Last night I rushed out of work early in order to be home for trick or treating. Aaron planned to pass out candy, and I wanted to take Cordy door to door. However, everyone else in the city was apparently thinking the same thing, so getting home took a little effort due to massive traffic jams.
The weather also wasn’t very good – cold and rainy. But thankfully the rain stopped right before trick or treat began. As I walked in the door of our house, I was greeted with our little brown and white cow:

I’m very happy with the costume choice. Not only is it adorable on her, but she also didn’t mind wearing it.
I gave Cordy her pumpkin candy container, and we set off to try trick or treating. Last year I took her out in costume in her stroller, mostly to meet some neighbors and show off her cute Tinkerbell costume. This year, though, we were a little more serious. She walked the entire time, and she insisted on holding on to her pumpkin. “Itza pun-kin!” could be heard every 10 steps as we walked down the sidewalk.
The neighbors loved seeing her in costume. She was a little less sure of them, though. She didn’t quite understand why we were walking up to houses, standing at the door, but then not going in. And she didn’t understand why people kept wanting to put things in her pumpkin. Cordy would always look in her pumpkin afterwards as if to say, “What’s that doing in there?” Thankfully, she doesn’t know what candy looks like yet.
Manners weren’t very good, either. She would usually say hi to people, but saying “trick or treat” was impossible and “thank you” was tough. After someone got up in her face, she generally got nervous and responded with, “Bye!” and tried to pull me away.
Even though I told people not to give her much candy, since she’s not going to eat it anyway, they still heaped handfuls into her pumpkin. Which meant that after several houses, her pumpkin was much heavier than before. But she still insisted on carrying it.
We walked down our street and back up the other side, then hit a few more houses on the next street before she tired out. I brought her back to our house, and for the last hour of trick or treat she played in the living room and watched other kids come to the door. And, of course, when a boisterous group came up and loudly said, “Trick or treat,” Cordy finally responded with “Twik o Tweet!”
More pictures:

She’s adorable!
Doesn’t know what candy looks like?
Wow. You are a strong and brave woman. My son knew candy before he liked Peanut Butter and Jelly.
The little kids are my favorite part of trick or treat.I can’t wait to take J next year. She is the cutest- much cuter than any of the kids who came to my door! I said to one of them “can you say trick or treat” and she said very sweetly “I already did.” Her dad was mortified but it was very funny actually.
That mop of curls is just TOO MUCH!
We had Bub saying “trick or treat” no problem at home, but of course while we were out there’s was no way to get him to do so: hubby and I were prompting “Trick or treat! Trick or treat!” and the best Bub could do was “Pweeze?”
She is ADORABLE! Mine wouldn’t say trick or treat either. We practiced for days (and it was so cute!!) but when we got to the doors she just shoved her pumpkin at the person and/or reached into the bowl to choose her candy and then promptly said thank you and bye. LOL. At one door who was talkign to her a little too much for her liking, she informed them, “thank you, by, close it.” (the door.) LOL.
ki – No lie, she doesn’t know what candy is yet. She can spot a cake a mile away, but has no interest in those little wrapped pieces of sugar. And I’m hoping to keep it that way as long as possible!
Kristen – Cordy wouldn’t even offer up her pumpkin. Any time someone reached for the pumpkin, she got defensive, as if they were trying to take it away from her.
Cordy, Cattle Princess!
I’m jealous – we wanted Thalia in a cow outfit because it’s so cute when she tries to moo. Sadly, no cow outfits on 3pm the day of Halloween. go figure.
What. A. Cutie!!!!
That is one cute little cow. Sounds like a great Halloween.
That is the cutest cow I have ever seen!
Cute curly-hair cow! I noticed her costume had no udders…so strange! I guess udders are considered inappropriate for kids…?
Love the cow! Moo!
I may have one of my girls trick or treat bovine style next year. That is adorable!
AWWWW what a cutie moooo cow!!! Love the costume.
Holy bejeebus, she is cuute! If all cows were that cute I would consider being a vegetarian.
What a cutie!! Bummer weather, though, huh?
I love the costume. 🙂 ITZA PUNKIN!
She looks ADORABLE!
Awww. Look at those blond curls! She looks so cute in her costume. Glad you guys had fun!
she might be the cutest kid- ever- if I wasn’t so into mine- makes me thing your next one is gonna be a beauty too- no matter boy or girl! P.S- can I link you from my site on a blogroll?
Cute, cute CUTE!!!!!!