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The Toys That Matter

If you’ve ever looked at any of my photos on Flickr that were taken inside my house, you’d know that Cordelia is not suffering for a lack of toys. Many were gifts, some were impulse buys at the store, some were garage sale or consignment store finds. The living room is where most of the toys reside, and I think the toys are slowly taking over the room.

Walking through the living room, it’s hard to not step on a toy if Cordy has been in the room for more than 5 minutes. Her normal routine when coming downstairs is to dig through her toy bin and pull as much as possible out onto the floor. I guess she needs it all in plain sight for inventory or something.

The most dangerous are the Lego blocks and Peek a Blocks. Those things hurt like mad when you step on them. Little People are close behind that, and we have a lot of Little People and Little Animals cluttering the downstairs. Holding one in your hand, you’d think they were soft plastic, but if you step on one, the sole of your foot would disagree with that assessment.

The most offensive are the toys that make noise. These are usually the ones given to us by people who clearly hate us. Late at night, I’ll be picking up toys and putting them back, and one of the noisy toys is sure to scare the hell out of me by going off with no provocation.

Stuffed animals are the most harmless on the surface, but I’m convinced they’re like bunnies – if left alone, they reproduce at high speeds, so that soon every corner of the house is littered with them.

So, with this multitude of toys at her disposal, what is currently holding the mark of honor as Cordy’s favorite toy?


A plastic cup.

All other toys are dead to her now, including Blue. But the plastic cup must go everywhere with her. Even to bed.

This is more weird than the time she stacked Diet Coke cans like blocks.


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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