Go vote today. Even if the weather is crappy. Even if you are stuck with the kids. Even if it means stopping by a drive-thru for dinner instead of taking the time to make something.
If you want to see better lives for your kids, vote. Otherwise, you’re leaving the fate of the country up to other people. People you may hate, like your neighbor with the Hummer who thinks poor people deserve what they get. People you may think are idiots, like Scientologists or the kooky old lady at work who thinks her dog is Ghandi reborn.
And we don’t want that, right? There’s still time to vote.

amen sista.
(i’m a canuck, and we’d like to see a change, please!)
I tried to go early, but didn’t have enough time before work. So, I’m off to do so afterwards…then I have to rush home and relieve Doug of his Daddy Duties so he can go vote!
I voted, she said smugly.
Yes Ma’am!
We voted. Of course. 🙂
Dude, we’ve (well, Slipshod has – I’ve been in & out with the kids) been watching “America Votes” since we voted, and it looks like things are going very well in your state! Awesome!
Oh, and of course we voted, too!
Omigod I’m totally losing it – I already said that, how embarrassing.
Another canuck hear anxiously hoping for change at our next door neighbour’s house. Good for you for rallying the votes!
Off to get caught up on reading of your blog after a few weeks hiding under a rock….
That is a great picture. Hope you don’t mind if I swipe it to use when our Canadian voting day comes round the bend….
i voted. absentee. but i voted. all the way in canada…
I voted. I put my “I voted” sticker on Jacob’s hat. Go moms.