As part of the BlogMe mixer, I have the honor of interviewing the fabulous Izzy! I first “met” her many months ago when we were assigned to be partners as part of the first monthly Blog Exchange. I started reading her blog to get a feel for who my partner was, and I was hooked! She’s been a part of my daily reading list since then, and she’s one of the coolest bloggers I know. Not only does she blog, but she also does blog design as well. If you’re looking for a new blog design, check her out!
And now, on to the interview:
When did you first start blogging and why?
I started in November 2005. I had a cursory knowledge of blogging and didn’t have much interest in it. It was my husband who kept bugging me to start one. Once I looked into them and saw that you could customize them and really put your stamp on them, I became more intrigued. A personal place on the web to call your own and write your thoughts began to to seem very appealing so I started one on Blogger and here I am!
Who do you read everyday, rain or shine?
There are so many great blogs that I read all the time but I try to mix it up a little or else I get behind on my blogroll and though it’s ridiculous, it kind of stresses me out.
Why did you choose to share that piece of yourself in a photograph?
Well, the request was to take a picture of a part of myself but it’s not like there are a plethora of interesting things on my body if you’re not into scars or freckles so this is a tattoo right above my hipbone. I got it on my honeymoon, when I was young and wild and thought I’d be that way forever. Notice that it’s all blurry now. That’s what happens after 12 years and two babies. Our 12th anniversary is Sunday : )
How would you describe your writing style?
It’s a lot like how I’d talk if I took the time to weigh my words more carefully and could edit myself endlessly. So maybe I’d describe it as real-ish?
What don’t you write about? Anything considered a no-no in your book?
Though I sometimes want to, I try not to write anything bad about my spouse. I may get over it but the reading public will always remember him as the jerk that did this or that. I just don’t want to portray him as an ass even if he can be one sometimes. I’m very protective of my loved ones.
How do you feel about meeting bloggers in real life?
I like it!
Are you nervous?
Oh, hell yeah! I’m afraid of turning into a mute idiot dunce in the presence of such collective greatness.
Will you have great expectations?
I try not to. For better or for worse, real life never lives up to my very active imagination.
What do you hope to take away from the BlogHer experience?
Well, I’d like to glean some knowledge or wisdom if at all possible but beyond that, friends and good memories would make me happy.
So soon we’re going to meet each other at BlogHer. Important question: how do you party?
I used to be a Jack and Coke kind of girl way back. Then I mellowed into a Guinness drinker. But for this event, I think my strategy for not getting too wasted (it doesn’t take much) is to buy the worst tasting drinks I can come up with and nurse them. Something really gross like scotch and water…lol
What is your favorite thing that you wrote? What got a strong reaction from your readers?
I have lots of favorites (is that bad?) but “Don’t Take the Pot” tops the list because it recounts something that absolutely happened and it was just so damn funny. Not many of my posts get strong reactions but this one and this one seemed to tap into something with a few people. I’m not very controversial so I don’t have any good examples of those real hot-button kinds of posts.
Are you and your blogging persona the same person?
I think so although I’m probably a lot less articulate in real life and I’m pretty sure I say things like “Dude” and “I know, right?” just as much, if not more than I do in my blog.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
The ability to time-travel!
Thanks for the interview, Izzy! I can’t wait to meet you in person at BlogHer!

Great interview! I *heart* Izzy!
I will not let you drink scotch and water, roomie.
Izzy, I can tell you from experience that drinking something that doesn’t taste good will not necessarily slow you down.
And I am so excited to meet you that I may very well pee my pants.
Izzy – Happy Anniversary!
The friendship and memories at BlogHer is going to be incredible. Hope you both have a wonderful trip.
Howdy Izzy! I already “knew” you but always learning more about my blogging buddies!
I can’t wait to meet both of you!
Great interview. Cute tattoo, too!
Great interview…I can’t believe I’m going to get to meet both of you in just a few days. I’ve been reading both your blogs since I started blogging WAY BACK in March. 🙂 You both rock. Save a seat for me. I arrive Sat. night.
I found you through Mrs. Fortune (although I’ve been reading Izzy for a while). She spoke highly of you at our dinner last night. I look forward to meeting you both next weekend!
Great interview, Christina! And – Happy Anniversayr, Izzy!
Thank you all for saying such nice things and thank you Christina for interviewing me and making me feel special.
Looking forward to meeting you and all the other fab bloggers in just a few short days 🙂
Fantastic interview! I may have to add another to my blogroll! =)
I am loving these blogme interviews–such a great way to discover new blogs, because you get the friendly Q&A and the cliffs notes intro to the best previous posts! I look forward to meeting you both!
Izzy designed my site recently and she’s definitely AWESOME! I’m hooked on reading her blog as well. Have fun at Blogher!
great interivew. Izzy’s blog is so fun and she sounds like a cool chick. Hope you have fun at BlogHer!