Just when I start to convince myself that humanity as a whole is good and loving and caring, I get a few news stories thrown in my face to counter that argument.
I’ve been really feeling the love since this past weekend. HBM’s mommy-blogger love-fest was a huge hit, as can be seen by the awe-inspiring number of bloggers who joined in. I thought to myself, maybe the world isn’t so screwed up. Just look what can happen when a few people get together to spread a little love.
And then I read this over at Diary of a Reluctant Housewife. And my jaw dropped. Someone is actually encouraging white people to have more babies to counter the number of minority children being born. Can someone really be so racist and stupid as to suggest something like this on national TV? And can a network be so insensitive and backwards as to let this guy keep his job?
Babies are babies. It doesn’t matter if they’re black, white, green, whatever. And a person’s skin color doesn’t determine what kind of a person they are, or what they will become. So Mr. Moron, get your head out of your ass and apologize, OK? Or do us all a favor and NOT reproduce, so you won’t pass on that level of hatred to a new generation.
OK, just one person, right? Oh sure, I mean, W. manages to depress me nearly every day, but that’s become a constant in my life. And besides, the more his public favor numbers drop, the more hope I have that some have finally seen the light.
But then I just saw this news story on Yahoo headlines. A small town in Missouri had a law on its books preventing more than three people who are not related to live together. I assume this was put into effect many years ago to prevent homes of prostitution. But it is now affecting unmarried couples with children. A couple with three children were not allowed to move into their home because of this law. So they took it up with the city council.
Sounds simple, right? An antiquated law on the books, ignored for years, just like all those other laws prohibiting sodomy, dressing your dog in clothing, and smoking on the third Saturday of the month when there’s a full moon. Here’s the twist, though: the city council voted to UPHOLD THE LAW! As in, they believed that unmarried couples should not be allowed to live in their town. Now, in this little town outside St. Louis, unmarried couples with children will face eviction. They’re essentially being run out of town for not getting married.
Gee, I wonder what this town would do to a gay couple? I think they might bring out the torches and pitchforks for them.
Again, I am baffled by the stupidity in that town. So just because a couple chooses to not get that legal document declaring them a committed couple, they are not allowed to live in your town? A piece of paper does not guarantee a happy relationship or raising children properly. Aaron and I got married, but it was because we both wanted to. There are those who don’t see the need for the paperwork and can be just as committed to each other as any married couple. Besides, with the divorce rate hovering at 50%, it’s clear that marriage is not the cure-all for society’s ills.
So I do still believe there are nice people in the world. I’ve met some of them, and I like to think myself one of them. But I also know that there are plenty of nutjobs to go around as well. These two stories are just the tip of the iceberg.

Wow, being an unmarried parent who lives with my boyfriend and our daughter, that second story REALLY pisses me off!
I still can’t believe that news anchor didn’t lose his job. What an ignorant pr*ck.
YIKES You really nailed it on that one.
I often wonder how it is that when stupid people are also ignorant, their heads don’t explode. The world would be a lot messier, but we wouldn’t have to deal with these whack-jobs.
I saw both these stories other places today, too. Un-fucking-believable. What the HELL is wrong with people?
That is just scary. My hubs and I would have been railroaded right out of town for years!
As for the other, I have no words for that type of ignorance.
that is baffling, I agree
Jerri Ann
[email protected]
Well…I … we would not be welcome in the loop of the white baby boomers, since My husband is a “interracial” person and well therefore so is my daughter!!
Racial tensions and hatred freak me out. I just cannot understand.
Psha on the old law…that is just just LAME!
I have felt exactly the same thoughts. However, I love blog-dom in that I can visit only those blogs–that I like! Not like in real life–where we are surrounded and inundated with ….well….I won’t even type it! I have found many inspirational blogs–one’s who connect lives and hearts in very meaningful ways. It is there that I park!
Good to visit your blog! Diane
OMG. I can’t believe the ignorance of people! It is scary.
Oh that is so sad.
But I would like to see a green child…
Is that for real? WTF? I can’t believe any network would even air that. But it doesn’t totally surprise me. The human race embarrasses me sometimes…
Things like this hit closer to home than I can talk about in my blog. SIgh. THings like this, that set us back decades… make me want to curl up and cry forever. My heart aches.
Gee, what is going on? I think some people are headed backwards. What is wrong with FOX news that they would actually allow air time to someone like that?
Other states have a similar law. I thought awhile back I heard of a town in NC or something that had a not-married, can’t-live-together law. And as far as the racial thing, hello? This is 2006. Someone fire his ass.
Wow. I am speechless.
Yesterdray hubby got a job offer in the US and has been selling hard for us to move south. Your post scarred me shitless and just gave me two more points for my arguement to stay put.
I love all my US bloggy buddies and so I really, really don’t mean to offend. But wow – I can’t believe there are laws like that and that Fox hasn’t publically retracted his statement and fired his ass.
I am shocked!
As a engaged couple with children I guess we would be thrown out on our arses!
Ridiculous is all I can say!
I love when you use your blog to bring these kinds of issues to light. That reminds me of the law in PA where 6 women can’t live together in a house because then it would be considered a brothel. That being said, it did help my sister-in-law win the argument with her parents to live with guys her senior year of college.
That does it. I’m moving to Canada.
I just saw that Fox story too. I’m nauseous over it. But just when I’m thinking the world has gone to shit, I see that you got yourself a free BlogHer ticket. Womanhood is the future of the human race! (and can’t wait to meet you live and in person)