Yesterday I received my usual weekly e-mail from Old Navy, offering up the newest batch of deals. This one was focusing on denim for baby. Since Cordy has outgrown all of her spring clothing, and therefore has no long pants, I clicked the link.
And then my brain exploded.
Let me back up for a minute. Before this, I had just read this BlogHer article about Moms for Modesty. While I don’t like their name, I can agree with their cause that we need to stop trying to dress our little girls as if they’re a miniature Britney Spears. Seeing a toddler wearing a “Big Flirt” t-shirt or “Juicy” written across the butt of her pants is inappropriate. It sends a message that our girls are nothing more than developing sex objects, perfecting their place in life with crop tops and skinny jeans while they learn how to push out their chests and suck in their tummies.
Back to Old Navy now. Presented on my screen were over a dozen choices for jeans, and at the top was an explanation of the different cuts of jeans for toddlers. What? My daughter doesn’t need to choose between boot cut and flare jeans – I just want pants for her! Plain pants! She certainly doesn’t need their Special Edition distressed jeans: she will wear them out fast enough on her own, without the help of the manufacturer.
I guess I’m saying that I really don’t like the trend of dressing toddlers just like mini-adults. They don’t need to follow the adult fashions (like Baby Gap’s new skinny jeans). I’m not saying they should be wearing only loose clothing in pastels with cutesy hearts and rainbows, but certain fashion trends aren’t needed. They can be hip without looking like the next reality TV star. More examples:
In the category of useless accessory, these pants are cute, but what’s up with the pockets? Does the toddler on the go need those side cargo pockets to store her Little People?
Seems to me these pockets would only lead to trouble. Nothing like finding half-eaten, two-day old Cheerios in those cute little pockets on laundry day, is there? Or worse: crayons that don’t get noticed before going through the wash. Ugh.
This t-shirt bothers me a lot. I’ll fess up: I do call Cordy a princess, and I know it’s probably not the best thing to do. But I usually add the word “warrior” in front of it.
I have no problem if she wants to play princess when she’s older, but I plan to teach her that princesses or queens can do just fine on their own as well. She’s a tough girl, and doesn’t need a prince charming to come find her. Implying that she does is insulting.
Maybe one of these shirts would be better for her.
Same goes for this shirt as well. “Cowboy Wanted”? For what, may I ask?
The answer had best be a costume-party playdate and nothing more.
Why does a toddler need a shirt that says Cowboy Wanted? Is she incomplete without her man? Can she not be a cowgirl on her own, without the support and guidance of a cowboy?
I know there are far worse examples out there, but I refuse to seek them out, because it would only give me more of a headache. (I won’t even begin to address the Baby Phat phenomena.) And while most of the clothing at Old Navy is generally good stuff, I am disappointed to see them carrying these types of items for young girls.
I’d rather they focus on making the baby girls line of clothing comfortable, cute, maybe a little hip, and when it comes to graphic tees, focus on empowering messages for girls. Hear that, Old Navy? And while you’re at it, could you please burn your skinny jeans?
Next up: After looking through the first round of costumes I’ve seen for Halloween, I’ve got another post brewing about this year’s theme in costumes for young girls. Here’s a hint: the sluttier, the better.

I guess that is where it is much easier to have boys than girls. Although I have always wondered about the pocket thing. Heck I have pants with actual pockets in 0-3 month sizes when the baby can’t even do more than eat and sleep.
That “cowboy” tank is horrible! Gah! Why do they want our kids to grow up so fast?
I’m totally with you – and in fact, I don’t shop at a few places just because I think all their stuff is way over stylized.
I do find some good stuff at Old Navy but that cowboy tank is sickening. Really.
And I’ve noticed a huge trend in even some of the better kid’s shops – like The Children’s Place (who I always thought had fairly neutral clothing) to “glam it up.”
I’m doing a post over at my clubmom blog today about kid’s clothes. Curious to see where people buy girls clothes these days.
I don’t ever buy those kinds of clothes for my MJ. I am concerned, because not too far down the road she might want to pick her clothes, and I am scared by what is out there.
What is this world coming to?
I completely agree with you, but I was surprised to see you post this. I went back to last month’s posts so I could reference this properly, but I am referring to your post where you put your daughter in the promotional t-shirt from BlogHer that said “Sexysmart”. When I read that post, I remember thinking things similar to what you put in this post. I’m glad to read you feel the same way, but a little confused as to why you would dress/photograph your daughter in a t-shirt that says “Sexysmart”. I think it’s kind of inappropriate to advertise a toddler as being sexy, even in jest (obviously the smart part is just fine 😉 ). You are correct though, that there are way worse examples out there.
