The Saga Begins

I’m currently sitting on my couch watching my daughter dance to Blue’s Clues. I know I need to finish packing, and I will soon. I’ll be leaving for the airport in 2 hours.

I had wanted to show up in San Jose looked polished, poised, and ready to party hard. Sadly, with the way the past two days have gone, I will show up looking disheveled, stressed and tired. I’ve barely slept the past two nights, so I have a sleep deficit of a size I haven’t seen since Cordy was much younger. I’m going to have fun, and I’m going to enjoy myself. I just may need to skip one of tomorrow morning’s sessions to catch a little extra sleep.

The issue of flying is hitting me hard right now. I really wish we had health insurance this week so I could ask my doctor for a Xanax for the flight. (Our health insurance is back as of Aug. 1.) I woke up this morning feeling sick to my stomach. I know I’m not sick, because this is how I feel anytime I fly. Whenever I’m nervous, scared, or stressed, I always feel like I’m about to vomit. And flying makes me more nervous than anything. It’s been 10 years since I last stepped on a plane, and I’ll happily go another 10 years without being on a plane after this. It’ll all be fine as soon as we land in San Jose, because then I’ll only feel excitement.

And I’m going to miss Aaron and Cordy. This is my first time away from both of them at the same time. Aaron is a great dad, and I know he’ll keep Cordy entertained all weekend, and hopefully keep her distracted from wondering where I am. I’m so lucky to have them both.

Well, time to get packing. Depending on time and internet options, I’ll try to give updates from the airports.

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  1. OOOO…I so hear you on the flying thing. I hate to fly as well. You know what works for me to relieve some of the anxiety? I buy one of those mindless word search books and do it continueously. It keeps my mind occupied, so I don’t think about throwing up and how nervous I am. I know it’s not Xanax, but what the heck! You could try it….Have a safe trip and a wonderful time meeting all those spectacular ladies.

  2. Have an amazing time at BlogHer! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  3. I hope the plane ride doesnt effect you to much!

    Have a wonderful time, I cant wait to hear all about it and see some pictures!