Now that I’ve calmed down a little (still trying to figure out how to deal with the $1000 deductible for our homeowners insurance, and worrying that they won’t give us the full value of each item), I can reflect on what has happened in the past 24 hours.
First, it’s quite possible our thieves are reading this blog. After all, my blog is the first bookmark in my browser. If you are reading this – we have your blood, dumbass, and the police are working on extracting DNA to catch you. Next time you want to rob someone, pick someone with more money who won’t miss their stuff as much. We’re too poor to simply let it go.
Next, it’s interesting to see what was left behind. Clearly they only left with what they could carry, which is why my hulking desktop computer is still here. But for once I can finally claim that being a slob has its benefits. Thanks to our incredibly messy house (which was particularly messy this week – after all, we didn’t realize we’d be having guests over to steal our stuff), they missed some valuable items.
The gorgeous necklace from Blend Creations I got for my birthday? Buried under a pile of stuffed animals in my nightstand drawer, that they rummaged through but didn’t get past the stuffed animals. The digital camera? Sitting right out in the open on our table, although flanked on all sides by clothing, papers, and other clutter, making it more obscure. My iPod? Sitting on the tray table in plain sight, right next to the window they broke to get in. But also surrounded by clutter, and so easily missed. So to all of my family, who criticize the mess we call our house, I say: See? Clutter can be a good thing! And now I’m less inclined to ever clean it up!
I also learned that either they were interrupted in their looting spree, or to thieves we have lousy taste in movies. Our DVDs are on a set of shelves, and we keep them in order. But the thieves had taken them off the shelves, and had sorted through them, but didn’t take a single one! Is our taste that bad? Surely if you’d just give Strictly Ballroom or The Princess Bride a chance, you might like them!
One of the scariest moments was when I walked in the door and wondered where the cats were. Luckily, we found all three, although Kit, who is usually the most outgoing of the three, was scared out of his fur. He’s still not quite back to normal yet.
Cordy was less than pleased with the turn of events, either. She was kept from her normal evening routine, and was. not. happy. You know, in the screaming, crying, thrashing kind of way. She wasn’t allowed to touch anything until the police dusted for fingerprints, she wasn’t allowed on the carpet due to all of the broken glass, and thanks to cables being ripped out in a hurry, the TV was not available. So no Oobi, and no playtime. Although she was perceptive to notice the hole in the window: “Owtsiiide!” “Yes, Cordy, there is now a hole to the outside.”
This has also not been a good week for other relatives as well. On Saturday, Aaron’s younger brother came home from work late at night, and was then robbed at gunpoint as he got out of his car. Not only did they steal his money, they tied him up and took him hostage in his own car for several hours. He had no cash on him, so they took him to the ATM to get money (they could only get $200 a day at the ATM), and then drove around until it was after midnight to get another $200. The things they said to him were simply surreal. He has a blog, but I can’t link to the entry because it’s protected, but trust me, it was a scary experience. I’m so glad he wasn’t hurt.
I called our insurance this morning, who took down my name and address (shouldn’t they already have that?) and said someone would get back to me in the next 24 hours. Which is the same thing they after-hours person said to Aaron last night. It’s early, but I’m already beginning to think our insurance doesn’t give a damn about helping us out.
The window is sort-of replaced. It was a double pane window, so they’ve ordered the window and put in a single pane for now. $320 for that bit of damage. Aaron’s parents came over last night and helped us clean up some of the glass, as well as helped occupy Cordy. I’m so thankful they were able to come help us.
Oh, and in cleaning up the glass we found what they used to break the window:
Yeah, you’d better believe that we’re keeping this rock. After all, it’s a damn expensive rock. Might even give it a special place of (dis)honor on the bookshelf.
Thank you all for your support. I love blogging for the community it provides, and you’ve all been a big emotional support for me. I’ve had my car broken into more than once, and while it was a pain, it wasn’t that big of a deal. This, on the other hand, has sent me into an emotional tailspin, and I’m still trying to come to terms with it all. So thank you for the kind comments you’ve left. You have no idea how much it means to me.

Oh, no. I’m so sorry.
What must be really hard is not just the loss of sentimental items, but the sense of violation.
Hope they catch the SOBs.
All the best.
My heart goes out to you and your family. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going. Keep your chin up!!
It’s amazing that you still have a sense of humor.
I’m all about mess. Confuses the damn robbers.
That’s going to be my excuse from now on.
Holy crap! I just read yesterday’s and today’s entries and, good grief, woman. How scary! I can’t believe they rifled the baby’s room – what assholes.
My mother’s house has been robbed four times. She’s almost blase (imagine the accent above that e) about it at this point, but I can’t even imagine.
