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And Now I Ask For Help: A Contest (of sorts)

After being gifted with stuck reading my “Dear Google” help post, I now want to turn the tables to ask all of you for help.

I’m bored.

I’m bored with my header image and tagline. It was very nice to begin with (and I still am eternally grateful to Blog Makeover Diva for her amazing facelift work), but now I feel my tagline is just a little dull. It doesn’t really describe all that this blog is, or all that I am. Maybe I’m just hitting the 7-month itch, but I need something new, beyond just a blog facelift. I need to brand this baby.

Worst of all, I have nothing to put on a t-shirt. Because, of course, it’s all about pimpin’ da blog at Blogher! I need logo, or a catchy saying. I’ve managed to put together shirts for others, but not for myself. But summer is here and my mind has turned to mush, and so I’ve decided to make this into a pseudo-contest and get help from my brilliant, witty, talented readers.

The Pseudo-Contest:
1. Give me a suggestion for a new tagline, or if you’re less the wordy-type and more the graphic-type, suggest a new logo (if you are able to design it, even better!). Hell, if you come up with a better name for the site, I’ll consider that as well!

2. Either post your suggestions here, link to them from your site, or e-mail me with your ideas.

3. Winner(s) will be chosen by myself.

4. What do you win? You may choose a shirt for yourself or your little one from my Cafepress store. Right now there are only two designs – if the “Woman, Daughter, Wife, Mother, Blogger” shirt doesn’t quite fit your personal set of labels (like, say you’re not a wife, or not a woman), I’d be happy to re-do the shirt to whatever labels you would like. Plus, if you’re attending Blogher, I will gladly buy your first drink. (More stuff may be added to the prize winnings, if possible. I’m poor, and we’re still waiting on Aaron’s job offer.)

That’s the details for now. You’ve got until my 30th birthday, which is June 21. I hope to reveal the new tagline/logo/whatever on my birthday.

So help a mommy blogger out and give me some of your creativity. You’re all smart people, you know my blog well, and I know you can help me better than Yahoo! Answers could.

A little help here, please?

Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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