Stunt Mommy

Thoughts that go through my mind right after I’ve fallen down the stairs:

  • Ow
  • Thank goodness I wasn’t carrying Cordy
  • I hate carpeted stairs
  • Ow, ow
  • Damn, I wasn’t even wearing socks this time (socks make it easier to slip)
  • Wow, first time I’ve really fallen down the stairs here.
  • Ow, ow, ow
  • For once, I’m glad my butt is well-padded

Yes, in fine klutz form, I fell down the stairs yesterday afternoon. It’s been over two years since I really took a tumble, so it caught me by surprise. I was upstairs doing laundry, then started walking down the stairs and around the second step down I overshot the step and slipped. At this point, the slow-motion fall took effect as I skidded down the stairs, unable to stop thanks to the evils of carpeted stairs. Finally, about half-way down, I managed to grab the handrail and stop myself.

Aaron was away for the day, so I was home alone with Cordy. She heard the loud thumps and came around the corner, looking up the staircase at me with her toddler innocence. Mama! she said, holding her empty sippy cup up to me. Who cares that you fell down the stairs – this sippy cup needs juice!

After sitting on the steps for a minute and assessing the injuries, I slowly got up and fulfilled the requests of my toddler boss. No rest for the injured mommy.

I have a history of falling down stairs. (Maybe that’s why we always lived in ranch style houses growing up?) A genetic predisposition to being clumsy + big feet = a danger to myself and others around staircases. I had become over-confident since my last fall, though. I wasn’t holding the handrail. I wasn’t consciously keeping track of where my feet were. There was no thought to the possibility of falling. Complacency is evil, folks.

Today I’m sore, but no permanent damage, other than making me extra cautious around the stairs again. And it means I will continue to hold Cordy’s hand when she makes any attempts to walk down stairs. Seeing her so far, there’s a good chance she’ll inherit my stunt-work.

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  1. Ouch. Thank goodness you weren’t carrying Miss Cordy. That is my BIGGEST fear in the house. I slept on an air matress on the floor of our living room for the first ten weeks of Aveline’s life because I was so scared of carrying her up and down the steps. We lived on the first floor.

    I am always thankful for the junk in my trunk when I fall. I don’t know what it would feel like to land on a bony butt.

  2. Oh No! I am so glad you are ok and that Cordy received her juice!!!!~

    I fell on outside stairs with Becca in my arms! I was so freaked out and hurt so bad b/c all I could think was “Do not let her get hurt” over and over again in my head!!!

    Again, Glad you are ok!

  3. I fall down steps a lot as well. We now live in a bi-level house. SONOFAMONKEY! While I didn’t fall down the steps today, I did cut the corner at the bottom too closely while running to get the laundry before Nick screamed… thus causing me to slam my arm and side off of the corner of the wall. It’s bruised.

    I am awesome. Glad there are no permanent injuries.

  4. I got that tshirt for my toddler because he is always tripping and falling. I have taken a few tumbles myself and it is the worst when you fall while holding a child. We also have super evil wallpaper that scrapes you when you try and put a hand out to help stop your fall. I am glad that you are ok and not injured.

  5. Mommy off the Record says

    “Who cares that you fell down the stairs – this sippy cup needs juice!”


    But glad that you’re OK! Pheww.

  6. Oh no. I am glad you are okay.

    We’d make a dangerous combination because I too am a huge clutz who has fallen down the stairs more times than I should admit. Once was actually a really serious one that had me in the hospital.

  7. Falling down the stairs is freakin scary. I always want to cry when it happens to me…even if I’m not hurt.

    But “my sippy cup needs juice!”? That was funny, my friend.

  8. I sure hope you didn’t get any rug burns along the way!

  9. OW ow ow ow ow ow ow and how scary. I have done that, and man is it scary.

    Hope your boo boo feels better soon 🙂

  10. AWWWWW I am so sorry! I hope you arent sore for long.

    I have never had stairs and we are moving soon into a house that has them. I am scared to death!

    LOL @ the juice. So cute!!!

  11. Kristi – Yeah, landing on a bony butt would have to hurt more.

    Jenna – OW! Sorry about the bruised arm. I do that all the time, too.

    Chelle – I’ve fallen with Cordy as well. It is so scary, isn’t it?

    Mommy off the Record – Hey, kid has priorities. As long as I’m well enough to get her juice, then all is fine.

    Awesome Mom – Cordy has that t-shirt as well!

    Sunshine Scribe – Hospitalized? Eeep! I’ve had to go to the hospital for falls, but never had to stay.

    Amy – Yeah, falling with Cordy is my worst nightmare, too. Wow, you grew fast!

    Jenny – I was surprised I didn’t cry, but I was home alone with Cordy so I felt like I had to keep it together for her.

    Domesticator – Nope, no rug burns, thank goodness.

    Rhonda – Thanks! I’m even more sore today, but I know the second day is generally worse than the first.

    Trish – Remember to use the handrails at all times. Best advice I can give you. 🙂

  12. Ouch, I’ve fallen down stairs a few times, but I always thought it was because I’m a blonde!

  13. Wow I felt sorry for you and was laughing all at the same time! Not because I’m mean, just because you have such a way with words.

    I am always afraid of falling with Squeaks in my arms. It must just be one of those mother things…

  14. Am a fellow clutz. Don’t even need stairs to fall down. Will just trip over own big (bigger post-preggo) feet.

    Hope you’re ok!

  15. lynsalyns says

    Juice = baby heroin in our house.

    I am so klutzy too. My dad used to mock me all the time and move any and all glassware out of my way. That’s what happens when you go from four feet to five-seven in six months – when you are 11!

    Glad you are OK. Glad you weren’t carrying the baby girl. That is my worst nightmare! 🙂

  16. It is only a matter of time before I take a huge tumble down our stairs, which are not only carpeted, but curvy. Also my cats like to sleep on them. I just hope that, like you, I’m not carrying the baby when I do fall. So far I’ve only skidded down a few and been able to stop myself. Knock on wood.

  17. One of many things that changed post-baby = stairs. Before baby, stairs were an innocent means of traveling from one floor to another. After baby … death trap (and a pain in the butt to vacuum – literally!).

    Glad you and Cordy are okay (and in juice-drinking and -serving condition).

  18. I am horrible about falling…super klutz, glad you weren’t hurt!

  19. I’ve fallen down the stairs so many times I’m pretty sure thats the only way to get down them.

  20. Without socks? Oy. That does take talent.

    I’m glad you’re OK. And that you weren’t carrying Cordy. Now go fill that sippy (at least your kid will drink from one – yeah, I know, wait until she’s 19 months and THEN ask for advice).