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Meme Time

As promised, today is meme day. I was tagged by Mommy Off the Record last week, and now I’m finally going to make good on it.

So, without further ado, take a peek a little further into my soul:

I AM: a woman, a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a blogger. And I have a t-shirt so no one will forget it.

I WANT: Aaron to get this job he interviewed for.

I WISH: I could stay home more with Cordelia

I HATE: George W. Bush and all his cronies. Oh, and people who think mommy bloggers are a waste of bandwidth.

I MISS: all my friends back in Oxford, OH. We never get to see them enough.

I FEAR: crazy people who are willing to kill others over a belief in something that cannot be proven one way or another.

I HEAR: that Farrah hairdos are making a comeback, and I don’t like it one bit.

I WONDER: if having curves will ever come back into style?

I REGRET: not taking more classes on writing when I was in college.

I AM NOT: a 40-something overweight single man pretending to be a mommy blogger to prey on young moms. I swear.

I DANCE: rarely now, but I used to do Irish dancing.

I SING: along with musicals all the time in the car.

I CRY: at those “Having a baby changes everything” commercials.

I AM NOT ALWAYS: as interactive with my daughter as I should be. I confess to letting her watch TV so I can get things done.

I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: nothing food related, that’s for sure. I’m a lousy cook.

I WRITE: better than many, based on the message boards I’ve read on the internet, but not as well as many of my peers.

I CONFUSE: Aaron with my ability to change my mind in an instant.

I NEED: more sleep. (Doesn’t every mom answer this question with “more sleep”?)

I SHOULD: hurry to finish this list and get back to work.

I START: (or rather, We Start) trying for our second child later this summer, I hope.

I FINISH: each post wondering if anyone will read it. (Low self-esteem, you say? Why, yes!)

And now I must tag others, as these little games go. So, if you’re reading this post and thought, “Hey, that was kinda fun!” then you’re tagged!

Oh, and for those who want to see my happy dance: I’d like to say I dance like this, or maybe like this (I LOVE this video), but sadly it’s more like this in reality.


Christina is a married mom of two daughters from Columbus, Ohio, and has been blogging at A Mommy Story since 2005.

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