hits you right in the face. (Hopefully, in your case, it’s more of a gentle brush on the cheek 🙂
Good luck.
Good luck. Don’t feel guilty about feeling a little bad for yourself, yes, there are people that have it much worse, but sometimes it helps to drown in a few minutes of self pity before moving on…
We have been in a similar position a few times and while it is totally frustrating and anxiety causing at the time it does always seem to work out in the end.
Good luck. My thoughts are with you.
I’m sorry. Things do have a way of working out, just when you’re least expecting them to do so. I’m sure that will be the case for you.
I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for you guys very soon!
Aiyah! That sucks!
I hope you can figure out something soon. If there’s anything I can acutally do to help, please please please let me know.
Hooray on finding the culprit! I don’t think we’ll ever find Adam’s kidnapper/robber. So, hooray for some justice in the world, no matter how small it might be.
Good news about the robber punk, but the car – that totally sucks. i know exactly how you feel, tho – our 1993 intrepid bit it in august; we are certainly feeling the effects of paying for a new car (and trust me, it’s a budget car) and more insurance.
so the months are certainly feeling tighter, but you are so right – it’s hard to complain when we’re warm and fed and healthy.
Oh. I’m sorry to hear this.
Welcome to my world. I lost my job last month and we are so screwed.
I’ll pray for a new car to find it’s way to you!
Oh Christina. At least you had some great news about the robber dude … showing that things work out eventually. I have had months like the one you described where we could barely breath with financial worries. It will work out. Sending lots of good vibes your way.
Yes, I am terribly impressed that your PD would do DNA testing for a robbery. I hear about huge backlogs of DNA tests for rape suspects that never get done because of a “a lack of funds” so this is really amazing to me.
About the money…It seems like more and more of us are getting in that boat. I am always looking around and going “How can people afford all this STUFF?” because I sure can’t.
Wow, I wish you all the best with the car. That just sucks the big one. I can only hope that sometimes, when you least expect it, the universe sends you what you need. Keeping my fingeres crossed for that one.
As for the DNA…NO FUCKING WAY. That’s so insanely awesome. The fact they not only nailed the guy but followed up on it in the first place? Three cheers for your police department.
So happy that they were able to DNA the lousy bum! That has to feel so good… they will find him.
Sorry about the car situation. Things will work out… I promise.
Talk about bad timing for the car.
I hope you find something reliable and cheap.
Good luck with everything, and keep your chin up!
By the way, my word verification is krapp!
How appropriate!
That blows…
There is always something…you take a breath and then BLAM something comes along and sucks the rest of the air outta ya.
Hang in there….
I am so sorry to hear about the car. Life never happens quite the way you plan it sometimes.
On a better note, I am glad they caught the offender. You never know…maybe they’ll recover some of your stuff!
I will think postive thoughts and send them your way…
Oh my gosh, what horrible luck! And to happen right before Christmas. Damn is right. I hope you can find a good car that isn’t too expensive. Maybe you can get some good financing so the payments will be manageable.