With less than a week before BlogHer, I knew I needed a haircut and an eyebrow wax. So today Aaron agreed to solo duty with Cordy while I went to the mall.
First, I’m cheap. I’m not quite so cheap as to go to Fantastic Sam’s for a haircut, but I didn’t feel like shelling out the money for a frou-frou salon. The mall salon is usually good enough for me. Second, changing my hair usually makes me nervous. I always worry that the stylist will screw it up, and a bad haircut will make me self-conscious until it grows out.
Today the mall salon was packed, but they were able to fit me in. I should have backed out when the first available stylist was ready. Her previous customer had a haircut that I thought looked awful. But I was armed with pictures and descriptive words of what I wanted. I explained that I wanted a little length off, and I wanted my long layers cut back in. I told her my hair is heavy, so I like layers to keep it from being flat. I said no bangs, and it has to be easy to care for. I’m a wash ‘n go kind of girl.
She started cutting, and I relaxed. She seemed to understand what I was saying, and I also had beautiful pictures of hair models showing off shaggy yet stylish cuts.
Soon I started to worry. She was taking hair up near the crown of my head and cutting it awfully short. I had asked for layers no shorter than my nose. But I assumed she knew what she was doing, so tried to relax again.
When she was done, I was slightly shocked. I had the same cut as the previous customer. I looked like an 80’s punk rock girl. I know the 80’s are back in fashion, but my hair looks like it could be on someone opening for Joan Jett.
Because I can never get up the nerve to say I don’t like my hair, I paid and left without a single criticism. After all, she spent so much time working on my hair! And she’s the one trained in hair fashion, so maybe she knows something I don’t? Maybe this is the haircut every woman is going for now? I simply can’t ever complain about a haircut. Besides, I really don’t want someone who controls scissors near my hair after I’ve complained about their talents.
I also had mentioned more than once that I am a mother to a toddler and have no time for upkeep on my hair. I told her I rarely did more than brush it after a shower. So why did she take 15 minutes putting no less than 5 different styling gels, sprays, and pomades in my hair?
So now I have bad hair for BlogHer, and I’m just depressed about it. The shape is all wrong, and I worry that it will require a larger upkeep than I’m willing to invest. I’m going to try washing it tonight to see how it looks without all the styling gunk in it. Maybe it won’t look too bad.
I’m going to be brave and show you now what it looks like. That way I’ll be easy to spot at BlogHer – I’ll be the one with the 80’s rocker hairdo. Please try not to laugh, at least while I’m in earshot.

You do not look like an 80s rocker. But I have rarely complained to a stylist myself, even when I was really unhappy. It’s hard to do.
Fluff it up and smile like you mean it. I think it looks great – truly.
For home life, it looks fine to me, for blogher, just add some fluff to it and you will be good to go. YOu know you can put a few extra minutes in it at Blogher and have some fluffy stuff happening! Have fun! I could kick myself for not going!
That looks a bit like my hair the last time I got it cut. I went to a real salon and to a revered hairdresser that came highly recommended. And I didn’t hate the cut – but it does seem as if the trend is to minimize the hair – razor away as much as possible so the rest of it lies flat. It has grown out well though – I tend to put in a good six months between haircuts.
So I’m with the last two: blow it out yourself with way less product and it’ll look good.
I think it’s really cute, actually. Get some hair gunk (the think molding stuff) and you can make it all piecy and cool. Just rub some in your hands and then grab pieces – you just have to play with it a little.
Is your hair wavy at all? Because if so, you can put some mousse or curling cream in it, scrunch it, and it might actually be really wavy since the layers are nice and short. My hair does that – and it’s actually WAY easy cuz then I don’t have to really blow dry it. (Not now, however, since my hair is really long).
Stop by my room before the party on Friday and I can do it fer ya if you like…
I like the wispy bang-like layers on the side–I think it is going to work. And Jerri Ann is right–the nice thing about BlogHer is you’ll have extra time to do it!
You’ll recognize me because I should’ve had my roots touched up before BlogHer and haven’t had a chance to.
Ok I was bracing myself….I have had BAD haircuts…dudes my hair is naturally curly and some hairdresser (I swear for kicks) gave me pixie bangs …. yuck!
