Sure, you can say a lot of bad things about Ohio (and who hasn’t?), but one thing I really love about being here is the weather. If you like experiencing all four seasons, Ohio is the place to be. We have all four, fully-defined seasons, although not always occurring in the correct order.
Fall has to be my favorite of the seasons: the crisp air, warm during the day and cool at night, the changing colors of the leaves, the bright blue skies, the bountiful harvest. Ripe, fresh apples, sweet corn, and of course, pumpkins.
So of course when my friend Kristi, from the blog Life with Aveline, invited us to her family’s farm for pumpkin picking, horse-drawn hay rides, corn mazes, and a petting zoo, we couldn’t resist. Today we drove the hour north to Honey Haven Farm to meet up with Kristi, Laura, Jessica and others.
It was also the big debut of Kristi’s newest baby, Scarlett. Seeing that tiny little person asleep in the sling made me remember why I wanted another baby again.
Aaron and I worried about how Cordy would act during the day, since we were arriving right before nap time. Interrupting nap time can lead to, well, a grumpy troll of a child. But the day was perfect – not too warm, a light breeze, and sunny – so it was worth the risk.
When we first arrived, we met up with Kristi, who was attending to the baby, so we wandered around on our own for a bit. Cordy immediately saw Kristi’s dog, Elvis, and ran for him, petting him gently and following him wherever he went.
After that, we found our way to the petting zoo in the barn. Cordy ran back and forth between the animals before settling on the goats, mostly because they were the only ones close enough to pet. She would reach through the fence, pet the goat, then look at me and say “Mooooo!” I tried to explain that these were goats, not cows (there was a calf in the next pen, however), and she then tried again and said, “Baaaaa!” Sigh.
We tried to get her to go see other things, but she was fixated on the goats. I walked over to look at the straw maze for the kids in the barn, hoping Cordy would follow and be interested. Looking back to find her?
Finally she did wander over to the maze.
While in the maze, she ran into Aveline, who had just woken up from her nap. The two had never met before, but were quickly plotting in the back of the maze.
Then it was time to ride the wagon out into the field to pick our own pumpkins. Cordy loved petting the horses. Once in the field, Cordy was fascinated with all of the running space. Once her feet touched the ground, she was off, yelling, “running! running!” just in case we weren’t sure what she was doing.
We did have to grab her once to keep her from running right in front of one of the wagons. We walked the field, looking for just the right pumpkins. Cordy’s crazy running led us to a good section of the patch that hadn’t been picked over, and so we found three nice pumpkins.
By the time the day was over, Cordy had learned the word “pumpkin” and was proud of her new toys. We ate a little ice cream while chatting with Kristi, then packed things up to start for home. Cordy was well past her nap time at this point, and the meltdown was nearing. Not even 5 minutes into the drive, she was asleep.
Thanks to Kristi for inviting us up to the farm. We had a fabulous time, and we now have three lovely pumpkins to display outside the house. I love fall!

That sounds like so much fun! I’m glad Cordy got to get out and run crazy for awhile…I bet she sleeps great tonight!
Here in Illinois we have all four seasons as well. My hubby is from Ohio, and hates Illinois, so I have to hear how great Ohio is all the time. I bought myself an Ohio State hoodie the other day, to make him happy 🙂
Looks like Cordy had soo much fun!! Will she enjoy helping carve pumpkins?
I too, am in Ohio, and I love all 4 seasons! They seem to come right at the perfect time….just when you are so sick of the previous season. Right now, the leaves are starting to look amazing, football games on Friday nights that you have to wear a sweatshirt, nice sunny days where you can sit on your porch and enjoy those last rays of the sun.
ya, Ohio gets knocked alot, but I kinda like it….except for the snow. HATE snow!
so good to meet Cordy and Aaron yesterday!!
Loved the punkin orange tights.. they are even better in person.
I’ve clicked on three blogs this morning, and all three have been wonderful odes to fall. It’s my favourite season too (is that a shared trait among bloggers, do you think? – there have been so many wonderful fall posts this year).
And Cordy’s little brown fall-colour skirt? Wonderful.
What a great day! Sounds lovely.
As for saying bad things about Ohio:
Most of my experiences have been great, like the liquor stores that you literally drive-into while the employees stack kegs in your trunk.
But then there was that strange boy whose ex-step-father was apparently so scary that when he came over unexpectedly one night, my boyfriend told me to hide under a desk in a darkened room and hope that ex didn’t have his shotgun.
Great recollection of a crisp autumn! 🙂
Sounds like you had an awesome day with your friends. Cordy, too! And those pumpkin colored tights are too cute.
I love autumn days. I lived in Ohio for a short time near Lake Erie. I liked it, but with lake effect weather, we didn’t see too many blue sky days.
Sounds like you all had a great time! And that last picture of the two of you is wonderful.
As a fellow OHIo- an I have to agree altho the winters suck BAD! the fall season is amazing- I am so glad you got the chance to enjoy it- and is there anything better than going to the farm on a perfect weekend with the kids? I have pics of our weekend trip to the local fruit farm on my flikr if you wanna check it out!
I am a former Ohio-ian (and still a Buckeye at heart!) besides my parents, all of my family still lives in Ohio. So I would never say anything bad about Ohio (Now, West Virginia or Michigan maybe). I just remember the VERY cold winters.
That and the drive-thru convenience stores!! (Thanks for reminding me, Kari!) When we went for a visit earlier this year, my husband was amazed at being able to buy beer while you’re in your car, driving. He wanted to start one of them up here in the Northeast. He figured he’d make a killing 🙂
Sounds like a great day. We shall be going our annual apple and pumpkin picking this week – if our weather holds out.
Gotta love Fall, I agree. CJ went to Freeman Farm in Lewis Center on Sunday. We now have a big pumpkin for him and a little tiny one for Andrew 🙂 We’re planning to go to Pigeon Roost Farm, too before the season’s over in Kirkersville. I think that one is the best!
Sounds perfect – exactly what we have planned for next weekend as long is doesn’t rain (knocking on my head just in case).[
and I totally love Cordy’s outfit; sweaters and cool tights being some of the best things about fall.
I love the fall season too. Great pics:) I feel like I already came to this blog this week. it’s like de ja vue:)
I agree- there’s nothing like the smell, the feeling of fall. It’s truly something to be savored, like a fine pumpkin pie.
Oh wow, sounds like you had a great time! We’re going to the pumpkin patch this weekend. I can hardly wait!
Cordy and her curls just kill me. I just want to take her and hug her she looks so adorable!
I’m so glad you had a nice family day out at the farm. I bet she remembers her goats and her pumpkins for weeks to come.
Thanks for coming! I’m glad you had a wonderful time. Fall on the farm is just too special not to share!
We loved having you visit. I just wish I could have spent more time with you all. I would have loved to have seen Cordy and Aveline together in the straw maze. And I understand the constant running, though my daughter can’t quite announce it yet.