About a month ago, I was contacted by Randy at The Benefactory and asked if I would review her company’s books. We’re a family of avid readers (OK, so I don’t read as much as I used to, but I have a 21 month old excuse.), so I jumped on the chance to try out some new books for Cordy.
Randy sent us three books: Chessie, The Travelin’ Man, Ruffle, Coo, and Hoo Doo, and Norman to the Rescue. Each softcover book is the true story of a real animal. Chessie is about a manatee who likes to roam up and down the eastern seaboard, Ruffle, Coo, and Hoo Doo are two green parrots and a great horned owl who co-exist in the same tree in Bridgeport, CT, and Norman is a blind shelter dog who saves a little girl from drowning.
I think what impressed me the most was the beautiful artwork. Each page is filled with bright colors and beautiful renditions of these animals. While the stories are aimed at somewhat older children, Cordy still enjoyed looking at the pictures and talking about what she saw. (Yes, I got to hear, “Itza kiiiiii!” each time I turned a page when reading Norman to the Rescue. Someday Cordy will learn what a dog is.) Many times I barely had time to read everything on the page, but I know that as she grows older she will be more willing to listen to the story.
Best of all, I’ve read these to Cordy several times now, and I still enjoy reading them. The stories are interesting, and the authors dig into the emotions of the events. I actually learned things from them as well – I had no idea that a manatee would swim in the open waters of the Atlantic Ocean, much less go as far as New England! I also love that there is a photo in the back of each book featuring the real animal the story is based on.
The Benefactory has books on lots of other animals, also, including condors, wolves, bears, loggerhead turtles, and more shelter kitties and dogs. Each story stresses the importance of animal protection.
So, if you like animal stories, I’d suggest giving The Benefactory a try. They get two thumbs up from me and a sticky high five from Cordy. (She can’t do thumbs up yet. But high fives are high praise.)
Win one! If you’d like the chance to win one of these books, simply leave a comment in this post. I will choose the winner later in the week, and that person will get one of the three books I received. I really enjoyed all three books, so I will let you choose which one interests you the most.

I think I need that book about Norman. Just the thought of it is making me all teary. When’s my period due anyway?
Thank you for putting the review on here. I’m always looking for good children’s books. Although Squeaks isn’t old enough to appreciate fine literature, we still read all. the. time. I will definately be stopping by The Benefactory to check out the selection!
We have a ton of books but are always looking for more. I can’t wait to check them out. I especially love ones with great pictures.
They do all sound wonderful. I’m betting Dylan would love any of them, as he really has a soft spot for animals, and a true obsessive love for books.
Good luck picking your winners! I had such a hard time when I had to give away books…oy!
Wow those sound awesome. I am sending the link to my husband, he loves animals and all that is “real” rather than all the fiction! It will not be long before our daughter owns more books than we do!
These books sound really great! I took a peek at the link and I know that Dawson would love these books.
Right now we’re in a Clifford the Big Red Dog phase (Grandma bought him the boxed set) and frankly I’m getting bored. I saw Cordy’s adorable pics at flickr today. She’s just so adorable.
Those books sound so sweet! My daughter loves any book, and if it has something to do with animals, she loves it even more.
They sound great! My kids love books and
I hope it doesn’t change as they get older.
That pic is so cute!!! LOL
Thanks for the book recommendations! We’re going to need to build new shelves.
The artwork looks lovely. And the Cordy seal of approval? Need you say more?
I agree with bad mother. If Cordy likes them… then the duo will most likely approve!
We are big book readers. Stella is so funny.. she will bring us 2 books. One for her and one for her. If you start reading yours outloud, she acts annoyed. Almost like “Shhhh mom! I am trying to concentrate on the Foot Book! Silly!! You have One Fish Two Fish!
Even if I don’t win the book I’ll go look for that dog one (natch). A blind shelter dog that saves a drowning girl? Gah! And he’s a yellow lab?! Sounds wonderful to me. Glad both you and Cordy are enjoying them so much.
Those sound like great books. I love that the author stresses the importance of animal protection. I’m sure I’d actually learn a lot from them!
Oh wow! My kids love books about animals. Adam is 1 now and everything to him is Dog. Everytime a comercial comes on he runs to see if a dog is there so sweet.
But I think the one that most interests me is the manate book. We are always talking about ocean life (we live near one) and sharks are always the topic, I think this will be a nice change of subject!
Books rock!
I am a nerd at heart, so there is nothing better than some good page-turners to curl up with.
I will have to add those to our library list.
You know I love me a book review!