I was minding my own business, placing an order through Amazon, when this popped up as one of their suggestions for me. I saw it, and couldn’t stop laughing.So apparently the message is Jesus loves you, but only if you stop your crying and go to bed.
Dude, I feel so much better about those early days when Cordy had colic – if Jesus can’t deal with it, then I can’t be expected to do any better, right?

Awwww. I have seen lots of bloggers talking about sleep lately. Sorry i haven’t been by in awhile. Did you get a new layout too? Wow I have missed alot!
Jesus loves you when you shut up and behave, too. LOL
Clearly, Jesus has it in for me.
Yah, I think Jesus had His schedule pretty booked during Dec-Feb, because Ella wasn’t given any Holy Love.
Clearly I am absolved of any residual guilt I may have had over the time Monkey projectile vomited on the new carpet (yay, colic/reflux!) and I looked him right in his little baby eyes and told him he just made the baby Jesus cry.
I’ve heard a a sermon about how the first thing God said to his children (Adam and Eve) was “Don’t.” And they did anyway. So why do we expect our children to behave better?
sorry so disjointed…coming off the night shift
Hi! I was referred to you by Jenna when I told her I was interested in buying a mei hip. If you could get back to me at [email protected] I would really appreciate it 🙂
That’s hilarious!!!!
I wonder if the 1 million people who bought this can testify…oops…did I say testify? Hehheh…sorry….um, vouch for it’s credibility. The sad thing is, Jesus isn’t getting a cut of those prophets…oops, there I go again…I mean profits!
What Suebob said!
I’m not religious, but I would have been if Jesus had been able to get my kids to sleep through the night. Oh, yes.
Too funny.
and to think.. when the duo was in infancy and didn’t sleep for the first 10 weeks…. I uttered Jesus’ name several times. Little did I know I only needed to purchase a CD.
That is a very strange ad. I mean really strange. I don’t think even my Catholic church would promote that. *L*
OMG, this is so funny. Thanks for the laugh!
That is funny beyond words. I am forwarding a link to this to 2 of my friends that will fall on the floor laughing over that!
NOw that is cute!
That is hilarious!
That is hysterical. When I was pregnant some well-meaning person (who clearly didn’t know me very well) gave me a book of prayers and devotions to say during pregnancy and delivery. I swear it included prayers with lines like “dear lord, open my cervix…”