I never turn down a test, it seems. My OB had recommended an Ultrascreen, a genetic screening that combines an ultrasound with a blood test at 11-12 weeks, and I quickly said I’d like to do it. The test checks for genetic abnormalities, including Down’s Syndrome. No, we have no risk factors to worry about, but some of these require no family link. Plus, it gave me the chance to see the fetus again.
This is a test that has to be performed by a specialist, so I had another appt. set up. Luckily, the nurse was gentle and managed to draw my blood on the first try, although she did have to dig a little for the vein. (I have, quite possibly, the worst veins ever.) Then it was on to the ultrasound.
The tech was very nice, and she even warmed up the ultrasound gel and placed towels down to protect my clothing. It felt like a spa service at that point. Then we got to see the baby. We got some great pictures out of it, because for the purposes of the test, they have to get the fetus into a perfect profile in order to measure the length of the back of the neck.
It’s very early of course, the poor kid looks like it has my nose. As you can see, there’s a very nice profile there, but the nose does look a little, uh, prominent (it’s easier to see in the other pics). The heartbeat was strong at 160 beats per minute. We could make out fingers and toes, too, although right now the legs look more like frog legs than baby legs.
As we’ve noticed before, this kid still seems to be laid back. When we saw Cordy at 11 weeks, she was a hyper little thing, bouncing around all over the place as if she was dancing. This one just hung out, occasionally kicking his/her legs once or twice to push off and then slowly float back down again. The tech and I got a laugh out of that – all I could think of at that point was Squirt, the sea turtle, from Finding Nemo. Putting out a little effort just to ride the wave back down. Dude, how cool.
Everything looked good on the ultrasound, and we’ll have the complete results sometime next week.

This is so exciting. I love seeing the newest US pics. Have you had any dreams about what you think the gender is? I used to have my ultrasounds and then that night I’d dream about having a girl or a boy or once I dreamt twins even though I knew I only had one baby in there!
That’s a great shot for 12 weeks!
Squeaks was bouncy and crazy, too at that “age”. It’s no wonder she runs arouns like crazy now!
Awww….I love ultrasound pictures!
It is so exciting, and certainly brings back alot of happy memories. I am so happy for you 🙂
Awwwwwww. Babeeeeeeeee.
It’s funny, Boo was binging all over the place in utero, too. Bug was much more mellow. It’s held true once they both arrived, too. Hopefully the same thing will happen for you because a mellow 2nd baby (well, fourth, in my case) makes for a much calmer mum.
awww sooo sweet! Glad all is well!
I’m cracking up by your Nemo reference. When we had the ultrasound for our youngest she was just chillin and so we called her Squishy (sometimes still do) like the squids in the movie which was at the time my older daughters favorite movie.
What a cutie pie, I would say by the heartbeat it is a girl, but that is never a sure thing.
o! it’s so exciting. i look back at my little guy’s pictures and it still really does look like his profile. i love it.
Very exciting. Love ultrasound pics.
Ooooh, this makes me sooooo excited! I think I’m having this test mid-December and I’m pretty excited to see this little one for the first time.
And I’m hoping this one’s a lot calmer than my first one, too.
And hi, I’m new 🙂
C, babies’ noses always look bigger than they really are. No worries. (And your nose? I swear I never even noticed – just like I said to Cristina, MOTR.)
I’m so glad that all is well. I always loved those ultrasounds. My OB used an ultrasound to guide her when she inserted my IUD, and it just wasn’t the same to see my uterus sans bebe.
hmmm, that is a pretty female heartrate. glad to hear that everything is going well with little squirt.
we were pretty much the opposite when it came to tests – i didn’t do any – but due to a very low-lying placenta, and then a sideways baby at 41 weeks, i had to have 5 ultrasounds. can’t say i was sorry for the first pics!
good luck with the results.
Hooraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Congratulations, I’m so glad to hear that all is well with Squirt and it’s fun to see the ultrasound pix.
Aaaaahhhhh! It ALMOST makes me want to have another one 😉
so glad things are going well!
Many wishes for a safe, long, and boring pregnancy!
I LOVE ultrasound pics! I wish I could get really good at distinguishing better what is what- but I CAN see the head at least!
I’m glad everything looked good on the ultrasound. Your little guy or girl looks pretty cute in there baking away!
Aww..that is a great US pic!!!!
Was looking at a friends and it looked like some evil demon!
I hated that blood test because we got a false positive and had to do the stress of genetic counseling and so on….
Good luck to you guys.
Woo hoo!! Look at that little jaw! I always thought my own ultrasounds looked like an alien baby but it’s funny, other people’s don’t look like that to me.