Every time I see a commercial for the Baby Bratz toy line I want to grab a hammer, find their marketing department and…
3carnations – Yes, I did put her in that shirt and took a picture, although she was only in the shirt long enough for the picture. I was trying to demonstrate that the condom company clearly didn’t have any clue as to the size of an average woman, since the shirts they gave us were so small they fit my toddler. I wasn’t implying at all that it is appropriate wear for a toddler. I can assure you that the shirt was promptly disposed of after the picture.
(I also go back in my archives every now and then, usually after a post is many months old, and remove pics I don’t want Cordy to ever see. That will be one of them, I’m sure.)
I think you’re right on – kids are not adults and shouldn’t be dressing like them. I’m lucky in that I have boys and so it’s a little different. But I cringe when I see some of the things being offered for my nieces and daughters of friends. How can we teach girls that they have more to offer than their bodies when we buy clothes for them that show midriffs and barely cover their cute, little bums.
I think that’s one of the things that really bothered me about the Jon Benet Ramsey case – when I saw pictures of her in those pageants she looked older than me!!
I love trendy baby clothes, but I know what you mean. There is no need for flirty/slutty clothes for small children. Different styles of jeans for toddlers is ridiculous. And distressed? Holy cow, toddlers do the distressing for themselves!
I do like to put my 9 month old in halter tops and spaghetti strap dresses, but I don’t think that is what you’re referring to, is it?
As a parent of four young girls, this is a topic near and dear to my heart. Good grief, I HATE clothes like the Where’s my Prince and Cowboy Wanted shirts. I’ve seen stuff like this offered on onesies for newborns! Just ridiculous.
As a new mom of a girl who’s a month old today— and a former tomboy myself–
Oh HELLS no would I buy any of that crap for her to wear. What the frell. (Yeah, I’m a bit passionate about this)
And I thought it was going to be difficult dressing her because of all the cutesy flowery girly stuff– give me those choices everyday rather than the blantantly sexual stuff they are selling.
Where do we find good quality clothes for our daughters outside of the Carters line? Or Osh Kosh? I honestly can’t afford to dress her in Ralph Lauren!
I’ve heard about the Halloween costumes. Ugh. Maybe this is the year I should drag out the sewing machine and put it to good use.
I like Gymboree clothes for cute things that aren’t slutty or evocative, but they’re expensive unless they’re on sale.
Warrior princess… love that nickname!
I agree with you 100%. Why do babies or toddlers need distressed jeans?? How silly! They grow up fast enough without the world pushing them to dress like adults. I was just talking with my hubby about the Mother’s for modesty thing yesterday. I don’t know what my 10 year old will do for shorts when she’s a teen, she has crazy long legs and I’m sure not letting her wear shorts that stop right under her rear!! Poor kid will have to settle for capris!
Makes me grateful to be a mom of a boy sometimes.
Great post … agree completely.
I still don’t understand why Moms keep saying, “So happy I have a boy.” I’m sorry. My Son will not wear this shirt.
Or this one when he’s older:
I actually get Nick’s little knit pants at Kmart. They’re straight legged (he doesn’t like any elastic at his ankles for some reason) with no pockets. They do have a “tie” at the waist which does nothing even remotely belt-like so I’m not sure why it was included. But, they’re cute (he has red, navy and a great sage green color). And they’re 3.99/pair. HOLLA!
I’m a bargain shopper. 😉
Thanks for talking about the Moms for Modesty campaign. It’s really all about common-sense modesty for our children. If those Old Navy clothes gave you a headache you should see the LITTLE girls size tops which started the whole Moms for Modesty campaign. I warn you, the phrases on these t-shirts will bother you:
Oy. Haven’t been to ON yet myself, but my aunt sent Tacy a t-shirt that I really did like – the message on the front is “My Mom’s a Rock Star”. Given that my aunt is a single mom herself, I doubt she’ll be sending any of the Prince Charming crap, and you know I won’t be buying it either. Thank goodness Miss Goosie is still dead-set on marrying her daddy.
But you MUST buy that warrior princess tee for Cordy. Or else I’ll do it!
I love the link to the T-shirts, the ones with empowering messages on them. I have the hardest time trying to find clothes for my 9yo because I refuse to let her dress like a slutty 19yo. I’m going to have to see which ones of these she likes because some of those messages are great.
There are so many styles out there for children now. I do like some of the old navy brands, but, my favorite line of girls clothes is,Flowers by Zoe. The girls clothes are really cute and functional! I bought some Flower by Zoe Hoodies that go great with denim!
This is my opinion so accept it as I accept yours. I love shoppping at gap for my two year old. She wears the latest fashion. Shes wears skinny jeans with the cutest tops. I can afford it. Everywhere I go people comment and I feel proud.