BlogMe Interview

I’ve been interviewed! As part of the BlogMe mixer, Dana grilled me with some great questions.

Check it out here.

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  1. Great interview! I have a bad case of BlogHer envy … hoping you all have a wonderful time!

  2. I really enjoyed the interview. I think it is so cool that all you fabulous women are going to get to meet each other soon…that is a wonderful opportunity!

  3. How cool! Interviewed. Sweet. I liked reading it.

  4. Thanks for letting me interview you! I’m glad that all the links are finally working! Darned blogger — I think it secretly dislikes me. =)

  5. The Flip Flop Mamma! says

    Great interview! I’d end up sounding so goofy, people would probably run from me if I went to Blogher! LOL

  6. Oooh! I’m jealous. I’ve not been asked to do an interview.

    Going now to read it 🙂