I’m glad you’re ok and I hope they catch whoever did this. Man, people really suck sometimes.
Oh Christina, I’m so sorry. I just now caught up on what’s going on and I actually cried for you! I would be pissed at all of the things, but it was the videos of Cordy that got me all teared up. That’s irreplacable.
I can’t believe you think someone who reads your blog is your theif…that’s so scary! I hope you are still able to have a fun time at BlogHer…what a rotten time for all of this to happen. Keep us updated on how investigations and such are going, ok?
How awful for you and your family. Sounds like your feelings are completely normal, but it’s still so hard. Hang in there
So sorry to hear about Aaron’s brother, too. WTF? That is just not fair. I am truly amazed by your sense of humor and perspective. Good luck with the insurance company.
I’m just stunned by what happened to Aaron’s brother. My god, how frightening.
I’m glad that several items were missed or ignored, but it breaks my heart that you lost video of Cordy.
ugh. Not cool at all. I so hope they catch them too!!
Take care of you and everything will work out …. hugs
I hope they catch those dirty rotten thieves!
I am glad you are much calmer and can think better, I was worried about you after reading the first blog entry!
That sucks so bad. I’m really sorry.
My god. That is terrifying. I am so sorry.
Hey, maybe you’ll get an even BETTER laptop out of the deal. I hope you do. I can only imagine how you must feel, and I’m so glad you have Blogher to go to this weekend to occupy your mind!
what a horrible violation. I am so sorry this happened. I can’t believe how strong you sounds – I would be FREAKING.
I’m sending thief-catching vibes your way.
You and your family are in my thoughts today.
They totally must have been interrupted because theives will take anything small that’s worth value. Please check out some local pawn shops to see if any of your items are there. We have a friend who was able to get back her video camera that way.
Oh my gosh. How did I miss your last post? I am so so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you. Although it IS just “stuff”, it is sentimental stuff and irreplaceable stuff and you have every right to scream and cry. It is a complete violation and totally unfair. I hope they catch the f**kers.
((hugs)) to you.
Christina, I’m still shaking about this. I don’t know why I’m so riled up. Maybe because my husband and I are always in financial distress and if we got robbed I’d probably jump off a cliff. I will pray that these thieves are caught. When they are, I’d like to be the one to punish them. I think “stoning” is in order.
I’m totally speechless here. I keep trying to post a comment and all I can think of is (stutter mumble mumble stutter) I’m sorry (mumble mumble SOBs mumble). I’m so, so sorry this happened to you, and I really love the way your spirit and sense of humour are so obviously rising to meet this crisis. You are so awesome!
They really picked the wrong people to rob (I wouldn’t want anyone to get robbed, of course). You mentioned that you’ll work with the police to catch them, so they’ll be punished legally. And you’re a great writer too, so you’ll dissect them over the net!
Oh, they got the videos too? That’s really bad.
I think the worst part when someone robs you, aside from the physical losses themselves, and the fear that it might happen again, is having all this anger and having no place to direct it, because you don’t know who did it, and even if you find out, what are you going to do? It’s not like you can go rob them back, or something *sigh*
I really hope they find the person(s) who did this very soon, and that they recover as much of your stuff as possible, and that your insurance pays up without too much hassle, and that they actually prosecute the ones responsible for this in a timely fashion and put them in jail.
You may have to keep on the police and the courts to make sure that last happens . . . I know when my roommate and I got mugged on the street right outside our apartment years ago, the drug-addicted kid who did it got away scot free because they kept postponing trial until he managed to jump bail, and then they never bothered to pursue him afterward . . .
Good luck!
Only you could see the silver lining. I’ll remember the next time someone comments on the clutter here that it could serve me well in case of a break-in.
I’m glad you’re picking up the pieces (so to speak) and taking action. I think sometimes the acting is what helps power you through it. And then there’s us…
Yeah, the anger. The paranoia, the sadness at all mankind. Yes, I understand. It will take a while to settle down and there may always be that little mad/sad corner of your heart. That is what I hate about thieves. They make the world a worse place.
I will give you a big hug when I see you.
That is awful. It does feel better to get angry, though, doesn’t it?
I wish you the best and hope they find the bad guys.
Damn! I’m sorry I missed the past couple of days. I am so sorry for everything that happened to you and your family. And I sincerely hope they catch the bastards that did this to you (and your BIL). Hang in there, enjoy Blogher as much as you can, and know that Karma catches up with everyone in the end. I really believe that.
I’m never cleaning my house again.
You have caused me to double check our safety measures in our house. I spoke to my husband last night about your misfortune.
I’m so sorry they took the video cam. I hope they can nail them through DNA or fingerprints.
Have some fun at BlogHer!