We had a minor crisis this evening: Blue was missing.
Cordy has become very attached to her Blue’s Clues beanie, and somehow during the day it had disappeared. Luckily, she didn’t seem concerned about it, but the adults in the household were scrambling to find this fuzzy comfort object before bedtime, when she would surely be looking up at us and asking, “Ware Bwue?”
I heard the report from Aaron as I drove home. My mom didn’t take Cordy out of the house today, so Blue had to be somewhere in the house. I was able to leave work a little early today, so I made it home just before bedtime. Cordy smiled at me as she finished her french fries, but I quickly sat down next to her to start the inquisition.
“Cordy? Where’s Blue?” I asked her. She’s a smart kid – she has to know where she last left her best friend in the entire universe.
“Ware Bwue?”
“Yes, sweetie, ware Bwue…I mean, where’s Blue? Where is she?”
“Where ih shheee?” The conversation was bordering on a Who’s on First schtick, so I stood up and started looking around. Cordy, of course, followed me.
I tried the usual spots – in the toy box, behind her slide, under the chair, in the couch cushions, under the kitchen table, in a kitchen cabinet, etc. As I checked out each possible hiding spot, Cordelia followed behind me, calling out “Bwuuuuee?”
As I walked into the dining room, Cordy said “chaaiuh”. I looked on all of the chairs, asking her again where Blue might be. And once again, the only answer I got in return was “Ware Bwue?”
Finally, I gave up. Thoughts of her screaming in her crib filled my head, but I could not find this stupid toy. I wondered if a cat had run off with it, or if Cordy had thrown it in the trash can. Either way, Blue was gone, and tonight she was going to have to go to bed Blue-less.
I crouched down to Cordy’s eye level and leveled with her. “I’m sorry, baby, but I can’t find Blue. We’ll try to find her in the morning, OK?”
Cordy gave me a serious, thoughtful look for a moment. She then turned around, walked two steps over to the phone stand, opened the cabinet door at the bottom of the stand, and pulled out Blue. “Bwuuuueee!” she exclaimed triumphantly, with a large smile.
Someday, when mommy is in the looney bin, Cordy will read this and understand why.

That is too funny! And hey, I really had no “clue” (LOL) that Blue was a girl until now!
Oh, that’s a good one. What a smart girl, tricking mommy like that!
I too was giggling as I read this! We have so been there!! Glad you found her!
For us, Leah loses her juice frequently. Then, when it’s found, it’s 2 weeks later and the cup has to be triple washed and sanitized due to the ugliness found inside. Yuck.
That’s hilarious! She totally had you going…lol
I actually chuckled when I read this! I know people put “LOL” all the time..but do they really? Well, I did! How cute of her! I can just see you (well, not really since I don’t know you that well) standing there at your wits end and then she pulls Blue out…she’s soo cute!!!!!
Oh my God, your little Cordy is a cute tricky baby! … LOL on the post :D. I bet I’d be speechless if I were her mother.
By the way, I read something about a-bit-shocking ultrasound research. I’m wondering if you might want to share anything about it, Christina.
Thanks and kisses to your cutie..,
What a little monkey.
Mine have pulled this crap on me.
I never know if I should strangle them or appreciate their creativity.
That is so frustrating and so absolutely adorable at the same time. Makes you want to pull your hair out and then give her a big hug!
Hahaha. Knock on wood we don’t have a very special thing like that, but if we did – dude, we’d be losing it everyday for sure.
I’m such a lovely housekeeper 🙂
She cracks me up. I had to buy two identical versions of my son’s favourite toy at that age in case of those emergencies.
I’m sure in her imaginary world there was a blue pawprint on the cabinet door.
She’s going to be a champ at hide-n-seek!
She is TOOOOOO smart! I love it! Sorry she drives ya to drink just a little, but Dawson does the same thing. He likes to hide things I’m looking for in his Spiderman Ride-On toy. The seat lifts up and I’ve found pencils, refrigerator magnets, the mail, and more in there!
She just wanted to put Blue is a safe place.
Too funny. Kids.
What a stinker! That’s when you buy a backup for such a situation. We’re going to buy a back up teddy bear, as Squeaks is completely lost at night without him!
Hahaha! That’s way too funny. Reminds me of the scene in Best in Show where Parker Posey and her husband can’t find the busy bee. Only a lot less manic.
Oh, shoot. I was going to was what Mrs. F said. Damn.
I’ve been thinking of buying a back up for the stuffed animal that my daughter takes to bed, just in case something like this happens. I think I’ll go do that now. She’s not old enough to tell me where her lovey it yet!
Aww. OMG, all that stress and worrying for nothing. I wish that there was a way we could suck that worry out of us until it’s really necessary.
Sneaky girl! And omg Mrs Fortune, I was also thinking of the Busy Bee.
Thank you for my laugh for the day.
We still have these issues and Benny is 5.
Lord help us:)
I didn’t know Blue was a girl either! I agree with your last line especially – it’s a good thing we have these records for later. 😉
Put Elmo in place I Blue and I could have told this same story.