Wait, Let Me Turn Up My Hearing Aide…

Tonight Aaron and I were given our “time off for good behavior” pass, and my aunt watched Cordy so we could spend some time at the Dublin Irish Festival sans child. We were free to mingle with other adults, and no one knew we were of the breeder type!

We went to the festival last night as well (with Cordy), but tonight Gaelic Storm was playing, and we knew the loud music combined with a start time after Cordy’s bedtime would result in no fun for any of us, or anyone around us.

The concert was great, but before it started the lady behind the drinks counter was kind enough to smack me in the face with how old I am, or at least how old I look. I swear every word of this conversation is 100% true:

Server: (talking to woman in front of me) Ok, that will be two drink tokens, and I need to see your ID.

Woman: Oh, you need to see my ID? Uh, OK, hold on. (shows ID, server studies it)

Server: Yeah, we’re required to check ID for everyone.

(Woman takes her drink and walks away)

Me: I’d like a black cherry cocktail, please. (I start to take out my wallet to show my ID)

Server: (getting the drink) That will be two drink tokens, please.

Me: (handing her tokens as she turns away) Uh, don’t you need to see my ID? (holding up wallet)

Server: Oh. (not even glancing at ID) Yeah, sure, you’re fine. Next!

Can I say I felt a wee bit offended? Apparently even though they’re required to check ID on everyone, I clearly look too old to bother needing mine checked! I got a good look at the woman in front of me, and I would bet high that she’s older than me. After getting my drink, we proceeded to meet up with a friend and some of her friends, and quizzed each of them on how old they think I look. None said anything higher than 23, so adjusting for being nice (I’d adjust even higher if they were my friends, but most of them I had met for the first time that night), I’d say they thought I looked 25 or 27. Clearly still young enough to be carded, right?

So please, if your job involves any sort of bartending or serving of alcohol, be kind to the women who approach your counter, and ask to see their ID. I don’t care if they’re 60, with grey hair and a walker – ask anyway, and maybe throw in a comment or two about how they don’t look their age at all. It’ll not only flatter them, it’ll help you earn better tips, too.

As for me, I think it’s time for a deep moisturizing skin treatment before bed. Ugh.

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  1. I would have carded you. You’re 18, right?

  2. Oh Christina,
    I understand how you feel!!! I was in Chili’s several months ago when I overheard the waitress card the next table over. They laughed and she said “We are required to card everyone who looks 40 and younger.” Then…she came to my table. She did.not.card.me….I asked why. “Well, you don’t look under 40 to me.” OUCH…

  3. I remember the first time I didn’t get carded. The kid called me Ma’am too. I don’t know which was worse.

    I so agree with your advice to ID takers. It should be a job requirement to ask us ALL for our ID’s … even when I am 70 🙂

    Just got caught up on all your fun at BlogHer. I am so glad you had a great time. I look forwadr to next year.

  4. I hate the fact that I never get carded anymore. Seriously, it was like all of a sudden *poof* people decided I looked over 40 or some shit. I would card you, and I worked as a server for years and years.

  5. I just got carded last night. When she asked me for my ID I was like HUH? Then after about the 3rd time of her saying YOUUURRR IIIIIDDDDD, I was like, oh, yeah sure. This is what I get for not drinking all that often! LOL..

  6. awww … I sure she was just distracted by your glowing beauty 🙂

    I am spending the weekend spreading warm and fuzzies …. I have been stopping by around here for a while now and I have come rather addicted to reading about your adventures and family. The love you have for your daughter is amazing and shows in your writing. You share some of the hardest, most raw emotions that takes a lot of courage. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  7. Depressing, isn’t it?

    But if it makes you feel any better, I have always looked young for my age, yet I did not get carded on my 21st birthday at the state liquor store. That was a HUGE letdown! To think of all the liquor I could’ve been buying before then!

  8. Mary Tsao says

    Every time I am carded, I blog about it.

    Guess that tells you how happy it makes me.

    Sounds like a nice night off in spite of the inconsiderate bartender!

  9. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    So, here are 2 major rules:

    1. Card everyone.
    2. Never ask if a woman is pregnant! Not even if sh’e 11 months along and her navel is poking you in the eye!

    The world would be sucha better place if people knew these 2 tiny rules!

  10. I would totally have demanded your ID! I don’t believe for a second that you’re over 21…

  11. I was 29 the last time I was carded…sad to see those days go. But, I was in a abusive relationship and when I look at the pics prior to the marriage and the ones directly after the separation, I look 10 years older. Stress will kill you, and well you know, stress will make you look older than you are….and you have had plenty of stress lately. So, just chalk this one time up to all the traveling and the late nights, hehehe!

  12. Mommy off the Record says

    Gah! I hate it when I don’t get carded! Happens to me all the time. On the rare ocassion that I DO get carded, I leave a hefty tip. LOL

  13. LOL today is my birthday and I a 35, when Dales birthday was 2 weeks ago he was 37 we both got carded and while I laughed and proudly displayed my ID. He was seriously PO’d. For one he had to walk back to the car and second, “clearly I look older than 21” bwahahahaha!

    She said I looked young! He didnt want to leave a tip, but I tipped her when he wasnt watching! 😉

  14. I do get carded most of the time – I think it has something to do with being short, really – but my husband NEVER gets carded. So folks ask for my ID and not his. Almost every time. He says it makes him feel like a dirty old man. He usually sputters out something about my being older than he is, but last time it happened the waitress made both of us take out our IDs to prove that I was actually his age. I had to hear about that one for days!

  15. Oh man! I’m a former bartender. I worked for my father’s tavern for 9 years. I card everyone. And I’d NEVER make stupid assumptions. Simply because there was a woman who looked 35 once, and when I carded her she was not able to provide me with an id. Turns out, she was 19!!! That would have been a HUGE minor drinking fine for me!

  16. Being in the booze service industry, I do try to card anyone I think looks under 30. You would be surprised how many people are offended that I card them. They get huffy and pissy. I really hacks them off when I refuse to serve them when they don’t have their ID. Rules are rules.

    Personally, I haven’t been carded in awhile. Well, to think about it, I haven’t ordered booze in awhile. I guess that is what I get for being knocked up.

    Hope to see you this week? Are you coming?

  17. Tooooo funny! You could be like my parents, who are opposite ends of the spectrum. My dad (aka the cheapest man in the world) is DELIGHTED he now qualifies for the Senior Discount, whereas my mother is offended if they even ask her. 🙂

  18. Mrs. Davis says

    Not asking for your ID is one thing, but telling you she didn’t need to see it when you OFFERED it to her is just stoooooo-pid. Especially for someone working for tips, OMG.

    I got carded recently at the grocery store, and my reaction was something like “oh, you’re so sweet”, which basically cemented with the clerk that I was TOTALLY OLD.