The Things I Hear

My daughter is at that wonderful stage where she talks nonstop, but most of it is nonsense babbling. Real words, however, seem to find their way out of her mouth at random times, and sometimes in random arrangements. I am curious just how much she really understands about what she’s saying.

Two days ago, we reached a new milestone: the first sentence. It was while we were in the car:

Cordy: (holding hands palm up and out to the side) Where?
Me: Where what?
Cordy: Where go?
Me: We’re going to Miss Lisa’s house, and you’ll get to see Ben.
Cordy: Oh no!

We repeated this entire conversation, word-for-word, three times before we arrived. I don’t think she meant the “Oh no!” since she was happy when we got there. But it was interesting to actually have a full conversation with her.

She’s also still in the “no” phase. If you ask her a question, the response is “no” 90% of the time. It’s done nothing but teach me to not ask her questions, because the response is entirely unreliable:

Me: Cordy, do you want a banana?
Cordy: No.
Me: OK then.
Cordy: Waaaa! (now upset that I’ve mentioned banana, but not produced one for her to eat)
Me: (getting banana and offering it to her) You need to say yes when you want the banana. Now, do you want to eat a banana?
Cordy: (as she takes a bite) No.

But of all the things we hear from her, the oddest phrase came from her tonight:

Me: I think it’s time to get you ready for bed, Cordy.
Cordy: abwabenu I’ll kill you nebrunentos.
(stunned silence)
Me: Did you hear what I just heard?
Aaron: I think I did.
Me: Did she just say I’ll kill you?
Aaron: That’s what I heard.

Maybe it was just nonsense babble that we interpreted as “I’ll kill you”. Maybe she really didn’t want to go to bed. Who knows? I have no idea where she would have even learned those words, since we don’t say that, and her TV time is strictly supervised.

And then right before bed, she climbed into Aaron’s lap and said “Kiss me”. Again, stunned looks from both of us.

If she starts spouting political theory or biblical passages tomorrow, I’m calling in an exorcist. Just to be safe.

‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves…
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  1. I love that stage, too. I’m raising my 2 year old granddaughter. She now has an imaginary friend. She told me the other day, “Nana, my sister live upstairs.” I said, “What?” knowing she has no sister. “Nana, my sister, Pooney.” Now it’s morphed to “my Pooney sister.” “Nana, my Pooney sister go shop with us, otay?” I can’t wait for the next thing.

  2. Holy crap! I’d have an exorcist on call too, just to be safe. ha ha! That’s SO sweet about the “kiss me,” though. Heeeeeee… I love it when they start talking. I think they understand WAY more WAY earlier than we usually think they do. It took me a while, but I eventually discovered that when Sweet Pea is eyeing me with a look which I usually read as, “You’re totally insane,” what she is actually doing is soaking up every single thing I’m telling her. It inevitably comes out later, with obvious complete understanding. Wild. Ya gotta love it.

  3. Yeah, we’re starting that with Hala here too. She seriously has entire conversations with us that we sometimes get a word out of.

    “aaabgaaahahah a kitty cat poop abaaagaaaaa bee boooo”

  4. Isn’t it the best when they realise they can actually COMMUNICATE with you and you UNDERSTAND IT!! I dont know who gets more excited us or them! WTG Cordy!!

  5. My son is at the same stage. It’s funny when he’s babbling and then we hear shark or whale and he seems genuinuely upset if we don’t know what he’s talking about. What I find even more exciting is that he’s “drawing” pictures and then telling me what they are. He’ll hand me some scribbles and say, Nay Nay! Could he really think he drew a horse? When I ask him, he says Yeah!

  6. I’ll kill you? What are you letting her watch? Just kidding.

    Someone else’s kid said bitch the other day. Oh wait – that was Mine!

  7. OH my! Maybe she heard teh “You kicked my dog” clip?

    Must get voices out of my head….

  8. That’s hilarious! What a cutie! Though, hmm “I’ll kill you” is a little frighening! 😉

  9. I secretly wish “I’ll kill you” was her first sentence. Imagine the dinner conversations 20 years from now. Hysterical.

  10. that is hilarious. it’s amazing how much children really retain. my daughter now lovingly refers to our dog as a “pain in the ass.”

  11. *There’s* your t-shirt. Warhol-style/reverse image of Cordy; caption, “I’ll kill you.”

    Too twisted?

    (And if she starts spouting political theory, send her to me. Get her off of the Nietzsche – who she’s clearly gotten into – and onto the kinder, gentler philosophers. Kant, maybe.)

  12. hahaha!!

    My daughter went through the no phase too. Now she is onto the “PPPPEEESSSEEE” aka please…but she sounds so desperate to be given an apple!

  13. Now that is too funny. One of my son’s first words was “potato”. And he’d say it all the time. People would be like why does he say potato so much do you feed it to him everyday. The thing was never. He’d never seen a potato. Until I realized it was from a WIGGLES SONG?! Funny age :

    Cute photo

  14. How old is your daughter? My son is 20 months old. He says no to everything. Even when he wants something. I think he just likes to assert himself. But the other day, he decided to learn the word “truck”. He says it perfectly and then all of sudden we’re outside and then neighbor’s truck pulled into the driveway. Dawson screams, “Ferrruck”. I almost had a heart attack thinking the other naughtier word is soon to accidentally follow!