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News & Praise

We got some news today regarding the job Aaron’s been trying for. He’s now on to the next and final round. Yes, we thought the last round was the final round, but apparently there’s one more hoop to jump through, and it involves interviewing with some of the heads of the agency.

The HR person who contacted him was even nice enough to give him tips for this interview. She said another person’s interview at this level had not gone well, and she didn’t want to interview anyone else. He meets with them on Friday.

Thank you all for the good thoughts so far – keep it up!


In other news, I need to take a moment and offer up a little praise for my cats. I know some of you are dog people, and some of you just don’t like cats at all, but my cats deserve a little recognition. They’re not your normal, standoff-ish, butt in your face cats.

First, the two boys are Siamese. My favorite breed, they are a cross between dogs and humans wrapped in a cat’s body. They think they are human, and unlike many cats who demand you deal with them on their terms, Siamese need their people. Without people they are lonely and sad. One might even call them codependent.

But not only do our kitties shower us with furry love, they also earn their keep. When we moved into our new house, we found a lot of spiders. Anyone who knows me knows that I am terrified of spiders. I hate them and their eight legs and their beady eyes.

I have a long-standing treaty with the spider species: if they remain outside the walls of my house and off of me and my family, I shall do them no harm. But if they come into my house, they forfeit their right to live. Sadly, many of them didn’t get the message, or chose to ignore it, and so have lost their lives.

One morning while still pregnant, I came downstairs to be greeted with a giant spider body at the foot of the stairs. I shrieked at first, then realized it was dead. Dante, my blue-point Siamese, was there next to it, proudly showing off his trophy. I gave him lots of praise as I disposed of the spider corpse.

Dante does a good job of dealing with spiders, although he has a tendency to play with them for too long, enabling some to escape. Then we got Marlowe, our kitten. Marlowe has more of the predatory instinct in him, along with a love of fresh spider for dinner.

These past few weeks, thanks to the nearly unending streak of rain, the spiders have been crossing territory lines in high numbers. And thankfully I am not greeted with spider bodies each day. Dante and Marlowe work together as a team to wear the spider down, and then Marlowe goes for the kill and eats the spider. Sometimes the spider fights back, but Marlowe doesn’t let a little pinch on the nose or mouth stop him. Each time I see a spider devoured, I reach for the treats and give both cats lots of praise.

But Marlowe has proven useful in other ways as well. He cleans up the crumbs Cordy drops when eating. (See? I told you they’re like dogs!) He also doesn’t limit his fresh meat to spiders. He also enjoys an occasional stray ant and moth.

After the perimeter has been patrolled and all arachnids are exterminated, the cats then provide the service of lap warmer to me on the couch. Who can resist service like that?


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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