Recently, Aaron and I have been debating whether we should convert Cordy’s crib to a toddler bed or not.
Part of me wants to move to this next step of her development, letting her have the freedom to get out of her bed if she wants. After all, she’s growing up, and I’m sure she’d appreciate a little freedom. Besides, it’s only a matter of time before she starts to figure out how to climb the thing.
The other part of me wants her to stay in her crib forever. Or maybe at least until she’s 18.
Because my daughter currently has no sleeping problems.
Around 7:30pm, we change Cordy into her PJs, and then she sits in the recliner with Aaron and they read board books. (Our previous routine of giving her a bottle was retired this month when we boxed up the bottles.) She holds her froggie toy and her Blue’s Clues beanie, and helps daddy turn the pages and counts whatever is on the page.
Then, when books are done, he tells her, “Now it’s time for bed,” and as he carries her upstairs, he recounts her day for her. He puts her in her crib, tells her goodnight, and closes the door. At that point, she either lies down and goes right to sleep, or quietly talks to her stuffed animals and then falls asleep. She then wakes up generally between 6:30 and 7:00am.
As for naps, they’re just as easy. Around 2pm I tell her its nap time, carry her upstairs, put her in her crib, and close the door on my way out. Again, she sometimes talks for a little while (not complaining – just chattering to her toys), or she falls right to sleep and sleeps for 1-2 hours.
Yes, you all hate me now. I understand. Although I could point out that I paid my dues when she was younger. Four months of colicky behavior with another 12 months of resisting naps and night wakings has earned me my Sleepless Mommy merit badge (dude, we really need mommy merit badges). I should be allowed to enjoy my sleep now.
(Of course, we’re now considering #2, which would reset everything. Damn.)
So the thought of disturbing her sleep routines by switching to a toddler bed is a terrifying thought. Being able to leave her bed might be so new and exciting that she would decide to not sleep, ending up as a cranky, overtired toddler each day who would then fight sleeping each time so she could play in her room.
Of course, the side note to all of this is that we would also have to baby-proof her room before the toddler bed. Yes, of all of the rooms in the entire house, hers currently poses the greatest danger to her life. Aside from the crib, it’s a baby death trap. We’ve never used her room for anything more than her crib, so there is a myriad of junk laying around including tools used to put all her furniture together, the outlets are still uncovered (except behind the crib), and the cord to the window blinds hangs low to strange a curious toddler. The room needs work.
I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the matter. When did you make the switch, or when do you plan on making the switch? How easy was it? Any tips or tricks to share?

I wish I had some advice. Considering we just got her into her crib at 12 months, we’re keeping her in it until Kindergarten just to get our money’s worth. Good luck, whatever you do.
OK, I do hate you. Still waiting for my 15-month-old to sleep through the night.
FWIW here’s my data point from my older child: We moved her to a twin bed with side rail at about 2.5, because the aforementioned baby brother was set to arrive when she turned 3. It was a pretty easy transition, especially for nights; naps were a lot harder because I couldn’t just leave her in the crib and say “see ya.”
Good luck with the decision. If she is not climbing out of the crib and sleeps so well, I wouldn’t be in any rush to move her.
wow… you are brave admitting you have a good sleeper. I usually get things thrown at me when I tell people that the duo sleeps about 15 hours a day… very peacefully and right on schedule.
I am hanging on every comment to this one. We are at the same crossroads with them. I laughed out loud about how her room is most in need of babyproofing. Their room is an absolute war zone.
Hey, if she’s happy, has plenty of room and is sleeping well I don’t think there’s any reason to change it right now.
Eventually either she won’t have enough room or she’ll start climbing out on her own and you can move her then. Otherwise, stick with what works.
Yes. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.
Who’s kid really does that? I want video.
I think if her bedtime is so great dont change it right now. I waited until Elias was almost 3 before I changed him over. I find the close to that age they understand more.
Good luck with whatever you choose to do.
Ditto Mayberry – we transitioned Tacy to a double bed when she was a couple months past two, in preparation for the upcoming baby. She really did great. Then again, I’ve been spoiled in this regard.
