I’m nearly recovered from my fall down the stairs last weekend. I was stiff and sore for several days, but luckily there was no permanent damage.
Remember how I said it’s likely my daughter inherited my clumsy trait? I’m now pretty sure it’s true. I was planning to have some professional pics of her taken this week, but now they need to wait. Wednesday she tripped over her own feet (a common experience of her mommy) and fell. But she didn’t just fall – oh no, that would be too easy. She had to fall with style.
As she was falling, she twisted her body so the back of her head hit a wooden piece of furniture. And if that wasn’t enough, she grabbed a metal folding chair on the way down, pulling the chair down with her and smacking her in the forehead as it landed on her. The crying lasted for a half-hour.
A simple fall, that would have resulted in little to no injury, transformed into a fall as injury-laden as possible. The goose-egg that resulted on her head was impressive and blue. My mom didn’t want to take her out in public for fear that people would accuse her of beating the child. Today it’s faded to a purple-blue line at the top of her forehead. At least she heals quickly.
I believe I can now conclude that Cordelia has a future of embarrassing, clumsy moments ahead of her. Poor child. As long as she doesn’t trip over her crossing guard stick in 5th grade and break her arm, she shouldn’t be ridiculed too much. (Oh, the torment I had to live through.) Or maybe she’ll just have a visible bruise on her somewhere in every single school picture.
As for going out in public, I now have that covered:

That shirt is priceless.
I wouldn’t attribute it to clumsiness yet. She’s just curious and adventurous, sometimes to her detriment.
I’m glad her noggin is better though. Yow.
Love the shirt! I need one like that; I also have a way of falling with style.
Love the shirt 🙂 BTW, I read that you were looking for a new template and I just made one just messing around, if you want to see what it looks like go here: http://sandytemplates.blogspot.com/
Great shirt!
I too am a klutz and have passed along that trait to my poor son. Sigh
Awww, poor Cordy! And I must say I just love that shirt LOL!
Maybe she has a career in physical comedy ahead of her! I see it happening. Why can’t our kids inherit our best traits only?
Awwww poor little thing.
I can sympathize, Adam had a nice goose egg too, but from me…..ouch!
Correction: Daddy does stunts in theatre where he usually doesn’t get hurt.
I’ve suffered from doozies in my day. Rope burns on my hand come to mind, as does popping my knee out of socket.
That shirt is too much!
There are several months for which I have no photos of Bub because he spent them simply moving from one bruise or gash to another. I just had some portraits done of the Pie in preparation for the whole learning-to-walk era of constant minor injuries.
Any word yet about Aaron’s job?
Love the shirt!!! I think my daughter’s future is doomed as well. She’s full of bruises, just like her mommy.
I can’t get past her total and utter cuteness. Not sure how you deal with that all day long 🙂
Oh gosh! She’s too cute for a goose egg! My son gets them often. The child can’t walk without tripping on his own feet.
I’ve gotta get my kids one of those shirts, lol!
Okay, I’ll say it too… Fantastic shirt!
Think of it this way: She’s not a clutz, she’s an overachiever. Anyone can trip and fall but she took falling to a whole other level.
Ok I am loving that T!! I can so picture Becca with her eye patch wearing that!
As for being clumsy, she is cute so she will do it with style! (just like her mommy!)
And why, oh why, when they fall, do their injuries always result with a big old bruise on the face!
Must. Have. That. T-shirt!!!
(Whence the tee?)
And – poor Cordy. I lived that childhood. I fear that WB will live that childhood. But it makes you strong (not that she needs more strength, but still…)
Aww, poor baby. Sounds like my two! Hope she feels better. Anyway, the shirt is too cute!
Wow. She is talented. She sounds a lot like my Stella. Stella is 18 months old and I swear… accidents just follow her. She is always sporting some heinous injury that I have to justify and explain to daycare and relatives.
I need that shirt so I can finally take her one year portraits! (She’s almost 14 months now…) Everytime I plan to go, she takes a tumble and marks herself up.