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Trying to Stay Awake

I think I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.

First, let me apologize to all my bloggy friends. The past week or so I’ve been horrible in keeping up with everyone’s blogs. Hopefully things will calm down and you’ll be seeing my smiling face on your comment section soon! (And if not, know I’m still there, reading the blog. I just don’t always have time to comment.)

It was a great few days, but now I’m totally exhausted. On Saturday Aaron had to be in Cincinnati for his final rehearsals for his stage combat class test. So Cordy and I went to the Festival Latino downtown for the morning. An entire festival that would have made some Republicans stammer and shake their fists at all the Spanish being spoken (and every social service booth that was there had materials in Spanish! as well as English). I only wish my Spanish-speaking abilities weren’t so rusty – I was a good student in school, but have forgotten a large amount over the years.

After that, we met up with Aaron in my hometown for dinner with my family to celebrate birthdays. Our family has three birthdays close together: Aaron’s on June 12, my mom’s on June 20, and mine on June 21. We had cake and cookies and opened gifts. The Aunt Dot crazy gift of the day this time was a cheap plastic hand-held fan (including two lone batteries in an already opened pack of 8), that she promptly broke when trying to put the batteries in it for us. My other relatives all pitched in to pay for three months of a YMCA membership for us, which was what I really wanted.

And, of course, as we left, we noticed the now-flat tire on the car. So we took our other car home. Aaron dropped me off again in the morning to get a new tire for the car since he was on his way to Cincinnati again for the actual stage combat test.

So Sunday started with driving a flat to the shop to get new tires. My mom came along with me to keep Cordy entertained. After that, it was an hour and a half drive to Oxford, OH, where we attended a birthday party. The guest of honor just turned 4 years old, and his parents are very good friends of ours – practically like siblings to us.

At the party, they had a pool set up. Last year, we tried to get Cordy into the pool, but she was terrified of the water. This year? Not so much.

Cordy actually allowed other children to dump water on her head! When the first cup of water was poured on her, I grabbed a towel and expected a shrieking toddler to come flying at me. But instead, she spit the water out of her mouth, shook her head, and laughed! I caught this on video, too, and will show her this video every time she throws a fit in the bathtub when it’s time to rinse her hair. No more fooling mama into thinking you’re being tortured with water on your head!

After the party, it was time for (yet another) long drive to Cincinnati. Aaron was finishing up his stage combat test, and we wanted to be there to support him. I dressed Cordy in her Father’s Day shirt:

Aaron loved seeing her in the shirt. And we had a reason to celebrate – he passed all of the weapons he tested for! A big party was held at his teacher’s house, and all the students and friends gathered there. Luckily, his teacher has children, so there were plenty of toys for Cordy to play with while we chatted with friends, grilled out and drank.

I forgot that I no longer have the alcohol tolerance I once had. A glass of wine, a Strongbow hard cider, a small sip of sparkling wine, and a shot of Captain Morgan’s private stock is too much for me now. In the past, it would have been an “appetizer”, but that selection of beverages left me rather tipsy. Apparently I passed all of my Irish blood on to my daughter and left none for myself. Once I was fit for the road again, we packed up Cordy, and I left for Columbus.


One last call for entries for my contest! I will accept entries up until 2pm Eastern time on June 21. I’m looking for a new tagline, a new logo, or a t-shirt design.

Some entries so far include:

mothergoosemouse – “This ain’t no show on TLC – this is Real Life!”

Sandra – A lovely design that can be found here.

Mrs.Fortune – This woman is on a roll (and oh so pun-ny): “Happily Never After” “Nappy Ever After” “It was the breast of times, it was the worst of times” “A mom, a plan, a canal, baby girl”

Her Bad Mother – She didn’t give me a specific entry, but there is much that could be done with this statement about Cordelia: “if any child has the power to match the imperially ambitious WonderBaby, it is this warrior child.” Amazon warrior princess, anyone?

So please keep the ideas flowing! Yes, I fully admit I’m being lazy and not hiring someone to create a new logo or sitting down and thinking of my own fabulous tagline. But I’m broke, and I know I have a group of brilliant mommy (and a daddy or two) readers, so why not put our heads together, right?


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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