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Stupid Celebrity Post

Normally I’m not one to discuss celebrity news stories here on this blog. Don’t get me wrong – I love me some celebrity gossip. I’ve been known to comment on celebrity stories on Blogging Baby. However, the celebrity beat usually isn’t my thing for this blog. But lately a few celebrities and their pure idiocy have pushed me to the point that I can no longer contain my opinions.

Britney & KFed: If these two don’t personify the shallow end of the gene pool, I don’t know who else does. They have a son under a year old, and now the news has leaked that Britney is pregnant once again. Rumors have spread that she wanted another baby to save her marriage. Others say she just really wants a girl.

Whatever the reason, these two are a perfect example of why parents should require a license. So far, their son has endured a concussion, a drive down the highway in the driver’s seat on his mother’s lap without a restraint, and outings with an uninterested mother while the nanny cares for him. Poor guy, not even a year old yet and already his mom is uninterested in him and focusing on her next.

Yes, they’re in the public eye, and yes the media hounds them. Too bad. When you decided to become a celebrity, you signed on to the public being interested in you. It’s just a shame you’re not more interesting persons, other than for scandal.

Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes: This one scares me. A lot. See, as a teenager I found Tom Cruise to be a hottie. Just like Katie, I grew up thinking he was one of the sexiest men alive. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I watched Far & Away.

However, ever since this whole baby thing, Tom is about as attractive to me as Karl Rove & Cheney offering a 3-some. There’s this crazed look in his eyes now. At first I couldn’t place it, but now it’s clear to me. It’s the look of a man in control, and I don’t mean control in a good way. I know this look – it’s the look my father always has.

Since little Suri was born, Tom has been seen at every movie premiere, bragging about being a new dad. Yet while he was in Europe, where was the baby? Back home, of course, presumably with Katie. Tabloids are also reporting that Tom has been pushing Katie to start working out to get back into shape.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to get back into shape. But two weeks after having a baby? Again, my thoughts drift to my father. He insisted my mom stay in shape. My mother had to always be dressed nicely with her hair done and makeup applied when they were together. He restricted her food while she was pregnant, and belittled her to get her to shape up after I was born. My mom breastfed me for only a couple of months, because my father didn’t like her breasts being functional. He thought it was primitive and gross, and so I was switched to formula.

And today, we saw pictures of Katie at her first outing. She’s slim and beautiful. She’s still sporting a small belly, but otherwise, she looks amazing. The first thing I noticed, however, was the lack of milk-producing breasts. Look closely at the pictures – those are NOT working boobs. No way, no how. Sure, they’ve travelled south a bit, as most post-preg breasts do, but they’re way too deflated to be in production.

It makes me sad to think that they most likely never even tried breastfeeding, probably because it would be inconvenient for Mr. Cruise. He needs his girl to be looking just right for all those premieres, and leaky boobs wouldn’t be the look he was going for. Nevermind that breastfeeding boobs would have been three times as big, and guarantee that everyone was looking at Katie, or well, at least her rack. Oh wait, Tom wants people looking at him, not her.

Once they finally show the baby in public, I will bet nearly anything that he will be the one showing Suri off while Katie stands quietly behind, waiting to change Suri’s diaper or give her a bottle. How do I know? Again, Mr. Cruise and my father have that exact same look in their eyes. While my parents were married, my mother wasn’t allowed to touch me other than to stop my crying, change my diaper or feed me. She did all the work, and other than that, I was his little prize to show off to his friends. He bragged to his friends about being a dad, but did nothing to prove he did anything other than provide half of the genetic code.

You’ll notice that any news of TomKat has come from Tom. Katie no longer has a voice. He announced that her name is now Kate, which is a name better-fitting a woman who has given birth. Had this come from Katie herself, I would have given it more credit. But she has become invisible, showing herself only when Tom wants her to.

I could be totally off on all of this. I know that the seedy underbelly of the media can twist facts to present celebrities as heroes or villains. We don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. However, I have a strong feeling I’m right, just based off of the look in his eyes. Katie, dear, it’s not too late to get away. You don’t need a man to tell you what to do and where to go. Be a strong woman, and provide a good role model for your daughter. Don’t hide behind a man who speaks for you.


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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