It’s been awhile since I had a mean comment on my blog. So I was a little surprised when I saw this one today:
I am always amazed by you proud mother types. You seem to have this mentality that by being a mother that you’re some kind of super hero or something. You squeezed out a kid and now you take care of it. Big deal, people and other forms of life have been doing that since higher forms of life have evolved on earth. The average American produces 1,500 pounds of waste a year. You created something that will add to that, wow…what a hero you are.
The comment was in reference to this post. So, to M. Anonymous, AKA 216.55.112 in Livonia, MI, I say this: read the site, man. If you did, you’d know that I didn’t squeeze out a kid – she was cut out of me, thank you very much.
And do you tell that little rant to your mother? Thanks for life, mom, but you really shouldn’t have. I’m just creating more waste on this here planet and should have never been born. Well, anonymous, I couldn’t agree with you more on that one. Oh, and I only have one child, so our family is still at a -1 on the population scale. Don’t argue waste until we’re at +1, OK?
Truth is, a mom is a superhero. Creating and nurturing life may seem like a common, animalistic occurrence to you, but without moms of this world giving a damn and taking an interest in their children, the human race wouldn’t exactly be a higher form of life. Anyone else with me on this?
And now, to some lighter fare: contests! The contest over at Red Stapler is nearing the end. Five more days to get your name in the hat for a chance to win your admission to Blogher 06. It couldn’t be easier, either – all you have to do is leave her a comment! The two day admissions are sold out, so if you still want to go, you’d better get over there and leave Sue a witty comment soon!
Also, Her Bad Mother announced her own contest today. Consider it a feel-the-love type of contest. The rules are to write up a post about women in the blogosphere who have made some difference to your life. It can be sentimental, downright sappy, or funny and lighthearted. Just write it before Mother’s Day, post it to your blog, and let HBM know so she can give you some link love in return. Then on Mother’s Day, she’ll showcase all of the feel-good posts. Now’s your chance to let those you read every day know they’re not just writing to hear the keys typing.
And finally, I was surfing over to the Crazy Hip Blog Mamas site yesterday to make my voting choice for the week, and I noticed A Mommy Story on the list. Wha? Me? *blink blink* Really? Someone nominated me, and I didn’t even have to ask them to? I’m floored. A big thank you to whoever it was. I don’t even care if I ever win, I’m just thrilled to have been nominated!
Dude, you made the lady’s day.

Trolls are evil!
Great response to his stupidity!
Good Luck with CHBM!
Hehe Loving the hat! When my daughter allowed hats on her head we always had the big floppy ones too!
First of all, it’s so obvious that person did not have a baby EVER – no one who has had a child would ever say that. So, please, total ignorance.
However, I know people in Livonia -it’s not a bad town – but it does have its ghetto moments.
Congrats on the nomination. I’m headed over there now.
First of all, congrats on the nomination! I’m fairly new to your blog, but I’m enjoying you!!!
Second, you are not alone. Mothers are special. That troll is probably part of that koolaid nonsense…
Guess what..we are ALL superheros in my book. That troll can go….well you know what I mean.
Congrats on your nomination! You go girl!
And the pic of Cordy…just precious 🙂
cool on the nomination…..
and let the troll, just trollllalllalllooo on out of here
Great comeback to the troll! Once again you’ve demonstrated why you deserve that nomination for MOTW. I’m off to vote…
But before I go I had to say that Cordy is a cutie pie!
I can’t believe someone could say something like that. What a waste of a minute of our lives reading that garbage.
You are a superhero. *We* are superheroes.
(We make human beings, we nurture them and make them grow, *and* we smack down trolls. We rock.)
Could I get more rah-rah? RAH-RAH!!
Oh, and thanks for helping put out the word about the love-in! Another reason why you rock.
OMG, I can’t believe someone posted that ridiculously rude comment. If only we had his/her email address and could SPAM the heck out of em.
And congrats on the nomination. Well-deserved. I have a feeling you will win very soon!
Aaron recently quoted “The Crow” in his superhero blog:
“Mother is the name of god on the lips and hearts of all children.”
What a freaking troll. Oh. My. God. Obviously not a mother and one who never needs to be one. So, Anonymous, up yours.
Congrats on the nomination! And thanks for telling me about the contests.
I work in Livonia. And as motherhooduncensured said, it DOES have it’s ghetto moments and idiots. (middle finger to the troll) You mom should have opted to eliminate the ‘waste’ and save us the hassle.
Happy Early Mom Day to ya’ all!
Nice way to deal with such a troll.
And chicky, duh, you so deserve to be nominated. I’m off to vote right now!
***APPLAUSE*** Moms 1 Trolls 0 !
What kills me is they wont say who they are, if that is your opinion why hide. Doesnt come across very strong if your undercover.
Congrat on the nomination =)
Ummm… why would that troll read a blog called “A Mommy Story” if they have a problem with Moms??? Maybe they need to find a troll-related blog to post on where he/she is free to post bitter thoughts under their real name and not anonymously.
Congrats on the nomination!! You totally deserve it. As for mommy superheroes, I’d like to think I am one. Granted, I only have one child so moms with 2, 3, 4 or more kids are the real superheroes as far as I’m concerned, but I’d still like to think I’m in there somewhere. I agree with Aaron, as far as our kids are concerned, there’s nothing we can’t fix!
Woo-hoo! Congrats on the nomination. 🙂 Hopefully you won’t have a baby on the day you win. Haha.
I agree with you, moms are superheros, able to leap tall buildings while being pooped and peed on. And being from Michigan, I can tell you Livonia sucks. Haha.
That is a brilliant idea. I want to create that blog now. Call it “Under the bridge – A home for trolls”
Parents (not just mommys, but daddys too) are totally superheroes. We’re the only real-world superheroes, in fact. Try to convince a small child that there is something, anything, that mommy or daddy can’t do.
I actually recently had a post on my blog talking about that very idea.
I think your rebuttal to anonymous was perfect. Obviously, this is someone who has issues with his/her mother and becoming a parent. Too bad they have no idea they’re missing out on one of the greatest joys in life….
Obnoxious little troll bugger, wasn’t she?
I’ll agree that some moms are super heros but some are super villians…and I would wager than miss anonymous grew up with the latter. Don’t let the bastards get you down, Supermom.
Ah, anonymous trolls. They are love.
Ah, BlogHer. Enjoy!