Random Thoughts

Have you heard the song “Sexyback” on the radio? I’ve heard it while driving in the car about 10 times in the past few weeks. I didn’t think much of it, other than it was kind of dull and one of those songs that easily gets stuck in your head. (Although thanks to Sunshine Scribe I’ve had Sir Mix-a-lot’s “I Like Big Butts” stuck in my head since yesterday.)

I’m embarrassed to admit I did not know that song was by Justin Timberlake until I heard them mention it on the radio yesterday. I had to go home and look up the video, because I couldn’t figure out how the song was his. I knew he certainly didn’t have the deep male voice on the song, and I didn’t know who the woman was singing, either.

Before yesterday, I had actually asked co-workers who the woman was singing that song. (They just gave me blank stares. Should have realized the problem right there.) So I watched the video last night. There’s the problem – the “woman” I thought was singing was actually Justin. I thought for sure his voice was a woman’s. I feel totally unhip.

Justin, dude, you sound like a chick.


The morning sickness is slowly easing up, thank goodness. I’m now only gagging one or two times a day, and as long as I keep a slow but steady intake of food going all day long, I don’t feel too bad.

The other day I found by accident my true “preggers” food. I think most pregnant women have that one weird food combination that sounds gross to many but they can’t get enough of. I had ordered food from the deli near work for lunch, getting a grilled chicken sandwich and mashed potatoes. They always include a pickle slice with every meal – not just a wimpy pickle slice, either – we’re talking half of a small cucumber.

This time they had placed the pickle in the same side as the mashed potatoes. I pulled out the pickle to have a bite, and noticed a little bit of the mashed potatoes stuck to it. Licking off the stray potatoes, the tastes combined in my mouth, and nirvana was reached. I can’t even properly describe how wonderful it tasted, especially comparing it to other foods right now, which all taste bad to me. It was the best thing I’ve tasted in months, and so I started scooping up the mashed potatoes with the crisp pickle and eating the two together.

My only regret was that I ran out of pickle before I ran out of mashed potatoes. I ate the remainder of the potatoes without a pickle, but not before the irrational part of me gave serious thought to running out to the deli to get another pickle.

If you’re pregnant and feeling sick, give pickles and potatoes a try.


I have a new sister blog to compliment this one! It’s called Mommy’s Must Haves, and it is a collection of product reviews, book reviews, contests I’ve found, etc. Basically, it’s stuff that just didn’t fit in here with my ramblings about Cordy, pregnancy and my life. When I come across a good product, I love to tell the world about it, and if I come across something crappy, I take a wee bit of evil pleasure in pointing out why it sucks and telling people to avoid it. This seemed like a perfect solution for me to sound off about the crap I buy.

So, if you feel like checking out some recommendations every now and then, click over there and have a look. There’s not much there at the moment, but I hope to add a few new posts each week. Right now you can check out this fun contest to win all you need for a bake sale!

Oh, and putting this new site together reminded me that back in July, due to the stresses of getting ready for BlogHer and having our house broken into and trashed, I totally flaked on sending out the books to Mrs. Chicky and Dana, who won my book contest. Ladies, the books will be mailed out to you this week!

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  1. My daughter loves that song. You know, I actually think Justin Timberlake looks like a girl, too. Apologies to those folks who find him appealing. I am just not one of them!

    I think I would eat pickles and mashed potatoes even if I wasn’t pregnant *LOL* Sounds yummy to me! Glad to hear your nausea is easing up a bit.

  2. I liked Justin’s song when it first came out, but with most things radio – it’s so played out! It annoys me now. My two-year-old however, carseat dances whenever it comes on the radio, so I still listen to it for him 🙂

    Pickles and mashed potatoes? Doesn’t sound that bad actually.

  3. Dahling! Don’t you worry! I know how busy life with a toddler can be! 🙂

    The pickles and mashed potatoes does sound good. 😉

  4. My favorite craving was a toasted sandwhich with cucumbers and pickles topped with mustard and taco sauce. Omigod it looked like barf, but it was so good.

