I May Soon Regret Her Growing Vocabulary

This morning:

(I walk into the kitchen. Cordy comes running after me.)

Cordy: Muuuuk! Muk! I nee muk! I nee muk!

(Note: this is her pleading, whiny, clearly-I’m-dying voice)

Me: Sorry Cordy, you’re not getting milk.

Cordy: I nee muk!

Me: (pouring a sippy cup for her) No, Cordy. You’re getting juice.

Cordy: (pause, as she thinks) Juisse?

Me: Yes, juice.

Cordy: Juisse! I nee juisse! I nee juisse!

Me: (handing her the sippy cup) Way to re-prioritize on the fly, baby.

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  1. What a smarty.

  2. She is soooo smart.

    And soooo cute 🙂

  3. I agree!!! So cute!

  4. I can’t wait till my little one can converse! Right now, she jabbers unintelligible syllabels at me with great earnest. I love making up what she is really saying. It usually involves baby swear words.

    Cordy is too adorable!

  5. Her mama ain’t raisin’ no dummy. She’s a smart cookie. And totally adorable, btw.

  6. She’s too cute. And very smart. Her language skills are just growing everyday, aren’t they? I wish my Bug would catch up. He’s got his favorite words, and I pretend he says sentences. *L*

  7. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    Now lets see if that works when you’re at the store, and she’s crying for a toy she wants. heehee.

  8. Ah, adaptability.

    Nurture that!

  9. Well a little lady is allowed to change her mind, with some positive persuation from Mom…

  10. Go Cordy… way to adjust to your surroundings!

  11. Ah, the demands of a toddler…I’m very familiar with those. I just posted today about those, as a matter of fact. What’s the maximum number of times you have ever heard a toddler utter the phrase “I want one truck from the store”? I’m pretty sure I’ve got everyone beat in that particular demand area…

  12. It’s a lady’s prerogative to change her mind–she’s just learning that very early! Just wait till she’s older and decides to change her clothes–11 times a day or right as you’re ready to walk out the door.