I think the hair (although not what you had in mind) is not as bad as you think. I always hate my hair the first few days after a cut.
You will have to let us know if you settle into it!
I think your hair looks just fine! It actually looks a lot like my cut only with longer bangs.
I’ve had my bad hair cut experiences as well and I’ve never had the nerve to tell the hairdresser either. The last haircut I got kinda depressed me because she cut my bangs much shorter than I wanted her to (not as long as yours look). It’s just now starting to grow out after a month and a half. Funny thing is I was also worried about going to BlogHer with my bad haircut. Perhaps everyone will just be tipsy enough not to notice?? 🙂
I think it looks good! And it shows off your fabulous eyebrows, too.
I think I’d go with Mother’s advice. She sounds like she knows what she’s talking about.
I just got one of the haircuts that requires extra upkeep too because of how it was cut. But I think it looks good and go with the idea above to put some of that thick gel/goo whatever it’s called ( I use it) to style with and it will look GREAT! Plus it shows off your perfect eye brows.
I dont think it is that bad. Your facial expression makes it worse than I think it is…really! It looks like you could wash and go.
My mom is a hairdresser and all those gels and things are just for show. What I think you could do is get out of shower blow it dry upside down and flip. I think the messy look would be great. I think it would take 10 mins top.
I like it, I really do. Great eyebrows!
I don’t think it looks bad at all! That actually is a pretty popular style these days.
That is why I have long hair at the moment. I am still recovering from a bad haircut I got right before my second date with my husband.
I am petrified to get my hair cut. I know it will look horrible. I might as well save my money and look okay.
I think it looks great, btw. Eyebrows rock, too!
I like the haircut, but I know what you mean about not being able to complain. I’m the one who gets a bad hair cut and switches salons. Until I met KIM and she is excellent. I’m no longer afraid to say I don’t like something. She tells me straight up that in order for her to do her job, I need to be honest. IF I don’t like, she fixes it. And she asks lots of questions when cutting. I love that about her.
Aw. I’ve had my share of hair disasters, too, so I feel your pain. I even got up the nerve to complain once, and it didn’t do any good. That was the last time I saw *that* stylist.
The style isn’t as bad as you think, and maybe for BlogHer you could just add a little mousse around your face to bring the edges out a little. Or something. The important thing is to have fun at BlogHer!
Ook. It’s not as bad as the near-buzz cut I got from SuperCuts in grad school! I spent three months growing out a cowlick while working as a professional librarian.
Great seeing you this weekend!
I love it. It makes you look younger.
I think it looks cute, not too different from before, just a little more clean and neat looking. But I totally empathize – I got my haircut last week and I hate it – she layered it too much. Luckily it should grow out soon enough, but I totally relate to the trauma of an unfortunate haircut. Sometimes I think it’s not so much the haircut as the change and the impact on our identities. Hang in there, it’ll be ok! And you look cute!
My recent horrible haircut is *much* much worse than that! I had long hair, up to the middle of my back. The lady cutting my hair said that she was an “expert” at cutting long hair. You know… the next time some swanky hair salon person says that I “don’t really have a style anymore” and picks up her scissors – I’m running screaming out of the place. My husband says my hair looks “choppy” now and that’s from the long and subtle looking locks I had before. When I pulled back my hair, I noticed these pieces of hair that looked like long crooked knives. My bangs look ridiculous and no amount of mouse or styling gel makes it look anywhere near nice. It’s sheered so close to the top of my head that I can’t even go for a bob hair cut to make it more reasonable. And I *told* the lady that I like to wear my hair up and out of my face and that I don’t spend a lot of time on my hair (and am unlikely to). I can’t even put my hair up now whatsoever and it’s all in my face and looks terrible!! I’m about seven months pregnant now and in a couple months, my husband, friends and family will be expecting pictures of me and the new baby…. Sigh…
So I guess I’m saying that I fully understand your feelings. Others might say it looks okay and your hair doesn’t look bad to me, from the picture… but you know your own hair and if the cut is wrong, it can be *very* frustrating waiting for it to grow out.