  5. Hey, I just found your blog. I have to say, the only time in my life I’ve ever liked pickles was when I was preggo.

    Mine though was a grilled ham and cheese sandwich with cole slaw in it. I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole now, but it was soooo tasty then.

  6. musingwoman says

    Hello! Just found your blog.

    I really like the song Sexy Back but like you didn’t realize it was Justin singing until someone told me.

    Also, if you have another contest, I’d be happy to announce it on competizione. We’re a clearing house for contests by bloggers. 🙂

  7. Yeah- I thought Justin sounded a bit fem in that song too.

  8. I’m so glad you found some food you can eat. It’s so hard when you’re feeling that awful. Whatever works. I had many a pickle jor during my pregnancy.

    Look forward to checking out your new site.

  9. No worries, my dear, no worries. I’m just glad to hear your getting over that morning sickness. But dude, pickles and potatoes? That sounds kind of icky.

    Now I’m off to check out your latest endeavor!

  10. The closest thing I had/have to a food combo craving is peanut butter and chocolate. I definitely ate a LOT of Reeses cups.

    Ok, there was also grilled cheese and milkshakes. Does that count?

  11. Dude- you HAVE to check out my blog- we must be on the same wavelength today. I made a pretty sexy dinner last night. LOL.

  12. We are on the same wavelength as well – I have Sir Mixalot in my head too, because yesterday at work we were speculating on what the rudest possible ringtone would be, and that was my vote.

  13. you should see bumbelebee and me bust a move to sexyback. i’d rather stick a fork in my eye than allow a pussycat doll into my house, but sing about shackles, whips and slaves, and it’s ok by me!

    no seriously weird food combos when i was preg, but i did subsist only on wonton soup for a good 3 weeks.

    glad to hear you’re gettin your sexy back!

  14. Pasta totally grossed me out when I was pregnant. As for something I could not get enough of, I have one word: CHOCHOLATE.

  15. Well, you know about my propensity for filet-o-fish. Haven’t had one since the baby was born. But I’ve always, always loved the combination of pickles and PB&J, pregnant or not. I just love the sweet salty garlicky combination. Mmmmm. Sorry if that made you puke.

    A new blog! Woo-hoo.

  16. Okay now we are even…that sexyback song will be in my head for the rest of the day! ANd you are right, it doesn’t sound like him AT ALL.

    And congrats on the new site!!!

    Off to check it out pronto.

  17. Dude. I’m linking the other site as well.

    And now, thanks to you, I have SexyBack stuck in my head.

    When I wake up in the morning, I bebop into the kitchen, snuggle up to my Husband with crazy hair and say, “I’m bringin sexy back.” He then tries to smother me. heh

  18. I haven’t heard the song, but Tacy routinely asks me whether the person singing on the radio is a man or a woman. And she wants to know why the person who sings “Back in Black” is screaming so loudly.

  19. Pickles and potatoes are delish even if one is, ahem, not pregnant. (Dill pickle chips? Mmmm)

  20. “Justin, dude, you sound like a chick.”

    I think I laughed a full five minutes on that one! I did a “Secret Pal” thing for my moms’ club where my pal was a big JT fan. I gave her an “autographed” photo of him. She gave me a CD of his music as a “thank you.” Good times, indeed!

    Glad the morning sickness is easing up. I had horrid nausea during both my pregnancies, so I can relate.

    Pickle Potato Nirvana sounds fabulous, my friend.

  21. My daughter loves that song and she is three.

    Yes, we are aware we are in trouble.

  22. I’m glad the morning sickness is getting better.

    As for sexy back, I like it but I admit it doesn’t sound much like him either. It’s obviously overdone with the voice effects or whatever its called.

  23. i knew the song was justin timberlake cause the first time i heard it was on the vma’s. i have since heard it again on the radio and your right, he sounds like a a chick!!

    is the new blog open to suggestions, i know lots of stuff i could not live without!