Random Monday

There’s a new Tide commercial that I just don’t like. It features a woman with a baby, and the voice over says, “There’s a difference between smelling like a mom, and smelling like a woman.” The ad is for Tide with Febreeze, and seems to say that if you don’t wash your clothes in this stuff, your man won’t want to be around you because you smell like baby spitup. What the hell?

Personally, if I’m going out for a date with my husband, I’m going to wear something I generally don’t wear when I’m with my daughter. At the very least, I’m changing into clean clothes first, and my fragrance-free detergent does a fine job of cleaning my clothes. Besides, I can’t stand the smell of Febreeze – it has a chemical smell to it, I think.


Am I the only one who, upon seeing a family out in public with a toddler having a meltdown, smiles and feels just a little happy and relieved? I mean, I feel for the family, but I like knowing Cordy isn’t the only child who can have a major tantrum at the worst of times. Seeing another child laying on the floor, angry and screaming and thrashing, reminds me that Cordelia is going through a phase that most kids go through, and I’m handling as best I can, just like the other parents I see.


I’m sure most of you have now seen the news about the death of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter. Aaron told me early this morning, and I’m still feeling very sad about his passing. Even though I would often shake my head in amazement at how crazy he was, getting so close to dangerous animals and risking his life daily, I admired his goals of animals conservation and education.

He said that in order to save animals, we must get to know them and love them, and he’s right. Steve worked hard to teach the public about these endangered animals, so that we could come to know them and hopefully join him in preserving their habitats and lives. One of Cordelia’s favorite DVDs is Wiggly Safari, which is a Wiggles DVD filmed at the Australia Zoo with Steve Irwin and his family. It was one of the first we bought, and she still dances in excitement when I put it on for her.

I wish Steve’s family peace and hope that this tragedy won’t change their goals and their vision to educate children about wildlife. I will miss seeing him on TV, but at least he died doing what he loved.

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  1. hey found you thru MIM and thought I’d say “hi”.
    I too chuckle inside at the sight of another toddler on the floor. I also chuckle when I watch Supernanny or Nanny 911 as it makes me feel sooo much better about my family, its a quick ego boost!
    Anyway I’ll check back later I’m off to bed

  2. I feel exactly the same way. (About the toddler meltdowns AND the crocodile hunter.)

  3. Hi,
    I’m new to your blog. I saw your posters (the links) on Motherhood Uncensored and LAUGHED OUT LOUD. Those are fabulous. Loved them.

  4. Thanks for posting this about Steve Irwin. I agree that it is a tragedy. He did amazing things for wildlife conservation and educating our children. I read something this morning that said he pretty much had it coming to him for endangering his baby near the alligator. I don’t agree that he should have had his child that close to the alligator but I don’t think that he meant the baby harm. He didn’t deserve to die for making a bad decision. I too wish his family peace during this tragic time.

    I am a diver and once spent about 20 minutes staring down a sting ray that was probably 20 feet in size from wing tip to wing tip on the bottom of the ocean. It was one of my more memorable dives. Sting rays are typically calm creatures unless they feel threatened and boxed in, which was the case with Irwin.

  5. I saw that ad just the other day and it totally left a bad taste in my mouth! I hate its over the top target audience way of getting at moms. I mean, I know many products are targeting mothers, but I feel like this one goes even further in lumping us in as the same spit up smelling woman who needs to be reminded that she has her own identity.

  6. Mommy off the Record says

    I always feel so sad hearing about parents dying and leaving their young children behind. It’s so sad.

    However, there IS something to be said about dying doing what you love doing. He’s lucky in that respect I guess. And he does leave behind a legacy, which his family can be proud of.

  7. Since we’re pre-major tantrum time in our family (she has tantrums, but they’re not too bad yet) I cringe when I see a toddler having a full-blown meltdown because I see my future. It’s only a matter of time.

    I was also really upset to hear about Steve Irwin. What a way to go.

  8. I am with you…I certainly wouldn’t have worn an outfit out to dinner that would need Tide with Febreeze in it to erradicate baby spit up odor! OK….maybe to the supermarket or something…but certainly not date night. Geesh…

    There is something comforting about someone else’s child having a melt down that doesn’t make me feel so alone.

    I, too, feel bad for the Irwin family. What a terrible tradgedy.

  9. I feel so badly for Steve Irwin’s family.

    Wiggly Safari is one of our favorites, too! I enjoy watching him with the Wiggles.

  10. I just opened a container of the Tide that smells like lavender and vanilla, and it really is yummy. I wasn’t really fond of the Febreeze one either, although it didn’t smell like the Febreeze that comes from the spray bottle.

    And yes – it does warm my heart to see other kids act up in public. I try to smile and nod at the attending parent to show that I understand – as opposed to the looks and stares that we sometimes get, which make me want to snap, “Haven’t you ever witnessed a tantrum before?”

  11. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    I haven’t seen that commercial..since we don’t watch tv…

    anyway….I tend to smile when I see tantrums in the store too. I feel for the mom, while others are looking at her like she has no control.

    I’m soo sad about Steve Irwin. i’m sad for his family. I can’t believe that he died. It’s soo shocking, and soo sad.

  12. I was sad about Steve Irwin, too. While I’d never personally touch an alligator or a snake, he did have a lot of guts!

    And yes, seeing other mom’s go through temper tantrums always makes me thank God it’s not my turn. And then usually, Dawson will start his tornado behavior later. Ugh!

  13. I actually cried about it. It is just so terribly sad. God bless him and his family!

  14. I FINALLY saw that freaking TIde Commercial today (they should show it on the kids channels, I would have seen it sooner) and I about died.

    If that BS they are feeding us is true, I have odor issues. And my husband is really unhappy with me.

  15. Just checking in on you. We hope everything is good.

    I bought some lavender vanilla downy today. It smells so good. I didn’t buy it because of the marketing…I really could care less if I smell.

    I used to be someone who glared at parents of tantrum kids in public. I didn’t understand that it is a phase that every child and parent endures. I am getting paid back now. I try to look sympathetic or ignore the tantrum completely.

    I too cried about Steve Irwin. What a loss for the entire world.