I’ll be updating this post throughout the day, to save everyone from a crazy number of posts. So check back later for more updates.
8:45am – The swag! My God, the swag!! Gift bags, free jump drives, books, nipple pasties (dude, you know I’m going to try those!, and even condoms. (But still no KY Personal Mist. Sheesh.) I swear, my favorite word has got to be “freebie”. The intro has just begun, and then we’re off to the first session.
9:50am – I’m currently in the first session – Blog in Box. Nice overview of all of the different blogging platforms out there. Yes, I will not be sticking around Blogger forever. I appreciate all they’ve given me, but they are unreliable at best. One gem I’ve already been told about is Blogsome – a free hosting site that lets you try out and customize a WordPress blog. I’ve been thinking about WordPress, and now I can try it out without paying for hosting, to decide if I like it or not.
We’re also discussing blog etiquette, which is always fun. When is it OK not to link back to someone? (OK, my Blogroll is out of date – sorry everyone!) What do you do with trolls? (Don’t feed them, don’t talk to them, don’t poke them with a stick.) When do you delete comments? (When they’re from Blogtards?)
Have I ever mentioned that I’ve never been in a convertible before? Like, never. So where else should I have my first experience but in California, and with the fabulous Mir? We were offered the chance to test drive Saturn’s new cars this afternoon, and it was impossible to pass up. It. was. awesome.
And, just to be practical as well, I test drove this:
The new Saturn Vue hybrid – mom-mobile with an environmental edge. It does lack the horsepower of the convertible, and it’s not going to have everyone turning heads, but you can easily hold a family and a toddler’s amount of crap in it. And it has leg room in the back, which is lacking in my Sentra. And A/C. Me likey.
The poolside gathering was a little surreal. Fabulous women, relaxing in deck chairs by the pool, with a laptop on each chair.
You might be asking yourself, “So, what’s the weather like there?” Well, I think this picture sums it up well:
It’s gorgeous here. Not too hot, not too cold, bright blue sky. I’ve met so many other bloggers that my throat is sore and I’m starting to lose my voice.
Highlight of my day so far: I met Melissa from Suburban Bliss, and she said she read my recent post about my hair. I, being a dork, could think of nothing to reply with but, “Thank you!” Yes, I thanked her for acknowledging that she read my post. I couldn’t have thought of anything more clever to say than “thank you”? I was just floored that she even knew who I was – Melissa was one of the first bloggers I read back in my pre-blogging and early-blogging days. (Along with Dutch from Sweet Juniper.)
Next up is the cocktail party this evening. I’m being a fashion don’t and wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but at least it’ll be obvious I’m a mommyblogger, right? After all, I’m wearing the uniform.
Oh, and one more thing I need to mention: Happy 30th Birthday Mrs. Fortune! Wish you were here!

Mmm, free stuff. Delish.
BTW that new KY spray stuff is gotta-have.
All the flying sound SO worth it. Yay for freebies. Enjoy the weekend 🙂
Thanks for sharing! I’m starting to feel like I’m there!
Oh I cant wait to hear what you info you got on the topics you mentioned!
OHH so Jealous. I am living through you. Have fun!
Have they announced next year’s location yet? I need to start bugging my husband now.
The Saturn Vues are great. We have a 2004 and it is very comfortable. We went on a trip from Vancouver up North to Dawson (in the Yukon) and up to Inuvik (in the Northwest Territories) and it was very comfortable. It is really easy to get a car seat in and out of, and is still roomy enough to squeeze in a couple of adults.
I am only writing somuch about the car because I am so jealous of you being at blogher. I think I might start taking a drink every time I read the word blogher and write a drunken post later in the day. Might be fun . . .right?”
Gahh!!!!!! I love that you’re doing this. I’ll be checking back later on, too. Suebob!!!
What fun!!! When they do the next BlogHer, I am so there. Glad you are having such a great time! 🙂
This is really lots of fun being able to read what you’re doing at BlogHer! Hee hee! Too cool! As for the weather – this is truly the first bearable day after a two-week heat wave when every day was at least in the 90s, if not over 100. Today was awesome (yes, I actually got out of the house for a little while – just to go to the Vital Records office to register The Bug’s birth. Since she was born at home and they apparently won’t trust the word of a midwife, we and the midwife had to meet at the office and SHOW them the baby before we could get her birth certificate made. Der.).
What a fun time. I’m DEFINITELY going next year, even if I have to walk!
All your recaps are so spot on! I love that laptop by the pool shot. But even more, I love the pasties.