When Marketing Goes Wrong

At BlogHer, we all received t-shirts from a condom company, along with samples. We’ve all complained about the size of the t-shirts, but I think this picture really brings it home:

Now, if this isn’t your target demographic for condoms (start ’em young?), might I suggest larger t-shirts next year?

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  1. Ok really She is ADORABLE!!! I just want to SQUEEZE her!

  2. WOAH. Did they think they were gonna be giving their shirts to a bunch of tight-baby-T-wearing teenagers or what?

  3. Brilliant. Thank you for that. I, er, wrote my response to various commercial concerns, especially BeJane. Alas, in my haste to imagine the story behind BeJane, I missed mentioning the eentsy shirt. Glad you did.

  4. Amen Sista

  5. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    That’s hilarious! Can you imagine what people would say about you if you took her out in public with that shirt on? Ha!

  6. Too funny! You know, from what I’ve heard, the majority of bloggers there were mommybloggers. Do they not realize that no mother is that size?!

    Cordy looks like an ad that says, “If you don’t use these, you get one of me!”.

  7. Oh my golly. Those are tiny! I don’t think my right boob would fit in that!

  8. Okay, so that’s a tad small for a curvy woman like me. I could probably squeeze one arm into it. hehehe.

  9. that is too funny…I would be promoting the “need” for condoms if I tried to wear that, lol!

  10. The Warrior Princess rules! Cordy looks great.

  11. Priceless.

  12. lololol..my daughter keeps asking me what it says.

    And it’s wicked tight. I won’t be wearing it anytime soon. Or ever.

    But Cordy looks pretty dang cute in her condom dress 🙂

  13. lynsalyns says

    Oh my lord. What next? Baby tampons?

  14. She’s a doll. Why didn’t I think of that – a nightshirt for Tacy!

  15. She’s even got the “S” curve down like the skinny lady on the shirt….

  16. Me again. I guess I just can’t stay away. If you read my recent post, you’ll understand more, but here I’m leaving you some warm and fuzzy thoughts:

    Christina, I love reading your blog. You tell stories of life with your strong-willed child, and it helps me realize that I CAN deal with my own stubborn girl! You are a truly loving wife and mother, one can tell just by reading your words! You always have interesting things to write about and I love seeing pictures of the adorable Warrior Princess!

    Now, go spread some fuzzies…

  17. Mommy off the Record says

    LOL–luckily, she’d look cute in anything!

  18. Oh my…somebody “screwed up” the size thing, hmmm? oops…sorry about the pun!

  19. Now I, sort of, have an idea of what to do with it. WTF?

  20. HAHA! Shame on them! They should know blogging isnt a one size fits all! Love your blog, you are great!

  21. Ok seriously who can fit into that? Not even my 15 yr old could wear that!

    But she is a cute model!

  22. While we’re at it let’s stick some condom machines in daycares across the country. Safe sex is that important. And start directing the littles ones to the Passions web page so they can’t figure out what sex toys they want as well.

  23. HILARIOUS! I haven’t even unwrapped mine yet. Should have left it there, along with the bib and the pbs kids 10 foot magnet that should not have been at a convention with so many computers.

  24. HA! I just spit water. That’s GREAT. LOVE IT! I can’t wait to meet you guys. 🙂

  25. At least now I know what to do with mine.