I recently had someone find their way to my blog with the Google search, “What does a mommy want for Christmas?”
It made me stop and think, because honestly, what do we want for Christmas? Of course, different moms certainly have different wish lists, so I don’t think you can group all moms into one category of Christmas gifts. And then there’s the problem of mommy self-denial. We have this habit of putting ourselves last when it comes to gifts. Go ask your own mom what she wants for Christmas, and she’ll probably say, “Oh, I can’t think of anything I’d like for myself.” She’ll give you a list of things for the house, for your father, and for the family pet before she’ll think of anything just for her.
However, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Here’s what many moms of young kids (including myself) would probably ask for, if they were being totally honest. Even if they didn’t ask for these things, they probably wouldn’t say no to them, either.
Time off – Kids, work, and a house tend to eat up all of the time a mom has. If you want her to have a special treat, give her an afternoon where she is ordered to do nothing except read, relax in a bath, or whatever it is she likes to do to unwind. Take the kids elsewhere. On those rare times when I’m alone in the house (and I mean totally alone – no child up in bed), I almost don’t know what to do with myself. I can turn the music up loud! I can eat without anyone else begging for my food! I can take a bath without a toddler knocking on the door and saying, “Come in pweeze?” And I can just relax.
Pampering – I barely have time to shower 3 days a week, much less do my hair, exfoliate, or apply a moisturizing mask to my face. A gift certificate for a spa service would be a welcome gift for many moms. Not only does it give us the first gift of time off, but we are doing something to look better and feel better about ourselves also. That’s a bonus for our guys, right? One of the best gifts I ever received from Aaron was last year on our anniversary, when he gave me three gift cards: one to get my hair cut and colored, one for a massage or facial, and one more to buy something hip from Hot Topic. A day off was included in all of that, of course. It was a very welcome, and well-planned, gift.
Assistance – I never like to ask for help, even when I know I need it. But I have a dream of someday having a maid service come to the house once a month to help with the deep cleaning. It’s a frivolous expense for us, and one we can’t afford, so we continue to split our chores and do them regularly (well, maybe not as regularly as we should). However, even the gift of one maid service visit would be an amazing gift, especially now that I’m pregnant and even less inclined to do my chores.
Food – Is the mom in your life a wine connoisseur? Find a local wine tasting and take her to it. Does she like chocolates? Get her some of the best chocolates out there, then. As a side note, if you have thieving little hands in the house, buy a box to lock the chocolates in, too, so mom can be the only one to enjoy them. There’s nothing worse than sitting down to enjoy a special treat in the evening, only to find your special treat has been devoured by some bottomless pit.
Date nights – Truthfully, this gift is a benefit to both a mom and her husband/partner. But if mom is the one who gets to pick the restaurant, the movie (no complaints about a romantic comedy, guys), and isn’t the one required to find the babysitter, it’s a real treat. If this is a gift from another member of the family, it makes a great gift for the couple, if presented with the offer of babysitting, of course. Personally, I want to go out with my husband more, spending time together as an adult couple, instead of just parents. When we don’t get to spend time together over a long period, I feel like I’m less a wife and more a mom than anything else. And lets be honest – it was the wonderful time we had together as a couple that led to parenthood, so I’d like to keep as much of that couple-time as possible.
So there’s my list for what to get a mom for Christmas. Moms, did I miss anything?

The new Prada quilted bag. I swear I get gooey every time I see it.
But you know…free time. That’s nice too.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering…
Very, very nice bag, but *ack* on the price!
I’ll wait until Target makes a knock-off. 🙂
My hubby has been asking me what I want for Christmas, maybe I will just print this out and give it to him, LOL. I love it!
By the way, I have been reading your blog for a while now, and I absolutely love it. I have a 2 year old boy, so I can relate to your stories. I check it everyday (hope you don’t find that creepy!) and look forward to new entries.
Keep up the good work.
Ooohhhh I want what Liz wants too. And there is a Coach one I have my eye on too.
But I love your list and I’d like to add a Sunday morning where I was able to sleep in and lay around and watch old Sex and the City reruns or whatever with no smallish girls begging to watch Nick Jr.
You forgot the personal trainer, the personal chef and the nanny. I want those for Christmas. It would be a bonus if there was one person who could do all three. I want to be thin, healthy and have scheduled days off of mothering. Like Fridays and Wednesdays from 8 a.m to 4 p.m.
I know…It will never happen! but I can dream!
I’m not sure what my husband got for me this year. But I know it’s not clothes (a regular choice, and he picks well…)I’m nine months pregnant now, baby 2 is due the 23rd, so I’m not at all sure what he was looking at. I’ve personally always wanted an all day massage, hair, lunch thing. A maid for the day would be wonderful, and also some general help as I’m STILL in the process of getting the 3-year olds new room done, so baby has a crib. But whatever he gets, I know comes from the heart, and that’s all that truely matters.
I would kill for a maid once a month. Just to scrub things. That and one of those organization teams. I am just not good at that and the clutter proves it.
Booze gets a vote. Do they still make Calgon?
I asked for an Ohio State Alumni membership. I am nerdy and obsessed.
Housekeepers. Housekeepers. Housekeepers.
Can someone email this to my husband?
Hon, you rock. Thanks for writing it all down!
would give my left arm for a maid twice a month.. is that so much to ask???
I’m with the ladies above – having someone clean my bathroom for just once in my life would be my dream. Living in a houseful of boys leaves very messy bathrooms…
Great night out by the way! It was great to meet the face behind the blog!
Uhm, I destroy purses. So that’s a no go for me. LOL.
On the list I gave to Josh I have:
A heating pad.
A new skillet.
A nap.
Jewelry always works with me! haha. I agree on the assistance and the date nights!!! I need more of those two!
First season 90210 DVD set, to watch while samplings chocolates and sipping wine after I’ve come home from the spa and the maid service has left.
I want all of those things too 🙂
Well there are only two things on my list.
A car adaptor for my iPod so I can crank up my tunes and ignore the kids fighting in the back seat.
And booze. So I can hide in the pantry and ignore the kids fighting in the house.
That said, I think I may also have to ask for maid service…
I want everything on your list all at once! I want a housekeeper to come to my home while I’m off getting pampered at a spa, eating chocolates and drinking champagne. Then I’ll come home refreshed and ready for a night out with my husband.
Think I’m aiming too high?
I gotta say a housekeeper, too 🙂
If I got one or two of these gifts, on a regular basis, I would be happy!
There has been many times I have gave other parents movie tickets and free babysitting for the night as a gift. It’s a simple gift for me that means a lot to them as parents.
Hey, you copied my list! 😉
How bout a weekend away from home….without the kids?
Had to “borrow” your list! It fit me to a tee! THANKS A BUNCH for a great post!~
I will enjoy reading more!