The strangest thing happened this morning. I woke up and squinted as I glanced at the window. What is this bright light? I looked out the window, nearly blinded as I wondered Where did this big glowing ball of fire come from? Then I remembered it was the sun, which I haven’t seen in five days. After five days of nothing but clouds and rain, it’s easy to forget about the sun.
It was only a brief appearance, however. The sun gave us a quick morning light, then spurned us as clouds and rain returned. I was thankful for this unexpected appearance, however, since we weren’t expecting to see the sun for another week. Yes, it’s going to continue raining here for another week. Plus it’s going to stay colder than normal. You’d think we lived in northern Scotland, and not Ohio.
Mother’s Day was OK here, aside from the rain and the cold, and Aaron’s grumpy mood. He spent the entire weekend in a funk, for some unknown reason. We visited with my family for the afternoon. My mom was thrilled that I got her a subscription to Bee Culture magazine. (She does beekeeping as a hobby.) I received the Chronicles of Narnia on DVD, plus a box of chocolates from Aaron. Choxie chocolates, my favorites.
My crazy great aunt continued her weird gift-giving habits, and from her I got a small tin of off-brand mixed nuts and a boxed cake mix. Yes, a cake mix – some assembly required. Then again, I should have expected something like that.
After a miserable Friday and a so-so Saturday, Cordelia was in high-spirits, even though she still didn’t feel good. She put on a brave face, however, and gave little indication that she was still sick, other than eating and drinking very little. We’re still dealing with diarrhea, but it’s not coming as often now, thank goodness.
I still need to make flight reservations for Blogher. Anyone have any tips on getting the best deal possible? I hate paying so much for a flight when the prices are changing so often. I worry I’ll make the reservation, and then the next day the price will be lower.
Also, speaking of Blogher, just a reminder that today is the last day for Sue’s contest over at Red Stapler. If you’re even remotely considering going to Blogher, get over there and make a comment on any of her recent posts. It’s that easy!
I have to say that the mommy blogger love-fest over the weekend was so heartwarming. It was so nice to see the compliments and goodwill towards each other. Far better than some of the mean-spirited posts others choose to make in the name of “satire”.
Sure, we all love the comments. I’ll freely admit that every comment I get makes me do a little happy dance. But knowing that your writing is making a difference to someone else in some way is an even better feeling.
Next post for me will be a meme that I promised Mommy off the Record I would do last week. Stay tuned.
PS – Aaron’s interview on Friday went well. Now we’re in the uncomfortable waiting stage. Keep your fingers crossed that he gets the job!

I hear you on the rain…I am sooo sick of it!Wow, your Mom does beekeeping as a hobby? How neat is that.
Glad the interview went well…sending positive thoughts your way!
First of all, happy late Mothers Day to you!
It’s been extremely rainy and cold here to. It’s so not normal weather! I’m just glad I’m going to the beach tomorow.
I liked your list of mommy bloggers. I’ll have to check some of them out that I dont already read.
Good luck to your hubs.
Blogher flight advice: DO NOT FLY INTO SFO (San Francisco)! Even if it costs a little bit more, fly to SJC (San Jose). I am serious. Getting to and from SFO is NOT WORTH IT. I know this. I live here. Please believe me. The San Jose airport is much smaller and much more centrally located, especially considering that the conference is *in* San Jose. Traffic sucks in the entire SF Bay Area, but getting to your hotel will be imminently easier from SJC than from SFO. And take literally at least an hour less. Seriously. Don’t fly to SFO.
Cake mix…the ungift. Don’t feel bad. I got giant grandma panties from my great aunt for years and years. With 2 safety pins I could make them into full leotards.
My fingers are SOOOO crossed!!
So glad Cordy is feeling better, that your weekend was pretty good overall and you enjoyed basking in the love that comes from your fellow bloggers! I was a little concerned about those that pick at every celebration, but I guess this one doesn’t get the same treatment because everyone has a mother!!
p.s I love the comments too..makes me all warm and fuzzy inside!
I second what Violet said. SJ airport is so much easier to get out of. Its not the nicest of airports (at least it wasn’t the last time I was there but I think they were making improvements) but what you lose in restaurants and shops and seating in the waiting areas you make up with not having to drive out of SF.
And I also agree on the comments. Can I see your happy dance now? Does it involve any poppin’ and lockin’? 🙂
Wow, cake mix. Maybe she had a coupon or something. I hope she doesn’t expect you to make it for her.
As weird gifts go, my father’s girlfriend (whom I’ve never met) sent me a bra. How’s that for a “gift.”
Hope you see the sun soon!
It is raining here today too – no fun.
I can’t believe someone bought you a cake mix – that is really funny. I love it.
Fingers and toes crossed that you get some good news about the interview 🙂
The sun came out here in MD yesterday! But ir rained last night. The rain is just so depressing sometimes. Blah!
My Granny used to give like your Aunt. I was giggling while I was reading it, because it just makes you wonder what the thought process is that makes one buy a box of cake mix.
GOOD LUCK to Hubby!!!
Cake mix from a dotty aunt isn’t so bad. One year for my birthday my husband gave me a tin of tuna and a chocolate bar – Snickers.
Needless to say, it hasn’t happened since. He has been schooled….
I’m just here to see the happy dance.
I found Orbitz had the best deals overall, although I’m not sure what the deal is flying from OH. The only direct flights I found from NY to San Jose were on Jet Blue. America West may have some good deals. Another option is to fly in through San Francisco which is leess than an hour away, and get a good rental car deal from Priceline.
Hope some of this helps. Happy mama’s day back to you.
domesticator – Yes, she hopes to do more beekeeping when she retires. The best part is that we all get gifts of honey from her bees – yum!
Violet – Good advice, especially since Bloger is being held at a hotel right at the SJ airport.
T – Yeah, that would be grounds for some serious schooling, I think. 🙂
Mom101 – Thanks for the tip – I hadn’t tried Orbitz yet.
Oh, and the happy dance? Think of the Numa Numa guy. Maybe I’ll find a video of something similar to show you…
(Loved the love myself, obviously. And you’re always such a big part of it, every day.)
I know what you mean about rain…
It’s rained for 3 days here and finally, today, the sun peeked out!
I’m glad you had a good Mother’s Day!
Waiting is so hard! My toes are so crossed for you guys!
On tbe BlogHer ticket, you may want to consider booking a direct flight from Cincinnati, since you’ll likely have to connect through there anyway. It will be cheaper and then you don’t have to worry about the layover, which always chaps my ass because I could drive home in the hour and a half I end up sitting at the airport.