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Don’t Hate Me Because My Child Sleeps

Recently, Aaron and I have been debating whether we should convert Cordy’s crib to a toddler bed or not.

Part of me wants to move to this next step of her development, letting her have the freedom to get out of her bed if she wants. After all, she’s growing up, and I’m sure she’d appreciate a little freedom. Besides, it’s only a matter of time before she starts to figure out how to climb the thing.

The other part of me wants her to stay in her crib forever. Or maybe at least until she’s 18.


Because my daughter currently has no sleeping problems.

Around 7:30pm, we change Cordy into her PJs, and then she sits in the recliner with Aaron and they read board books. (Our previous routine of giving her a bottle was retired this month when we boxed up the bottles.) She holds her froggie toy and her Blue’s Clues beanie, and helps daddy turn the pages and counts whatever is on the page.

Then, when books are done, he tells her, “Now it’s time for bed,” and as he carries her upstairs, he recounts her day for her. He puts her in her crib, tells her goodnight, and closes the door. At that point, she either lies down and goes right to sleep, or quietly talks to her stuffed animals and then falls asleep. She then wakes up generally between 6:30 and 7:00am.

As for naps, they’re just as easy. Around 2pm I tell her its nap time, carry her upstairs, put her in her crib, and close the door on my way out. Again, she sometimes talks for a little while (not complaining – just chattering to her toys), or she falls right to sleep and sleeps for 1-2 hours.

Yes, you all hate me now. I understand. Although I could point out that I paid my dues when she was younger. Four months of colicky behavior with another 12 months of resisting naps and night wakings has earned me my Sleepless Mommy merit badge (dude, we really need mommy merit badges). I should be allowed to enjoy my sleep now.

(Of course, we’re now considering #2, which would reset everything. Damn.)

So the thought of disturbing her sleep routines by switching to a toddler bed is a terrifying thought. Being able to leave her bed might be so new and exciting that she would decide to not sleep, ending up as a cranky, overtired toddler each day who would then fight sleeping each time so she could play in her room.

Of course, the side note to all of this is that we would also have to baby-proof her room before the toddler bed. Yes, of all of the rooms in the entire house, hers currently poses the greatest danger to her life. Aside from the crib, it’s a baby death trap. We’ve never used her room for anything more than her crib, so there is a myriad of junk laying around including tools used to put all her furniture together, the outlets are still uncovered (except behind the crib), and the cord to the window blinds hangs low to strange a curious toddler. The room needs work.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the matter. When did you make the switch, or when do you plan on making the switch? How easy was it? Any tips or tricks to share?


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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