…at least not for a very long time.
– Go to the post office on a busy Friday with just me and a toddler who wants to wreck havoc. The worst was when she would lean back while I held her, straining my back and making my arm go numb.
– Eat Halloween candy even though I know high sugar foods make me sick right now. It was so tempting, and yet it made me feel so awful. Luckily, a few pickles made everything better. (I swear this pregnancy is all about the pickles.)
– Take a tired and cranky toddler to the grocery by myself.
– Sort and then throw away the metric ton of junk mail about all of the local candidates send us every damn day. And I’m not talking one or two negative ads in the mail – more like 5-10 pieces a day, half of them from the other party, even though neither of us are registered for that political party. Same goes for the recorded phone calls. Stop calling us already – our votes are already safe with the Board of Elections, waiting to be lovingly hand counted on Election Day.
– Attempt to call our old health insurance to question a bill I received from a procedure done in April and was now charged way too much for, only to be repeatedly told, “But you’re no longer insured with us now.” Yes, but in April I was. However, when you’re no longer insured by them, they can make up some “well, that was an exception to your 20% rule” and you’re stuck with the bill, no matter how many times you try to question them about it.
– Take the same tired and cranky toddler, who chose to skip her nap for the day, to an evening party at a friend’s house, where there is an old-style wood burning stove in the kitchen, with no gate around it. Let’s just say that the new theme of the party became “keep the child from burning herself” and everyone played.
Yeah, you can say we’ve had a busy week here. Thankfully, there have been some good moments to balance out the rough ones, too. Like Cordy’s newest favorite game:
Cordy: Mommy! Mommy!
Me: Yes, Cordy?
Cordy: Mommy! Mommy!
Me: Cordy?
Cordy: Mommy! Mommy!
Me: What?!?
Cordy: Hi! (laughs and runs away)
It’s cute, although it does have potential to be annoying very soon. But hopefully not for a few more weeks.

Why is it that all toddlers love doing that to our backs? They must learn it in Toddler school. BTW i tried commenting on the “Halloween Recap” but it wouldn’t let me so this is my comment:
She looks so cute! So did she get to taste test any of her loot??
I hate getting those things in the mail! I will vote for whoever I want to…stop trying to force me to vote for so and so.
Strickland or Blackwell?….who cares? i don’t like either one!
Cordie is a babydoll,!!!!
Hate to be the downer here but you do know about the mail-in ballot counting scandals right? See Hacking Democracy next time it hits HBO…scary stuff. Especially in Ohio!
Ugh, what I meant to say was…your daughter is cute and sorry you had a tough day. And I’ll throw in a few LOLs for fun.
The negative ads on tv are over the top, too. Just plain irritating!
Anyway, I feel your pain when going to someone’s house and it’s not childproofed. That can make for a not too relaxing time!
Hope tomorrow is better 🙂
GAH WITH THE PHONE CALLS. We’ve just stopped answering.
With my life, it’s always about the pickles.
Yummy, delicious, crunchy pickles.
Must be the adoption. It’s a wanna-be pregnancy, without the hormones. But I gotta have the pickles…
What kind of pickles? Kosher dills? Garlic dills? New dills? Old dills? Oh I’m salivating just typing that!!!
I can’t wait until some little one calls me mommy. I mean besides my husband.
Dawson does the same thing Cordy does. We go back and forth in the car and finally he’ll say “Awwwww……hi Mummma!”
It’s hilarious and annoying all at the same time!
Grrr. Sorry about the health insurance thing. Those people are scoundrels!
Yes, maneuvering through grocery stores with a toddler is quite a chore. Evening parties are difficult as well. Hosting the evening party is double hard. I usually set up a room for mommies and babies (babies who want to crash, mommies who need to pump, or parents that just need a break from all the child chasing.)
Double ditto on shlepping kids to the post office. Nothing worse than holding a 22 pound baby and trying to corral a 5 year old. On a Saturday! Ugh. There seems to be a drive-thru for everything else but the post office.
Oh the Halloween Candy. I have eaten my fair share. We went through our entire supply of chocolate before the 31st and had to buy more. Lesson learned here was to buy halloween candy just before the night of.
How to avoid the leftovers however, is a whole other story.