It’s a linking kind of day. Check out what a few others have shared with me.
First up, the serious link. I found this link over at The Home Daily News. If you heard a loud *ka-thunk* sound this morning, that was my jaw hitting the ground so hard I bruised my chin.
I knew that there were small groups of evangelicals having six or more children, but I had no idea that it was an organized movement. To be honest, if someone wants to have as many children as God gives them, that’s their choice. But when they want to ban birth control for everyone, saying that the pill is the equivalent of “murder by prevention” of 3,000 children a day, then I get angry.
They also claim that feminism is what has caused most of the “ills” of society, including divorce, declining birth rates (which I don’t see as a bad thing), abortion, children born out of wedlock, and even homosexuality. They believe in patriarchy, where the husband is the one to control the family, and the wife does her duty to bring forth as many of God’s little soldiers as possible.
While I certainly don’t like their way of life (but support their rights to do as they please, as long as they don’t try to force me to be like them), I also don’t like the ideas put forth by some on the other side. There are those who believe that liberals need to combat this growing trend by having more children of their own. Squeezing out kids as a political statement is not something I’m into. Last I checked, I thought that we had children to love them, not to train them to be political warriors.
Anyway, read the article. At the very least, it’s enlightening.
OK, after that dark and gloomy article, time for a few palate cleansers. First up, a link sent to me by Karen at Troll Baby. Remember my post on Justin Timberlake’s Sexyback? Well, Karen found this beautiful parody of the song. With all of the moms on antidepressants, this song is perfect for us.
And finally: sick of the TMX Elmo craze? Want him to just go away? Fantasize setting that little red whiny monster on fire sometime? Well, these people were thinking of you. Be sure to watch parts 2 & 3 also.

AK! But…Ah…um…
Did I mention I leave for West, by God, Virginia in 3 days???
Oh boy.
More confirmation why I don’t subscribe to organized relgious concepts. Those people are freaks! The bible was not meant for literal interpretation. Nor was it meant to “justify” the freaky and unnatural beliefs that some misogynist pastor wants to spread among his congregation.
Great links! I needed a laugh (and a little disbelief) this morning!
The Paxil Back video made me pee my pants with laughter!
Ha ha ha, holy crap – I started to watch the Elmo links while Sweet Pea was in the room and The Bug was on my lap… sometimes I don’t use the correct amount of restraint – although today was more like, “I can turn it off before Sweet Pea gets to the computer,” which is what I did. That was actually quite creepy.
Love the links. Now that I’m getting my Paxil Back, I think I’ll go procreate like crazy. I need 10 more quivers in my family. Uh, just kidding. That’s freaking nuts!!