I swear I’m not writing this to brag. Aaron told me it was too amazing not to blog about, and well, he usually doesn’t get a say in what I write, so I’ll give him this one. But if I become the new mommyblogger pariah, it’s all your fault, dear.
Yesterday around 1pm, Cordelia was being a cranky monster. You know, a typical toddler. We were an hour away from her normal nap time. It was going to be a long hour.
I changed her diaper, and she was making it as difficult as possible for me. As soon as the changing of the diaper was completed, she stood up and huffed at me with a scowl on her face. I was tired of the attitude.
“Do you need to go take a nap?”
Pause. “Yes.”
Stunned look from me. “OK, go get your froggie and Blue and you can take a nap.” I figured she had no idea what she was agreeing to, and it would go no further than that.
But Cordy walked around the downstairs, gathering her Blue and her froggie, and went to the base of the stairs. I offered to carry her up, like I normally do, but she pushed me aside. Still holding her toys, which took up both arms and made it harder for her, she climbed the stairs.
Once at the top of the stairs, I expected her to run off into the guest room, which is where she likes to try to hide from me. But instead she walked right over to her bedroom door and waited for me to open it. I opened the door, and she walked in.
She waited at the CD player for me to put her sleep music on (yes, she still has a CD I play for her at nap and bedtime). Once the music was playing, she walked over to her crib, still holding her toys, and waited for me to lift her into the crib.
I put her in her crib, and she laid down. I left the room, shutting the door behind me, and walked down the stairs. At the base of the stairs, I stopped and listened to the monitor: not a peep from her. And standing there, I asked out loud:
“What just happened here?”
She slept for nearly 2 hours.
My 22 month old daughter put herself down for a nap.
I’d like to say I’ll soon be publishing my book of sleep training tricks for all of you, but she did this herself. I have no secrets to share, really. She used to be a horrible sleeper, who woke 2-3 times a night, refused naps, and screamed like a banshee at bedtime.
I guess I do have one secret to share: bedtime is non-negotiable, and always has been. Once she’s down for the night, she’s not coming out of that bedroom. When she would cry when put to bed, we’d let her cry for 10 min., then go in to check on her, but not take her out of the room. Once it’s bedtime, she’s there for the night. Repeat 10 minutes later, and another 10 min, later if needed. Usually she was asleep before the end of the first 10 minutes. I know many feel crying it out is cruel, and I can say it wasn’t easy and isn’t the only way to do things. But she knew we were right there, and if she really needed us, we’d be in within 10 minutes. It worked for us.
Now she doesn’t even cry – she seems happy to go to bed. I don’t know if she just accepts bedtime now, or if she’s finally developed her mother’s love of sleeping. Either way, she blew my mind yesterday when she put herself to bed for her nap.

Oh wow! I wish my boys would do that. My 2 year old doesn’t even take naps anymore and hasn’t since around 18 months and I struggle every night getting 2 boys to sleep and I usually have to get in the bed with them. I guess that’s what I get for co-sleeping for so long. Oh well. Anyway, I just have to say that is GREAT!
Congratulations! Sounds like we have similar bedtime philosophies. Bedtime is the same every night (or earlier if he doesn’t sleep at naptime). When he used to fuss, we would wait 10 minutes before going in. Now, at 2 years old, he only fusses if there is a problem, so I go right in and solve it and then it’s fine. He too occasionaly “puts himself to bed”. One day last week it was about a half hour before bedtime, and I asked if he would like to read some books together, or play for a little while. He headed for the stairs and said “I’m very tired. Go night night.”
Dude. Erase this now before the sleep gods see you bragging.
That’s awesome.
Isn’t it awesome to watch your kid put themselves to bed!!! Way to go Cordy!!!
Mine have been known to do that on one or two occasions, and it always blows my mind. However, they have also been known ON MUCH MORE THAN ONE OR TWO OCCASIONS, to fight the nap tooth and nail.
(what does that mean, “tooth and nail”? Is that even a saying?)
Sometimes I think I have a middle aged woman trapped inside my 15 month old’s body. She doesn’t fight me at all. It is as if she knows she needs a nap.
Cordy sounds like quite the well trained sleeper. Great chapter for a book!
Wow! You are the envy of all parents! That is soo great! Although, my baby goes down for naps and sleep good too. BUT…she sleeps in our bed with us.(Shhh…we’re sleep sharers). But she has a morning nap an afternoon nap and occasionally an evening nap, and then she sleeps through the night. You and I can start our own “Perfect baby” club and be hated by all other mothers. MWAhaha!!!(evil laughter)
I’m jealous. Only because Dawson fights nap time. But at night, he’s more than willing to go to bed if it’s after 8:30 pm. Any earlier and the Toddler Gulf War starts.
Cordy is very smart! She knew she needed downtime!
You are living dangerously, woman!
So I’ll emulate your example, and admit that both my kids go down to bed with no problem. Like Cordy, they were both terrible nappers for a long time, but seemed to get themselves sorted out around 8 months of age or so. Every once in awhile Bub will stage a rebellion. I used to take these seriously, assuming the days of going to bed easily were over, but I figured out pretty quickly that the solution is to establish an unvarying routine. So now Bub gets to escape from his room twice each night before the door is shut tightly, and he screams briefly in protest (when he remembers), but then accepts it quite happily.
Okay,if this were yesterday then your last two posts about your angel who sleeps well might have made me dislike you a little bit, but that was before last night when Zane finally went to bed ON HIS OWN!
We cosleep as well, and he never struggles for naps. He will even ask for his nap when he’s ready for it, but we have never had any luck with him looking forward to nighttime sleep. But last night, he did it all on his own. Yea! Yea! Yea!
So today I’m feeling more generous and will just say, Good for you guys! That is completely wonderful.
Oh goody!! Maybe this is on the horizon for us!! They don’t fight naps… but they don’t advertise for them either.
As for your advice… I agree with you. Naps are non-negotiable. You will take one… you will take one for 3 hours. 1-4:00. If you don’t take one, you will at least stay in bed and amuse yourself until 4:00. I don’t care. Unless there is vomit or blood, you will stay in your bed.
That is awesome. But it really doesn’t surprise me. And I think it’s even more awesome that you listened to Cordy and gave her the option.
THat is really great! Adam has done that a couple of times, it is awesome when it does happen!
Yay for Cordy!
my boys do this a lot, always have and we have been known to pass out when from shock on occasion. We were planning to let Walker stay up late and watch the end of shrek but about 10 min after his bedtime, he got up, said, “I’m ready to go to bed” and off he went….it still cracks me up everytime
Okay yeah I hate you now.
Of course I’m kidding. I put myself down for naps all the time. Can you post about me? Just kidding. I like your tips. Better than any Ferber book.
Woo hoo. Congrats! She put herself to bed AND slept for 2 hours. Someone must have sprinkled fairy dust on your house! That’s awesome.
And don’t worry about bragging, this is your blog after all. You’re entitled to brag whenever you want!
We recently turned a corner in a very similar way and it has made a big difference in our lives. I’m SO happy for you! Brag away!!!