Well, I moved Claire at 22 months. We had a similar situation to what you have now. It was beauty. We put her in her big girl bed for a nap or two, and then started nights. She did great. She actually still (at 30 months) waits for one of us to get her. She has never gotten out of bed without permission.
Good luck! I am sure she’ll be fine!
My advice? If she’s sleeping fine and not trying to climb out, leave her.
NO RUSH my friend.
Q slept fine in the crib – but with the fear of her climbing, we moved her.
Now I feel like I’m dealing with a 4 month old again.
I like the idea of leaving Nick in his crib until 18. We’re also blessed with a sleeper. We get between 8 and 12 hours from him at night. One to two naps, depending on what’s going on. 😉
We moved Bub into his big-boy bed exactly one week before the Pie took over his crib. I know – that’s against the rules, especially since he was moving to a different room. But it went fine – it took him about 2 months before he figured out he could climb into the bed and another 6 months before he ever tried climbing out (then we had more of an issue, but it was solved with that white bulby-thing on the doorknob).
As for Cordy, I’d say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – if she’s happy in the crib, let her be. The only real advantage to the big bed is the cuddle-time just before bed – I like to climb in beside Bub and we have a real snuggle before the lights go out. I love that.
I haven’t changed Dawson to a toddler bed yet, because I fear he will not go to bed as well. He falls asleep fairly easily. (Except at night he insists on having a bottle of water with him. I don’t know how to break him of this.)
He has already jumped out of his crib though. He took all his blankets and threw them into the collapsable hamper. Then he proceeded to jump over the crib rail into the hamper to break his fall. I’m living with McGuyver, Jr. over here. You can imagine my surprise when the bedroom door opened and I heard, “Hiiiiii!!! Mumma!!!”
Wow, I could have written this post. My son is also a good sleeper and I hate telling people cuz I feel like I’m bragging. He’s only one and we haven’t started thinking about a toddler bed yet so I’m not quite sure what we’ll do.
My son is in a toddler bed now, at 2yrs old. He’s quite the mover and groover though, and I felt awful the other night when I was awoken in the wee hours by crying ( unusual, he is not a crier ).
Turns out he’d fallen out onto the floor, was disorientated, bewildered and shocked. I felt such the bad mummy !
My son is in a toddler bed now, at 2yrs old. He’s quite the mover and groover though, and I felt awful the other night when I was awoken in the wee hours by crying ( unusual, he is not a crier ).
Turns out he’d fallen out onto the floor, was disorientated, bewildered and shocked. I felt such the bad mummy !
My toddler is two and still in his crib. We made a half hearted attempt to get him to sleep in a regular bed but it was not working out. I say as long as she is not climbing out of the crib why not keep her there.
My kids are also awesome sleeper too.
How old is she? I don’t remember. Yeah, I agree with one of the above comments. Leave things alone for awhile, then, when she does try to climb out, you’ll it’s time!
Oh yes, you deserve your merit badge. You deserve a medal too.
Even though I’m not qualified to give advice on this subject just yet, I’ll tell you what I would do. I’d keep her in her crib for as long as possible. Enjoy the sleep while you can!
No advice, because we’re sill working on keeping her happy in the crib, which she is currently trying to escape from.
But am HAPPY that you have good sleep times with C… gives me hope…
Damn, I still sleep in a toddler bed.
Just kidding. And why would I hate you? I want you to come to my house and bring peace!!
Don’t move her! Until you are pregnant, and almost due with #2, or until she starts climbing out, there is no reason to move her.
Trust me on this.
:p I absolutely hate hate u. My 25 months old still wake up for midnite feeds – 1 to 2 times! Can’t help u on the bed. I have two double beds joined together with another sofa bed and the kids still co-sleep with us 🙂
My plan was to keep Prince Alexi in the crib until he was in kindergarten as well. Unfortunately we only made it until he was a little over three. But let me tell you, he was asking for a big boy bed by then. We went right from the crib to a full size bed and he slept great from the first night. The best thing we could have done with him was wait until he knew he was ready! (Now if only he would decide he was ready to stop wearing diapers!)
The next best thing we did was limit the toys in his room and fix his door so he can’t open it himself. That way we don’t have to worry that he’s going to get up at night and wander around the house.