Avast! Here Be Me Day!

I think I’ve told everyone about me pregnancy except those at work. I nearly slipped yesterday, when talkin’ about t’ local hospitals and which be t’ best for givin’ birth. Just as I was sayin’, “Well, I plan t’ use OSU again…,” I caught meself, and added, “…when we have our next child.” Whew.

Still no nausea – yay! Every day without feelin’ like me stomach be climbin’ up me throat be a successful day for me. T’ mornin’ sickness hit me at 6 weeks exactly last time, and I have told meself I’m goin’ t’ make it longer than that this time. Let’s hope positive thinkin’ be stronger than hormones.

Speakin’ o’ hormones, holy shit me boobs hurt! I forgot how smartly t’ hormones put them aft into standby mode. They’re already at least half a cup bigger, so me bras don’t fit, and bumpin’ them in any way sends sharp pains through them.

We’re now on illness watch for Cordelia. When I went t’ pick her up tonight, she was covered in sweat and coughin’. I gave her a dose o’ Motrin before bed, just in case she did have a fever. She hasn’t had a cold or other bug in a long time. I’m hopin’ she be not sick – feelin’ bad on your birthday be no fun.

In case you’re wonderin’ why this slightly random post be written so strangely today, I’ll let you in on t’ secret: today be t’ International Talk Like a Pirate Day. If you’d like t’ talk like a pirate, too, check out t’ English-to-Pirate translator here.


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  1. How funny! I think I will talk like a pirate all day!

    I’m so glad that you’re not feeling the nausea. That’s such a blessing. Hopefully the boob pain will subside…it’s a real bitch!

  2. That’s hilarious! You reminded me of Pirate Steve from Dodgeball LOL.

  3. I had such a hard time with the boobs when I was pregnant. Ugh. I tagged you over at http://homealone.typepad.com.

    You’re it! 🙂

  4. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    That’s hilarious, I think I will go re-translate my post!! It’s still early, right? Glad there’s no nausea yet…and those painful boobs are how I knew I pregnant both times! It’s like the day after I miss my perios…BAM sore boobs!

  5. Arrr, I’ll run ya through, ya scurvy bastard.

    Yeah, that’s the only pirate that I speak. It doesn’t work in every conversation as you can see.

    Yo ho ho and here’s to more days with no nausea!

  6. Well Shiver Me Timbers, me likes the talk of pirates! *LOL*
    Thanks for thee uplifting and original post! Made me smile.

    PS I hope the illness stays at “bay” heheh…

  7. Ok, for some screwy reason, your last four posts only showed up on my screen today, so belated CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  8. Beautiful! I really wanted t’ celebrate talk like a pirate day but I had t’ go t’ t’ doctor with me toddler. I didn’t want them thinkin’ I was off me rocker so I had t’ skip celebratin’ this year. sigh

  9. Boobs, yup, I remember. Pain, oh the pain.

    I should’ve let you borrow my husband’s Jack Sparrow costume. 🙂

  10. I was a wonderin what was up with the dialogue…

    Hmm, pirate speak ey? I have to call my hubs, this could be fun!

    Sorry for the boob pain. I’m feeling it too. Although for less hormonal, natural, beautiful reasons. But still, I’m feeling for ya!

  11. We had International Talk Like a Pirate Day at work and me ears be bleedin’ after that! I’m glad to know that so far no morning sickness, but I do remember the boob pain (or boops as Dawson calls them)…soon it will subside, right?

    I had no idea that Dawson and Cordelia are only 5 days apart! That is so cool!

    So you’re having a big birthday bash? You are a super mom. I didn’t do anything big this year. Last year we did and it was so much work. I give you tons of credit! I’m excited to know how her b-day party goes!!!

    Wish her a happy early b-day for me (in case I forget!) and I hope things go just as planned!

    🙂 -hugs-